Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Constructor De Acciones De Forex

404 significa que el archivo no se encuentra. Si ya ha subido el archivo, el nombre puede estar mal escrito o está en una carpeta diferente.

Otras posibles causas

Puede obtener un error 404 para las imágenes porque tiene Hot Link Protection activado y el dominio no está en la lista de dominios autorizados.

Si va a su url temporal (http: // ip /

Username /) y obtener este error, tal vez un problema con el conjunto de reglas almacenadas en un archivo. htaccess. Puede intentar cambiar el nombre de ese archivo a. htaccess-backup y actualizar el sitio para ver si se resuelve el problema.

También es posible que haya borrado su raíz de documento de forma inadvertida o que su cuenta tenga que ser recreada. De cualquier manera, póngase en contacto con HostGator inmediatamente a través de teléfono o chat en vivo para que podamos diagnosticar el problema.

Estás usando WordPress? Consulte la sección sobre errores 404 después de hacer clic en un enlace de WordPress.

Archivos perdidos o rotos

Cuando obtenga un error 404 asegúrese de comprobar la URL que está intentando utilizar en su navegador. Esto le dice al servidor qué recurso debe intentar solicitar.

En este ejemplo, el archivo debe estar en public_html / example / Example /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que hacen cumplir la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas y E xample no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Para los dominios addon, el archivo debe estar en public_html / addondomain. com / example / Example / y los nombres distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.

Imagen rota

Cuando usted tiene una imagen que falta en su sitio usted puede ver una caja en su página con con una X roja donde la imagen falta. Haga clic derecho en la X y elija Propiedades. Las propiedades le dirán la ruta y el nombre de archivo que no se pueden encontrar.

Esto varía según el navegador, si no ves una casilla en tu página con una X roja, haz clic derecho en la página, luego selecciona Ver información de la página y ve a la pestaña Medios.

En este ejemplo, el archivo de imagen debe estar en public_html / images /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que imponen la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas PNG y png no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

Cuando se encuentra con un error 404 en WordPress, tiene dos opciones para corregirlo.

Opción 1: Corregir los Permalinks

Inicie sesión en WordPress.

En el menú de navegación de la izquierda de WordPress, haga clic en Configuración & gt; Permalinks (Observe la configuración actual.) Si está utilizando una estructura personalizada, copie o guarde la estructura personalizada en alguna parte.

Seleccione Predeterminado.

Haga clic en Guardar configuración.

Cambie la configuración de nuevo a la configuración anterior (antes de seleccionar Default). Vuelva a poner la estructura personalizada si tenía uno.

Haga clic en Guardar configuración.

Esto restablecerá los permalinks y solucionará el problema en muchos casos. Si esto no funciona, puede que tenga que editar su archivo. htaccess directamente.

Opción 2: Modificar el archivo. htaccess

Agregue el siguiente fragmento de código a la parte superior de su archivo. htaccess:

# BEGIN WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite. c & gt; RewriteEngine En RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index. php $ - [L] RewriteCond%! - f RewriteCond%! - d RewriteRule. /index. php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # End WordPress

Si su blog está mostrando el nombre de dominio incorrecto en los enlaces, redirigir a otro sitio, o falta imágenes y estilo, todos están relacionados con el mismo problema: tiene el nombre de dominio incorrecto configurado en su blog de WordPress.

El archivo. htaccess contiene directivas (instrucciones) que le indican al servidor cómo comportarse en determinados escenarios y afectan directamente al funcionamiento de su sitio web.

Los redireccionamientos y la reescritura de URL son dos directivas muy comunes encontradas en un archivo. htaccess, y muchas secuencias de comandos como WordPress, Drupal, Joomla y Magento agregan directivas al. htaccess para que puedan funcionar.

Es posible que necesite editar el archivo. htaccess en algún momento, por varias razones. Esta sección explica cómo editar el archivo en cPanel, pero no lo que necesite ser cambiado (puede que tenga que consultar otros artículos y Recursos para esa información.)

Hay muchas maneras de editar un archivo. htaccess

Editar el archivo en su computadora y subirlo al servidor a través de FTP

Utilice el modo de edición de un programa FTP

Utilice SSH y un editor de texto

Utilice el Administrador de archivos en cPanel

La forma más fácil de editar un archivo. htaccess para la mayoría de la gente es a través del Administrador de archivos en cPanel.

Cómo editar archivos. htaccess en el Administrador de Archivos de cPanel

Antes de hacer cualquier cosa, se sugiere que haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para que pueda volver a una versión anterior si algo sale mal.

Abra el Administrador de archivos

Inicie sesión en cPanel.

En la sección Archivos, haga clic en el icono Administrador de archivos.

Marque la casilla de raíz del documento y seleccione el nombre de dominio al que desee acceder desde el menú desplegable.

Asegúrese de que Mostrar archivos ocultos (dotfiles) "esté marcado.

Haga clic en Ir. El Administrador de archivos se abrirá en una nueva pestaña o ventana.

Busque el archivo. htaccess en la lista de archivos. Puede que tenga que desplazarse para encontrarlo.

Para editar el archivo. htaccess

Haga clic con el botón derecho en el archivo. htaccess y haga clic en Edición de código en el menú. Alternativamente, puede hacer clic en el icono del archivo. htaccess y luego hacer clic en el icono del Editor de códigos en la parte superior de la página.

Puede que aparezca un cuadro de diálogo preguntándole acerca de la codificación. Simplemente haga clic en Editar para continuar. El editor se abrirá en una nueva ventana.

Edite el archivo según sea necesario.

Haga clic en Guardar cambios en la esquina superior derecha cuando haya terminado. Los cambios se guardarán.

Pruebe su sitio web para asegurarse de que los cambios se hayan guardado correctamente. Si no, corrija el error o vuelva a la versión anterior hasta que su sitio vuelva a funcionar.

Una vez completado, puede hacer clic en Cerrar para cerrar la ventana Administrador de archivos.

Este sitio está alojado por HostGator!

Construya su sitio web hoy y obtenga 20 & # 37; ¡apagado! Código de cupón: "OFFER404"

Pares de monedas: EURCHF


Commodity Futures Trading Commission Las operaciones de futuros y opciones tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Como se indicó anteriormente, los resultados comerciales simulados en las cuentas de demostración pueden ser inexactos y engañosos, ya que pueden no reflejar los resultados reales que el usuario vería en una cuenta real (utilizando dinero real). Por ejemplo, las cuentas de demostración no pueden reflejar factores tales como el "deslizamiento" de la ejecución del comercio, que ocurre en las cuentas de dinero real, pero no en las cuentas de demostración. El deslizamiento es la diferencia entre el precio esperado de un comercio (precio de mercado), y el precio que el comercio realmente se ejecuta en. El deslizamiento ocurre a menudo durante períodos de mayor volatilidad cuando se usan órdenes de mercado, y también cuando se ejecutan órdenes más grandes cuando puede no haber suficiente interés al nivel de precio deseado para mantener el precio esperado del comercio (conocida como "falta de liquidez" . Estos tipos de factores adversos deben tratarse en una cuenta de dinero real, pero normalmente no se reflejan en un entorno de cuenta de demostración. Por lo tanto, es totalmente posible que un robot de comercio muestra beneficios en una cuenta demo, pero tiene un desempeño pobre en una cuenta de dinero real. A menos que se especifique lo contrario, todos los resultados de negociación mostrados en este sitio son de cuentas de demostración.

Al usar este sitio, usted acepta y acepta nuestros Términos de uso.

DIVULGACIÓN DE CONEXIONES MATERIALES: Harmony Forex, LLC, el propietario / operador de ExpertAdvisorsForex. com, tiene una relación de afiliado y / o otra conexión material a los proveedores de bienes y servicios mencionados en este sitio y puede ser compensado al comprar o utilizar Los servicios de un proveedor.

Derechos de autor © 2009-2016 Harmony Forex, LLC. Todos los derechos reservados. Todas las marcas comerciales, nombres de productos o nombres de servicios mencionados son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

Pares de monedas: EURCHF


Commodity Futures Trading Commission Las operaciones de futuros y opciones tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real.

Como se indicó anteriormente, los resultados comerciales simulados en las cuentas de demostración pueden ser inexactos y engañosos, ya que pueden no reflejar los resultados reales que el usuario vería en una cuenta real (utilizando dinero real). Por ejemplo, las cuentas de demostración no pueden reflejar factores tales como el "deslizamiento" de la ejecución del comercio, que ocurre en las cuentas de dinero real, pero no en las cuentas de demostración. El deslizamiento es la diferencia entre el precio esperado de un comercio (precio de mercado), y el precio que el comercio realmente se ejecuta en. El deslizamiento ocurre a menudo durante períodos de mayor volatilidad cuando se usan órdenes de mercado, y también cuando se ejecutan órdenes más grandes cuando puede no haber suficiente interés al nivel de precio deseado para mantener el precio esperado del comercio (conocida como "falta de liquidez" . Estos tipos de factores adversos deben tratarse en una cuenta de dinero real, pero normalmente no se reflejan en un entorno de cuenta de demostración. Por lo tanto, es totalmente posible que un robot de comercio muestra beneficios en una cuenta demo, pero tiene un desempeño pobre en una cuenta de dinero real. A menos que se especifique lo contrario, todos los resultados de negociación mostrados en este sitio son de cuentas de demostración.

Al usar este sitio, usted acepta y acepta nuestros Términos de uso.

DIVULGACIÓN DE CONEXIONES MATERIALES: Harmony Forex, LLC, el propietario / operador de BestForexRobots. net, tiene una relación de afiliado y / o otra conexión material a los proveedores de bienes y servicios mencionados en este sitio y puede ser compensado al comprar o utilizar Los servicios de un proveedor.

El Equity Builder EA es un scalper bien afinado, por lo que será el comercio casi todos los días.

Le sugiero fuertemente que abra un corredor de 5 dígitos en vivo o micro de demostración cuenta como scalping EA se realiza mejor en este tipo de corredor

100 automatizado & # 8211; Totalmente automatizado, sin adivinar el trabajo o la experiencia necesaria.

Tecnología segura & # 8211; Sistema de protección para bloquear beneficios y evitar reversiones.

Trabaja todo el tiempo & # 8211; Funciona en todas las condiciones del mercado, no importa qué.

Altamente Versátil & # 8211; Funciona con todos los principales pares de divisas. Funciones de administración de dinero & # 8211; Aplique las reglas de administración de dinero que desee.

No hay necesidad de arriesgar su dinero & # 8211; Pruébelo todo lo que quiera en la demostración hasta que esté 100 seguro de ello.

Trabaja para todo el mundo & # 8211; A diferencia de los demás, funciona con cualquier trabajo de inicio de capital con todos los tamaños / tipos de cuenta.

Fácil de usar & # 8211; Fácil de usar e instalar, se puede usar con & # 8220; fuera de la caja & # 8221; Configuración.

Tema: FX Equity Builder

Constructor de Equidad de FX

Hace poco descargé un producto llamado FX Equity Builder y realicé algunas pruebas avanzadas. Los resultados comerciales fueron animados y excelentes en EURCHF.

El algoritmo parece ser un comerciante de cuadrícula de estilo martingala basado en señales estocásticas y 200 mA. Sin embargo, no tiene protección de la equidad cuando estalla el precio.

Aunque el blurb del sitio demandó resultados notables desde el principio de 2009 que encontré que falló backtesting de principios de 2008 deteniéndose!

También encontré la protección incorporada de la equidad ser desesperada.

Los backtests fueron puntuados por el error OrderSend 4107, que suele ser causado por un formato de precio incorrecto en la función de envío de órdenes mt4 (por ejemplo, tratando de enviar un precio de 5 dígitos a un intermediario de 4 dígitos).

Me puse en contacto con FXEB y ellos respondieron refiriéndome a Trading System Forex - Desarrollado por vBulletin alegando que fundoo dijo que es un problema de corredor.

Alguien más ha tenido experiencia con este producto? Es este producto una pizca de un freebee, por ejemplo?

Miembro Fecha de Ingreso Jan 2009 Ubicación Suiza Mensajes 74

Hola David Yo mismo estoy probando este producto y funciona bien en dem y entornos en vivo, no tengo ningún problema con los errores ordersend. Tal vez sea un derivado de una EA pública como ILAN, no sé como no puedo descompilar para estudiar el código.

En general, este producto funcionará y sólo funcionará en cirumstances del mercado como hoy. EURCHF se cotiza en un rango entre 1.5200 (puede ir hasta 1.5400) y 1.5000. En la parte superior, la fuerza de CHF asegura que este rango no se queda (por el momento). En la parte inferior, el Banco Nacional de Suiza se ha comprometido a no dejar que la CHF esté sobrevaluada, por lo que comienzan intervenciones alrededor de 1.5000, el último miércoles fue un ejemplo para eso. Y además, EURCHF está subiendo y bajando. Mientras exista esta estrecha correlación, esta estrategia (y otras) funcionará. Pero si decides usar este EA, tienes que vigilar cuidadosamente la EURCHF como yo. Ya que el comercio de varios EAs en este par. Tienes que saber cuándo tirar del enchufe. Además, no debe dejar la EA sola durante mucho tiempo. Incluso el vendedor recomienda el cosing manual de oficios abiertos cuando fuertes líneas de resistencia / resistencia se rompen en el gráfico diario.

Espero que esto ayude. Rolf

Junior Member Fecha de Ingreso Aug 2009 Mensajes 1

He utilizado este EA. Tienen el mismo problema. EA no pasa la prueba en enero o cuando se produjo una fuerte volatilidad. No es una estafa, pero no hay trabajo, ya que puede experimentar DD muy grande

Junior Member Fecha de Ingreso Sep 2009 Mensajes 22

Alguien ha usado esto en una cuenta real. Estoy cansado de todos estos gays EA EA está siendo probado en cuentas de demostración con como 40% de ganancias mensuales sólo para fallar en las cuentas en vivo.

Miembro Fecha de Ingreso Jan 2009 Ubicación Suiza Mensajes 74

Alguien ha usado esto en una cuenta real. Estoy cansado de todos estos gays EA EA está siendo probado en cuentas de demostración con como 40% de ganancias mensuales sólo para fallar en las cuentas en vivo.

si, lo hago. Funciona bastante bien, pero usted tiene que mirar por lo menos diario para comprobar para la ayuda principal / las roturas de la resistencia

si, lo hago. Funciona bastante bien, pero usted tiene que mirar por lo menos diario para comprobar para la ayuda principal / las roturas de la resistencia

Hey im comercio este en el eur / chf par sólo cómo puedo averiguar el apoyo y los niveles de resistencia? Es que las líneas verdes y rojas en el gráfico de la ea hace?

Su clase de duro que figura hacia fuera apoya, resistencia en una carta de los 5m, cualquier ayuda sería apreciada.

También la característica de la protección de la equidad, si utilizo eso y digo que la fijé al 20%, ese medio si pierdo el 20% de mi equidad cerrará todos los comercios?

Lo he estado funcionando en una cuenta de demostración, acamparon encima de los ajustes sin embargo de .01 porciones a .1lot y su hecho 33% en alrededor de un día de negociación 24hr completo.

También se encuentra en los EE. UU., si usted es el corredor que está utilizando, ya que no puedo usar alpari Reino Unido

Miembro Fecha de Ingreso Jan 2009 Ubicación Suiza Mensajes 74

Para el apoyo / la resistencia que usted tiene que estudiar la carta; Usted ve estas líneas de repente en plazos más altos. Estos son los niveles de precios, donde los precios vuelven. Por ejemplo 1.5000 para eurchf, que es el nivel en el que el banco nacional suizo interviene actualmente para asegurar que la CHF no se está poniendo demasiado fuerte.

Broker: Usted tiene que probar qué corredores son los mejores. Spread quizás un problema, múltiples operaciones (la misma dirección) debe ser colocado.

Junior Member Fecha de Ingreso Sep 2009 Mensajes 22

Usted consiguió algunos oficios horribles hoy? Tengo 8 perdedores, que golpeó mi protección de la equidad del 50%

Miembro Fecha de Ingreso Jan 2009 Ubicación Suiza Mensajes 74

Usted consiguió algunos oficios horribles hoy? Tengo 8 perdedores, que golpeó mi protección de la equidad del 50%

no. Siempre esperé hasta que fue golpeado, una vez que fue una semana. Generalmente es menos de 1 día. Tal vez sea el corredor. Yo uso Alpari, y para otros EAs FxPro. Me di cuenta de que para algunos EAs (como Accura) Alpari funciona mucho mejor que FxPro.

Un cambista de martingales EURCHF M5 EA que cotiza 24/5 & # 8230; Un concepto algo original en comparación con los demás que hay. Normalmente, la mayoría de los EA (si no todos) que usan martingale harán que su cuenta se desvanezca tarde o temprano, pero antes de hacer cualquier suposición, vea si eso es cierto con FX Equity Builder. Está protegido con una protección comercial, ForexCIO pero eso realmente no significa mucho, aparte del hecho de que se preocupan lo suficiente por no permitir que el siguiente usuario aleatorio con un descompilador inspeccione su código. Tengo que decir que los programadores no son los más imaginativos que he visto ya pesar de pagar varios cientos de dólares por la protección, no hicieron todo lo posible e hicieron una muy mala implementación general. La EA viene con un manual, un DLL bloqueado en su cuenta con una fecha de caducidad incorporada y con un archivo inútil que se utilizó para la protección y que no debería ser distribuido con EA.


Funciona como cualquier otro EA de Martingale: abre una posición basada en alguna señal interna de vudú y comienza a orar con fuerza. Si el mercado va en contra, abre otra posición con un número creciente de lotes. Si el mercado continúa en su contra, comienza a maldecir en la oración que no funciona y abre aún más posiciones con lotes aún más hasta que alcanza el límite de comercio que configuró, momento en el que espera hasta que el mercado vuelva y pueda cerrar el mercado Con una ganancia.

Descargar FX Equity Builder gratis

Investasi adalah hal terpenting seta dana itu ada dan berlebih, karena tanpa investiasi yang benar sesungguhnya kita akan kesulitan untk mencapai peningkatan keuangan secara signifikan. Namun sayangnya investasi bukanlah hal yang mudah dilakukan, memang banyak lahan bisnis, memang banyak lahan usaha, memang banyak lahan investasi, tapi apakah karakteristik dan dan kita sesuai dengan lahan tersebut.

Forex Equity Builder

Adalah programa de inversión en el mercado de valores de la bolsa de valores y de los medios de comunicación en el mercado de valores de los inversores de bolsa de valores de los inversores de masajismo. Namun dalam hal pengelolaan akan dilakukan oleh Director de cuentas. Enviar un mensaje privado a la cuenta de penggabungan dana.

Investor melakukan pembukaan rekening comercio di Instaforex melalui situs resminya di www. instaforex. com

Setelah proses pembukaan cuenta selesai hingga 100% atau cuenta sudah ada dananya mínimo $ .500, maka inversor bisa menggabungkan dananya.

Agar bisa menggabungkan dananya terlebih dahulu inversionista harus mendaftarkan accountnya pada layanan Pamm Sistema yang dalam hal ini adalah Inversor Pamm.

Setelah cuenta inversor sudah terdaftar sebagai Pamm Inversor, silahkan masuk. Http://reksadana. Professortrader. com Nombre de usuario: notikan sudah Nombre de usuario: ke kabinetnya terlebih dahu. Setelah UIT Anda Akan sampai monitoreo halaman pada Pamm comerciante, silahkan Lihat Bagian agak Bawah disitu menú ada "invertir" silahkan di Klik, ikuti beberapa Langkah Sederhana, maka proses pengajuan penggabungan Akan selesai, dan tinggal menunggu tim kami aprobación melakukan Untuk atas pengajuan Anda.

Berikut dibawah ini adalah Tabel Ilustrasi Potensi Perkembangan dana Anda jika melakukan Investasi dengan konsep Penggabungan Dana melalui sistem Pamm pada Strategi Forex equidad Constructor dengan asumsi Investasi $. 1000 por tahun.

Asumsi Profit Rendah 24% Por Tahun

FX Equity Builder. ¡Gran bot, ventas fáciles!

Review Kings Puntuación: N / A

Descripción del producto:

Simple, este EA hizo 2,4 millones este año tan lejos. Nuestro enfoque de la web de No B. s es lo que buscan los gastadores de Forex. Buena Comisión, Ventas Fáciles.

Revision de producto:

Aunque todavía tenemos que revisar su servicio, asegúrese de que hemos reconocido su entrada y la habremos criticado de una manera rápida y firme. Nuestro equipo de escritores altamente calificados y entusiastas pasan innumerables horas recorriendo la web para revisar productos y sitios y tratar cada envío con igual respeto y deferencia. Esperamos sinceramente que nuestro sitio satisfaga sus necesidades.

Para visitar este sitio, haga clic aquí y disfrute del tour gratuito.

Escriba su reseña sobre FX Equity Builder. ¡Gran bot, ventas fáciles!

Inversión del arte

IT Locus Charting es una aplicación avanzada de gráficos para el análisis gráfico del mercado financiero y de valores.

Soporta cualquier número de ventanas con un número arbitrario de cartas de acciones, futuros, fondos mutuos o índices en cada uno de ellos.

La lista de indicadores técnicos incluye medias móviles, índice de fuerza relativa, MACD y otros.

Los gráficos se pueden guardar e imprimir. Y las cotizaciones históricas de acciones pueden ser exportadas para un análisis independiente. IT Locus Charting trabaja con datos de fin de día (EOD) y con datos en tiempo real e históricos de proveedores comerciales.


IT Locus Charting es una buena solución para la representación gráfica de carteras de acciones y futuros y para descargar datos históricos de fuentes gratuitas (Yahoo. com). Por supuesto, también se admite el feed de datos comerciales en tiempo real de Quote. com. Siendo muy fácil de usar, IT Locus Charting es ideal para principiantes, mientras que su flexibilidad y constante adición de nuevas funcionalidades lo convierten en una opción motivada para inversores y operadores experimentados.

Lea más acerca de IT Locus Charting >>

Utilice el constructor Indicador de Locus de TI para crear sus propios indicadores técnicos utilizando el lenguaje de scripting de Python.

IT Locus Indicator Builder está diseñado para la creación fácil de los propios indicadores de los comerciantes utilizando uno de los lenguajes de scripting más potentes existentes: Python. Incluso si eres nuevo en la programación, su belleza y simplicidad harán que la creación de nuevos indicadores sea una experiencia agradable y enriquecedora. Recomendamos a todos los usuarios de IT Locus Indicator Builder que visiten el sitio web oficial para el lenguaje Python.

Para ver cómo funciona el Generador de Indicadores, simplemente inícielo y abra uno de los archivos XML ubicados en la carpeta Estudios de IT Locus Charting.

El Generador de indicadores mostrará el script para el indicador en la ventana del editor. Alternativamente, se puede iniciar un nuevo archivo, ingresar el código Python en el campo del editor y guardar el archivo bajo el nombre deseado. El Generador de indicadores creará un archivo XML adicional para su indicador y lo guardará. Junto con el código Python, en la carpeta elegida. Para que IT Locus Charting vea el nuevo indicador, uno debe colocar estos archivos en la subcarpeta Estudios de la carpeta donde se instaló IT Locus Charting.

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Pregunta Cualquiera que utilice el constructor de EA

Tema: Curva de Equidad Parabólica

A partir de la curva de equidad, veo más se ve como la curva parabólica que se pone plano en el pasado actual, la mejor es la curva de equidad que se parece a una "línea recta" Nunca he visto curva de las acciones que se ve un poco como una curva exponencial o incluso curva de las acciones cuya pendiente es más pronunciada que en el pasado actual (final de la curva) en comparación con el pase distancia (inicio)

Esto creo que es la forma en que "recompensa" El proceso de generación de estrategia, la mayoría vendrá con una estrategia que es, si hubiéramos comenzado a invertir en el pase de distancia utilizando esta estrategia que habría sido esta rentable ahora. Vienen con & quot; pasado & quot; Estrategia de rendimiento, que es por qué no son indicación de la "futura" actuación.

Necesitamos la generación de estrategia que nos dan la oportunidad de luchar, que trae como estrategia que indicar que son rentables en el pasado cercano, pero todavía eran rentables en el futuro distancia y tendría que necesite la capital más bajo en el pasado para llegar a este estado.

2 Respuesta de Blaiserboy 2014-06-29 00:01:06

Re: Curva de Equidad Parabólica

Estás estableciendo la pérdida de parada y tomar ganancias o está generando éstos. Usted puede encontrar lo que busca mediante la vinculación de la pérdida de parada y tomar ganancias en el inicio.

Gracias por la punta, pero aún así la estrategia de bandera que eran rentables en el pasado más que en el pasado cercano, si FSB Pro podría dar prioridad a la selección de la estrategia que & # 039; s rentable en el pasado cercano, estrategia que & # 039; s Rentable en demostración en vivo podría ser más fácil y más rentable estrategia encontró más fácil.

Su un trabajo alrededor de la limitación actual pero creo que limita severamente la posibilidad. Si FSB Pro se configura para dar más peso a la edad cerca de la rentabilidad pasada respecto a la de la última distancia, que podría ser el software que viene fácilmente con la estrategia que es más probable que sea rentable en el comercio directo.

4 Responder por mel8331 2014-06-29 03:38:32 (editado por mel8331 2014-06-29 03:40:09)

Re: Curva de Equidad Parabólica

A partir de la curva de la equidad, veo la mayoría parece a la curva parabólica que recibe plana en el pasado curso, el mejor es curva de las acciones que se parece a un & quot; & quot línea recta; Nunca he visto curva de las acciones que se ve un poco como una curva exponencial o incluso curva de las acciones cuya pendiente es más pronunciada que en el pasado actual (final de la curva) en comparación con el pase distancia (inicio)

Esto creo que es la forma en que "recompensa" El proceso de generación de estrategia, la mayoría vendrá con una estrategia que es, si hubiéramos empezado a invertir en el pase de distancia utilizando esta estrategia que habría sido esta rentable ahora. Vienen con & quot; pasado & quot; Estrategia de rendimiento, que es por qué no son indicación de la "futura" actuación.

Necesitamos la generación de la estrategia que nos da una ocasión de la lucha, para venir para arriba con la estrategia que indica que somos rentables en el pasado cercano pero todavía era provechoso en el futuro de la distancia y necesitaríamos el capital más bajo en el pasado para llegar a este estado.

Un método que creo que podría hacer que el FSB Pro dar más peso al rendimiento del pasado actual es invertir artificialmente la línea de tiempo (fecha), entonces en lugar de generar para el beneficio, debe generar para la pérdida máxima.

Esta estrategia se deriva de tal manera cuando el uso en la línea de tiempo normal (fecha) debe énfasis mayor rentabilidad en el pasado actual sobre el de la distancia pasada.

Dado que esta estrategia sólo requiere que el software vea & quot; Ayer la fecha como el flujo de tiempo & quot; delantero & quot; Dirección y el generador para buscar la pérdida máxima. Debería ser mucho más fácil cambiar la codificación para ver si funciona.

5 Responder por mel8331 2014-06-29 07:31:41

Re: Curva de Equidad Parabólica

Estás estableciendo la pérdida de parada y tomar ganancias o está generando esos. Usted puede encontrar lo que busca mediante la vinculación de la pérdida de parada y tomar ganancias en el inicio.

Gracias Blaiserboy por los consejos.

Ahora tengo una estrategia con una expresión "exponencial" Curva curva de equidad. Voy a probarlo en demo en vivo para ver si la estrategia con tal equidad es superior a la estrategia que generan tiene un enorme beneficio, pero la mayor parte de la ganancia se encuentran en el pasado lejano.

Esto puede ser un caso de prueba si FSB Pro debe ser configurado para buscar la estrategia que reproduce esta familia de curva de equidad.

6 Responder por mel8331 2014-06-28 14:55:56 (editado por mel8331 2014-06-28 14:57:12)

Re: Curva de Equidad Parabólica

Una forma diferente de acceder a la rentabilidad de la estrategia.

A menudo una estrategia fue muy rentable sólo para encontrar que no es durante la prueba de demostración, esto creo que es la forma en que el seguimiento de la estrategia mediante el uso de la forma normal de seguimiento de los beneficios porque el énfasis de alta rentabilidad en el pasado comercios, Ser incluso rentable porque el beneficio pasado puede amortiguar la pobre actuación actual.

Tenemos que imaginar un mecanismo para dar énfasis a la estrategia que está haciendo muy bien en el pasado cercano, mientras que todavía es rentable en el pasado lejano para que sea "robusto" en el futuro.

Este es un concepto como todavía no he averiguar cómo asignar una medida de modo que el mecanismo que prefieren una mejor rentabilidad en el pasado actual sobre el de la lejana pasar, tal vez la sección del período de prueba en múltiples secciones y medir el beneficio en cada período Y dar mayor peso a la estrategia que tienen un mejor desempeño en el pasado actual que en el paso lejano como un gran beneficio pasado permitir mal rendimiento actual y confirmarlo con la forma normal de beneficio es la pista.

Puede ser una manera es asignar el beneficio para el último comercio a ser cero y el tamaño del lote negociado a decir en 100 lotes y calcular el capital en orden inverso de las operaciones, lo que el capital tendría que ser en el primer comercio, Cuanto menor sea el capital mejor será la estrategia (para la estrategia rentable, se sospecha que el capital inicial es una cifra muy negativa). El efecto del pasado lejano debe ser negado, es decir, si la estrategia llama a la adición de posiciones, en el reverso Cálculo debe hacer lo contrario y pide una reducción a medida que retrocedemos en la línea de tiempo. Esto anulará el efecto del alto beneficio en el pase para cubrir el mal desempeño actual.

Este cálculo debe utilizarse únicamente para la generación de la estrategia, se utilizará la forma normal de cálculo del beneficio después de la optimización.

Uno de los cambios que vienen es la oportunidad de optimizar dos instrumentos juntos, lo que debería mejorar la robustez.

8 Respuesta de Blaiserboy 2014-07-01 17:43:13

Consejos FOREX


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1 (Light) o 2 (Basic, Pro) en vivo o demo, incluyendo soporte y actualizaciones. El proceso de activación de la licencia incluye un software de activación proporcionado después del pago de la EA, este software genera una clave de hardware, junto con el número de cuenta que se debe proporcionar al soporte de EA para preparar y enviar un paquete de instalación para cada cuenta.

FX-Builder no es solo un EA, es realmente un constructor por el cual puedes crear tu propia EA. Proporciona un conjunto de asesores expertos con un número enorme de indicadores combinados que le da una gran capacidad para construir y organizar su propia EA, incluso si usted no tiene suficientes habilidades de programación.

Cada versión de la EA viene con configuraciones bien predefinidas que hicieron resultados comerciales sorprendentes mostrados en esta revisión, mientras tanto, cada uno de ellos puede ser una herramienta para generar estrategias totalmente nuevas.

Al comprar una copia de este software, obtendrá varias plantillas adicionales del sistema listas para usar, cada una de las cuales se ha probado en cuentas en vivo y ha mostrado un rendimiento destacado durante largos períodos de tiempo.


Los indicadores incorporados incluyen clásicos como el RSI y el MACD mientras que el índice de flujo de dinero y las bandas de Bollinger y la versión Pro también pueden crear estrategias de cuadrícula. Por otra parte, hay 6 estrategias preestablecidas (Light versión dos, Basic versión cuatro). Debe considerarse que cada una de las 6 estrategias puede utilizar un enfoque de martingala en algunas situaciones con hasta 15 niveles de la red.

Hay 3 versiones principales de FX-Builder EA:

Ligero . Le permite construir su EA a través de indicadores técnicos estándar que tienen resultados de comercio en vivo verificados durante 6 meses.

Básico. Además de las funciones de versión ligera, basadas en patrones de candelabro, es capaz de usar la acción de precios y barras, tiene un verificado los resultados de comercio en vivo más de 7 meses.

Pro . Además de las características básicas de la versión, es capaz de construir estrategias basadas en la red, tiene resultados de comercio en vivo verificados durante 6 meses, viene con más de 200 parámetros para siete indicadores independientes más restricciones de las áreas administración de dinero, nivel de parada Gestión y tiempos de negociación.

Actuación en vivo

Dos pruebas verificadas de Myfxbook para FX-Builder EA se muestran a continuación:

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Las declaraciones contenidas en este informe que no sean hechos puramente históricos o que necesariamente dependan de eventos futuros, incluyendo declaraciones con respecto a nuestras expectativas, creencias, expectativas, esperanzas, intenciones o estrategias para el futuro, pueden ser declaraciones prospectivas dentro del significado de la Sección 21E de La Securities Exchange Act de 1934, según enmendada. Todas las declaraciones prospectivas contenidas en este informe se basan en la información que tenemos a nuestra disposición en la fecha del presente informe. No asumimos ninguna obligación de actualizar o revisar públicamente ninguna declaración prospectiva, ya sea como resultado de nueva información, eventos futuros o de otra manera. Las declaraciones prospectivas hechas en este informe implican riesgos e incertidumbres que podrían causar que los eventos o resultados reales difieran materialmente de los eventos o resultados descritos en las declaraciones prospectivas. Se advierte a los lectores que no depositen una confianza indebida en estas declaraciones prospectivas. Más.

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APT analítica y asociados de investigación es una empresa financiera que ofrece asesoramiento de mercado financiero inversores y comerciantes en múltiples opciones de compra como acciones, materias primas y mercado de divisas.

Aproveche sus inversiones con los riesgos mínimos

Con el equipo más experto de APT Analytics.

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La empresa de asesoramiento financiero más comprometida que tiene como objetivo ofrecer los mejores & amp; Soluciones a largo plazo para los inversores & amp; Comerciantes con hasta la exactitud de la marca. Ya se trate de su mercado de valores, mercado de productos o mercado de divisas, nuestros profesionales están involucrados en la prestación de recomendaciones de inversión a través de estrategias diversificadas.

Nuestras ofertas de comercio de acciones en vivo para las acciones listadas bajo NSE & amp; La BSE permite a los inversores comerciar con una sólida comprensión de los movimientos del mercado, lo que les ayuda a lograr ganancias rentables. APT es conocido como un constructor de riqueza prominente cuando se trata de ofrecer consejos de commodity ganadora a los comerciantes que están dispuestos a ganar el máximo potencial en el mercado de productos indios.

Por otra parte, APT siempre ofrece consejos de comercio de divisas para beneficiar a los inversores que están esperando beneficios sustanciales de mercado de divisas.

De todos, queremos ofrecer confiables & amp; Recomendaciones a largo plazo a nuestros clientes que se protejan contra el mercado financiero.

Que somos

APT analítica y de investigación es uno de los favoritos, cuando se trata de ofrecer asesoramiento financiero a los inversores con el fin de mejorar sus perspectivas de riqueza.

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Free Trial

Expert Advisor Builders for MT4

Automated Forex Trading is the 'Holy Grail' of advanced Forex trading. Τhe following EA builders are offered for free / or provide a free-trial period and can be used for creating EAs on MetaTrader-4 and MetaTrader-5.

MT4 builders are designed to generate customized Expert Advisors by compiling MQL4 or MQL5 code. Some of the following EA builders are web-based, others require installation. When you create your first customized EA you are advised to test it risk-free in a Demo Account before trading for real money.

Here are the free Expert Advisor Builders.

(1) EA Builder for MT-4, MT-5, and Tradestation

◙ BUILDER. Web-Based App

◙ EXPERIENCE. Semi-Advanced / Advanced Traders

The EA builder is a free application for creating indicators. You can turn your manual trading into arrows and alerts and create indicators for MT4, Mt5, and TradeStation. You can also turn any manual system into a fully-working Forex Robot (EA). Here are the basic features of the EA Builder:

Develop indicators and EAs for trading Forex pairs, stocks, indices, ETFs, commodities

Create EAs without knowing anything about programming

Tens of built-in functions such as support, resistance, trendlines and time (select when to trade)

Every feature of the EA Builder has a popup tip that helps and guides you

Three (3) Alert Types (eMail, Audible alerts, print to output window)

Full Money-Management system with custom functions

The generated code is contained in a single file, ready to be used on MT4, MT5, or Tradestation

EA builder is completely free for creating Indicators but if you want to create EAs there is an one-off payment.

Here is the web-ste of EA Builder.

(2) Expert Advisor Builder for MetaTrader 4

◙ BUILDER. Web-Based App

◙ EXPERIENCE. Semi-Advanced / Advanced Traders

The Expert Advisor Builder (EAB) is a web-based EA builder that is free and simple to use. EAB generates EAs for MT4 by using seven (7) fields. (i) EA Template field In this section you may enter your own script. (ii) EA Variables field In this section you will set up your main variables according to which you will control your trading strategy . (iii) EA Buy-Strategy field Set-up your EA buy-strategy. (iv) EA Sell strategy field Set-up your EA sell-strategy. (v) EA Closing (Buy) strategy field This section allows you to enter the conditions for Closing Positions opened according the 'Buy strategy' field. (vi) EA Closing (Sell) strategy field This section allows you to enter the conditions for Closing Positions opened according the 'Sell strategy' field. (vii) EA Order Options field Set up some extra settings for your Expert Advisor.

Here is the web-ste of the Expert Advisor Builder (EAB).

(3) EA Builder Forex Advisor for MetaTrader 4

◙ BUILDER. Web-Based App

◙ EXPERIENCE. Semi-Advanced / Advanced Traders

The EA Builder ‘Forex Advisor’ is also a free web-based expert advisor builder. The EA Builder is simple to use and requires only the set-up of four main conditions (When to Buy, When to Sell, When to close a Buying Position, When to close a Selling Position).

In the EA Options Tab you may choose your basic settings, if you don't want to use some of these settings just enter 0.

(i) EAs Expert Magic Number. Set-up your EAs unique ID number. All the trading positions that you will open using your EA will share the same ID number and your EA will manage only them. If you choose to trade via different trading systems in the same account you should use different ID numbers in order to avoid problems on execution.

(ii) EAs Lots. This is where you set-up the basic lot-number for your trading system. All your trades will be opened with this volume number.

(iii) Stop Loss Value. Set-up your stop-loss value, usually x2 times the trading spread (as concerns most Forex brokers).

(iv) Take Profit Value. Set-up your take-profit value, usually x2 times the trading spread (as concerns most Forex brokers).

(v) Trailing Stop Value. Set-up your Trailing Stop value, this order will be activated only if the position’s profit is higher than the value set.

(vi) EAs Use Long Positions. Set-up your long positions.

(vii) EAs Use Short Positions. Set-up your short positions.

(i) When your settings are filled (or left 0) this tab allows the generation of your final code. You may copy the EA code and paste it in your MT4 MetaEditor

(ii) Compile your code via the MetaEditor and run your EA in the MetaTrader.

This is the web-site of the EA Builder Forex Advisor.

(4) Molanis Strategy Builder for MT4

◙ BUILDER. PC Install

◙ EXPERIENCE. Beginners / Semi-Advanced / Advanced Traders

You may use a free working version of the Molanis EA builder for a trial period. This EA builder is programmed on Java and offers a graphical environment without complicated scripts and input fields. You enter your settings by selecting via a full set of predefined graphical blocks. The EA building is based on click and drag & drop diagrams. Afterward these diagrams are analyzed by the EAs MQL generator which transforms into ready-to-use EAs.

Here are the basic features of the Molanis EA builder.

(i) Create EAs via an interactive fully-graphical environment

(ii) Reduced Learning Curve, offers the chance to focus on ideas and not on EA settings

(iii) Create expert advisors that can trade multiple Forex currencies in multiple timeframes

(iv) Create simply your own Forex Signals

(v) Molanis supports an Online Community and a Forum

This is the web-site of Molanis EA Builder.

(5) Zoro Trader for MetaTrader 4

◙ BUILDER. Web-Based App

◙ EXPERIENCE. Advanced Traders / Professional Traders

Zorro is a very interesting community project offering extensive learning resources and an advanced EA builder. The whole project is free and you just need to register in order to use the EA builder. Here are some basic features of the EA creator:

Can operate as MT4 EA or as a fully-individual robot

Multiple time frames (from 100 milliseconds to one day)

Choose among hundreds of indicators

Includes a true machine code compiler for fast back-testing (the programmers claim its 50 times faster than MQL4)

Orders include limit, stop-loss, take-profit, profit-lock, trailing-stop, timed-exit

Binary options emulation with adjustable win / loss payout

Full NFA compliance for US-based accounts

Open API interface for easy implementation of any broker API (source code included)

Runs on cloud servers (VPS) with Windows Server 2003 / Windows Server 2012

Uses the Lite-C script language (C syntax) / Strategies require only a few lines of script

Windows API, external DLLs and R bridge

CSV data import and export

Syntax script editor with help (course for Lite-C is included)

The script code can be converted from one trading platform to another

Monte Carlo analysis with randomized equity curves

Emulation of slippage and rollover interest (swaps)

Zoro EA Builder Data Mining / Machine Learning

Curve pattern detection with Fréchet algorithm

Curve spectrum analysis with filter bank and Hilbert transformation

Price curve correlation and autocorrelation

Fuzzy logic for peak / valley, crossover, and pattern detection

Algorithm generator with neural network (perceptron) / Pruned decision tree

Algorithm generator for price action trading with patterns

Generated trade algorithms can be exported in C code to other platforms

R packages support for machine learning and data analysis

This is the link for the Zoro Web-Site.

(6) Forex Generator EA Builder for MT4 and MT5

◙ BUILDER. PC Install

◙ EXPERIENCE. Semi-Advanced / Advanced Traders

Forex Generator EA Builder allows you to create a customized Automated Forex Strategy. The free-trial can only generate MT4 EAs. The Professional Edition generates both *.mq4/*.mq5 files and may be used for MT4 and MT5 EA building. Here are some basic features:

Easy-to-use / No programming skills required

Generates EAs, Indicators and Scripts

Setup your own trading signals via build-in indicators

Import 3 rd party indicators

Set all basic orders (trailing stop included)

Limit the EA trading activity to specific only days of the week

Limit the EA trading activity to specific hours of the day

Set-up the maximum accepted spreads

Setup 2 nd orders that can be used for hedging opened positions

Martingale and Semi-Martingale money management

Forex Generator EA Builder Requirements include a Windows XP/Vista/2003/7/8/10 PC with 256MB ram. In addition source code in MQL4 and MQL5 is required. Download the EA builder from here:

This is the link for the Forex Generator EA Builder web-site:

(7) Fx EA Builder for MetaTrader-4

◙ BUILDER. Web-Based App

The Fx EA builder is a simple software to create your own Expert Advisors. The whole process is free and web-based but you shouldn’t expect much as concerns the final outcome. Here are some basic features:

(i) You do not need programming skills

(ii) Generate EAs for trading multiple Forex currencies in multiple timeframes.

Here is the Fx EA Builder web-site.

◙ Free MT4 Expert Advisor Builders

Equity Builder Llc

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Equity Builder Llc is based in Santa Fe, NM and holds 88096 (Gb98 General Building Contractor) license according to the New Mexico license board.

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Their license (88096) was verified as active when we last checked. If you are considering hiring Equity Builder Llc, we recommend double-checking their license status with the license board and using our bidding system to get competitive quotes.


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Market Skill-Builder Financial Markets & Financial Software The Skill-Builder for Financial Trading - Financial Training Software.

The Financial and Commodity Markets, Futures, Stocks and Shares, Forex, Bonds.

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The primary focus of this site is the financial markets - Stocks and Shares, Bonds, Currencies, Financial Futures, Commodity Futures - how they work, why they behave as they do, the techniques to be applied in order to make money in both bull and bear markets, and the pitfalls which routinely cause the unwary (both amateur and professional) to crash and burn.

Market Skill-Builder - The Software.

MSB is a Trading-Practise program. Take a look at some animated graphics demonstrating its operation as well as detailed descriptions of its functions and operation - and why you need it here

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The Learning Zone.

This section includes extensive discussion of the reasons for markets acting as they do (not entirely randomly), whether or not future moves can be forecasted using sophisticated techniques ( no ). If that is true, can they still be beaten. ( yes ) - many people do so, using straightforward ( disciplined ) techniques.

Strategic considerations relating to trading and investing, how to evaluate the ( market variables ( Direction, Momentum, Volatility, Liquidity ), trend evaluation and what to do when the market is testing Support and Resistance form the bulk of this section - illustrated with charts, naturally. This area is due to be extensively expanded on a continuing basis (see Coming Soon below). Start here


Check-out our book recommendations - Technical Analysis, Trading, Risk-Management: ( the first one may surprise you! ) here

Campo de golf.

to interesting & useful financial & software sites. aquí

Coming Soon.

Further discussion of Trading & Investment Analysis & Techniques, in particular: Elliott Waves - a critical evaluation, Technical Indicators - Uses and pitfalls, Examples of good & bad trades, discussion of Fundamental Analysis & current issues / trading situations, multi-choice trading exercises - and more (eventually it will be a book / CD Rom - but you'll see it here first free ).

Chaos - a neat animation demonstrating Chaos Theory in action.

Trading results simulator - free download - Set Initial Capital, $ or % risk and commission per trade, win/loss and average profit/loss ratios and see how Equity and Draw-Down will develop over time given random sequencing and sizing of profits / losses.

Coming Later.

Trading Recommendation Service.

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The system of global trading in foreign currency is known as the Foreign Exchange Market, Forex, or just FX. Over the last three decades the foreign exchange market has become the world's largest financial market, it trades over $1.5 trillion USD daily; more than three times the aggregate amount of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Forex is part of the bank to bank currency market known as the 24-hour Interbank market.

Who can trade in the Forex Market?

Nowadays really anyone can trade in the forex market. Forex trading is attractive because it offers unparalleled freedoms. A Forex trader can live almost anywhere as long as he/she is within reach of the internet. A Forex trader can work from home or office, and in some cases, even trade while traveling - you can have a trading platform downloaded to your mobile phone for free! A Forex trader can usually choose his/her own hours to work since the global foreign exchange market is open 24 hours a day. A Forex trader avoids many common headaches associated with running a business because there is NO inventory, NO shipping, NO billing, NO collections, NO employees, NO commuting and NO dress code. And finally, since Forex traders can Forex trader can live almost anywhere as long as he/she is within reach of the internet. A Forex trader can work from home or potentially earn a very high income, they enjoy the possibility of never, ever working for someone else again!

What are the risks involved Forex Trading?

Los riesgos pueden ser altos pero también controlables. Forex traders around the world are competing against other forex traders, banks, and institutional traders who are seeking the same potential rewards from their own trading activities. Money management, discipline, talent, and a lack of emotion are traits you will want to develop in FOREX trading . But remember, FOREX Trading is speculative and any capital used should be risk capital. In fact, we recommend that you trade on a demo account until you have shown profit for at least three consecutive months before trading real money.

Do you offer a FREE TRIAL?

Yes, from time to time, we offer a 7 Day FREE TRIAL. No other signal provider that we know of does this. The reason that we can do this is because we are very confident of our results and we want you to be satisfied with the service you are getting. Also we have found that the majority of our clients who took initially up the offer of this 7 Day Free Trial have remained with us since then and have experienced the thrill of banking profits month in month out. Please register your interest in receiving a code for your free trial in the 'Contact Us' section. When there is a place available for the free trial, we will get in touch with you with a special code that will activate your Free Trial session.

What Guarantee do you offer?

Although our monthly average pip gain over the past 18 months has been over 1200 pips per month - we realise that there are many trading platforms out there that charge different commisions and work on slightly different models as far as decimalised pricing is concerned and some spread firms have larger commisons on guarante e d stops - so we realise that not every one will get the same results each day - especially if you go down the route of mechanical trading. Despite all these variations, w e still guarantee you 300 pips per month profit. If we will not make these for you during a month, you will get service free for the following month.

What is a PIP?

A pip is a term used in the currency market to represent the smallest incremental move an exchange rate can make. Depending on context normally one basis point is 0.0001, as is the case of EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF. In example if the EUR/USD moves from 1. 3 4 5 2 to 1. 3 4 53 - it is one pip.

How much is a pip worth?

If you trade the full contract (100k of currency) the EUR/USD and GBP/USD are worth approximate $10. In other words if you have a trade with 50 pips in profit, it means the gain is $500. ($10 per pip x50 pips). If you trade a mini account is 1/10th of the size, 50 pips will worth $50.

Do you count 300 pips guarantee for each client seperately?

Yes, for example, if you subscribed from 6th February, we would commence the count of pips from that date.

Which currency pairs are traded by the FXProfitBuilder system?

We generate signals for a maximum of 3 pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/CHF. If the system does not generate a worthwhile signal for a particular pair - no signal will be posted on the member's area for that day - instead you will see 'N/A' instead.

How do you deliver your signals?

Once you subscribe to our service, you will be able to access the Members Area. The signals will be posted there each morning at 10. 00AM London Time. We only issue new signals at this time, no further intra day instructions are necessary since we indicate entry, exit and stop loss in advance.

What do I do when I have accessed the signals for the day?

Once you have accessed the signals - you would go into your trading account and copy the signals exactly as they are given.

Do I need to know any technical stuff about the markets such as reading charts?

As you may already know, no one can guarantee the way the markets move otherwise you would not need a signal providing service. The facts are that out of people who decide to go alone, 86% of new traders last only 6-8 weeks; only 15% last for 12 months and just 2-3% make it beyond 12 months to become successful. Almost every person who is not a succesful is because they trade with emotions - a big receipe for disaster. Our aim is to get you into the 2-3% of traders who are succesful. These are people who act on specific signals - without emotion.

Can I see an example of how one of the signals will appear on the Members Area on the website?

Eur/Usd buy at 1. 3245 stop loss at 1. 3190 take profit at 1.3280

Eur/Usd sell at 1.3190 stop loss at 1.3245 take profit at 1.3155

This example shows you exact entry level and exit levels of the trade and also shows you when to take the profit, bank it and close your trade. The fantastic thing about a signal like this is that you can go into your trading account with a comapy such as IGMarkets - place an order to open the trade within minutes of you receiving your signal on the website - and then you can forget about it. In which case the trade will automatically be executed when the market hits the levels indicated. Thus taking all the emotion out of trading. You just act exactly on our signal and count your profits at the end of the month - having said this - we still do recommend that people try and trade manually as much as their personal circumstances allow because you have much more control and avoid the freaky spike ups and downs in the market that mechanical trading might catch from time to time. Signals are provided considering the general trend of the market - and should be used accordingly - they do not account for freakish movements up or down - thus manual trading is highly recommended - where you have greater control avoiding these milisecond movements. We have had a straight run of 21 months of profits - although within each month there have been loss making trades and also trades that did not produce profits or losses. That is how the system works - but at the end of each month - the net result has been positive. My lawyer has said that I must point out that past success is not necessarily indicative of what the future holds. Okay - so now I have said it - but I have also said it to my current clients who have had a string of profitable months!

How long are trades kept open?

All open trades are closed at 10 .00 PM London Time and new signals will be placed on the members area the day after at 10 :00 AM London Time. It is purely day trading. Therefore new signals are received on a daily basis without any direct consideration of where the markets ended on our previous trades.

How are trades generated?

We use a price/resistance system based on previous day volatility live trading prices. The system generates high probability entry points. At any given signal, if the price trades at our entry point - it is highly likely it will continue to move in that direction.

How much time does it take to follow your system?

Only minutes per day, check for new signals at 10 :00 AM London Time and place the orders with your broker. You can place all the orders in advance until the next day.

Will I have to track the trades or is the system mechanical?

Since there is no subjective criteria to follow - you have total control of your trades once the signals have been placed on the website. Some people prefer mechanical trading - whilst many clients actually follow their trades as there is a 'buzz' in watching the markets move. Of course if you follow the trades and move to breakeven postions - as taught - manually, you will have a bit more control over your trades. Mechanical trading can get you out of deals even if your exit point has been hit for just a split second - in which case there may be a slight difference in the results acheived - therefore we recommend manual trading - but the facility to 'set & forget' a trade does exist if that is what you prefer.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

You are in total control of your subscription. You can cancel it anytime you want. I f you cancel before the term that you have paid for has expired, you will continue to be able to access the signals on our website until the expiry date - no refund will be made - but w e will not be able to collect any further funds since you will have cancelled all future payment. We also reserve the right to cancel a subscription for one of several reasons. We treat our relationship with our clients as a partnership. We want to try and do all we can to try to help our clients succeed - but if - in exceptional circumstances this is not possible - we feel that it is better to part company. In th e event that we have instigated the cancellation of a subscription - a refund will become due at our discretion of any balance of subscription (full months only) and is worked out on the basis that any used time will be charged at the prevailing full monthly rate. Also £ 60 admin fee will be deducted from the balance remaining and a refund will then be made. If you do not want to carry on with your subscription after the trial period - please ensure that you cancel this before the trial period ends - it is solely your responsibility. In the even a payment is received after the trial period had been completed - it will be deemed that it is and was your intention to carry on with the subscription and the usual cancellation conditions as stated above will apply. A receipt of subscription into our account from yourself or payment platform will also be deemed as you have read all that is stated on our website and are in agreement with all the conditions.

With so many signal offering sites, why should I get the FXProfitBuilder system signals?

The system has produced 58 straight months of profit; has averaged over 1 5 00 pips per month; provides precise entry and exit points; can be 100% mechanical; is cheaper than competitors on pips profit per month basis; provides a money back guarantee in the form of 1 month service Free for each month the system does not generate at least 300 pips profit and allows you to test drive the system for FREE for 7 days - need we say anymore!

Many signal providers try to chase 'big' profits. But as experts know - the market may well move up and down several times during a 24 hour period. You only make money - if you bank the money. So whilst chasing the 'big' swings - you may make 1 but you may also loose on the next 3 - and the downside may wip you out. From our performance you will note that we bank profits almost everyday - at precise points produced by the FXProfitBuilder. What therefore happens is that each month we have built up a huge amount of pip profite - an average of over well over 1 4 00 pips over the last 36 months!

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Forex Trading y las estrategias para crecer sus beneficios Si usted quiere coger el beneficio serio en forex que negocia usted necesita tender tendencias de la tendencia de la divisa que son término peor. Aquí vamos a darle un método simple de 3 pasos que si usted lo utiliza correctamente, le ayudará a atrapar cada tendencia de forex superior y le llevará a largo plazo a largo plazo éxito de la negociación. Así que usted quiere hacer dinero Forex Trading La mayoría de los comerciantes principiantes no se molestan tratando de tendencia después de plazo más largo de forex - en su lugar, probar forex scalping o día de comercio. Estos métodos se centran en el comerciante en pequeños movimientos y esperan obtener pequeños beneficios sin embargo, como la mayoría de los movimientos a corto plazo son al azar, esto conduce a la equidad eliminar. Las otras alternativas son swing trading y tendencia a largo plazo de la divisa siguiente y este artículo es todo sobre el último método. Si nos fijamos en cualquier gráfico de divisas, verá tendencias a largo plazo a largo plazo que duran meses o años. Estos movimientos pueden y producen un beneficio serio - presente, esbozaremos un método sencillo para obtenerlos. Breakouts De lejos la mejor manera de atrapar los movimientos serios es utilizar una estrategia de negociación de divisas basadas en los desgloses. Una ruptura es simplemente un movimiento en un fo.

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Epic Research Indian Forex Daily Market News

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Forex strategy builder

By: Metal On: 06.07.2015


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Genetic Builder

Genetic Builder requires only a fraction of the second to automatically generate new trading strategy. It uses various combinations of technical indicators and price patterns as the entry rules, combines it with various order types (market, limit. ) and with various exit rules (fixed profit target, trailing stop, etc..). In the end it tests the new strategy on the historical data to find out if it is profitable.

Genetic Builder can do this over and over again, generating and testing tens of the new unique strategies every second! All you have to do is pick up the best ones!

A trading strategy in the initial population is constructed using a combination of price patterns, technical indicators, order types, and other parts to form the entry and exit rules.

Genetic Builder can use all standard technical indicators and oscillators (like CCI, RSI, Stochastic, etc.), time values (like time of day, day of week) and price patterns. These building blocks are then combined using logical and equality operators (and, or, >, <, etc.) to form an entry or exit rule. In addition, it supports different entry and exit order types (market order, limit order, fixed profit target, exit after X bars, etc.).

With all the possible combinations of rules and orders, Genetic Builder is capable of generating literally trillions of different possible trading strategies.

The building process itself is completely random - builder randomly picks different building blocks from the available pool and combines them to create entry rule, order type and exit rule. There are some validity constraints that ensure that, for example price, is not compared to time value, etc. The result is a completely new random trading strategy.

Of course, not every randomly created strategy is profitable, but Genetic Builder can produce and test thousands of new strategies per hour, and surprisingly high percentage of strategies in this amount are profitable and sound.

Using Genetic Evolution

Genetic Evolution takes the process of finding a suitable trading strategies even further. In this mode Genetic Builder first creates a number of random strategies, which are used as the initial population in the evolution.

This initial generation of strategies is then "evolved" over successive generations using genetic programming technology.

This process imitates the evolution - the algorithm chooses the fittest strategies (using selected performance criteria) in every generation, and the group of fittest candidates is then used to produce new generation of trading strategies.

As in evolution, this should result in better and better candidates, in our case in strategies that are more profitable, more stable, or generally better in the selected performance criteria.

DISCLAIMER: No investment advice provided to you! This website is not designed for the purpose of providing personal financial product or investment advice. La información contenida en este sitio web no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión, su situación financiera o sus necesidades de inversión. Debe evaluar si la información contenida en este sitio web es apropiada para sus objetivos de inversión particulares, su situación financiera y sus necesidades de inversión. Debe hacer esto antes de tomar una decisión de inversión. La información contenida en este sitio web no es una recomendación para invertir en inversiones.

Copyright © 2011 - 2016 Forex Monitor. Todos los derechos reservados. www. forex-monitor. com

Forex Strategy Builder v3.4.0.0 by Forex Software

Forex Strategy Builder is a complete solution for building and testing CFD, Indexes and Forex trading strategies. It is free to use and distribute. Forex Strategy Builder's user friendly interface allows you to create and back test a profitable trading system with just a few clicks. Thanks to the program's automatic system generator you can successfully build a market strategy without having detailed technical analysis or programming skills. Using market rates dating back to the 1980s, Forex Strategy Builder immediately calculates statistics and creates charts for the whole trade. You can easily create and test complicated trading systems using a wide variety of indicators and logic rules allowing almost infinite combinations. The program also includes unique interpolation methods yielding reliable test results within each data bar.

Forex Strategy Builder looks inside the current time frame using all shorter data periods to produce a realistic market back test. It also calculates the most profitable combination of parameters for the selected indicators, plots the average result balance between all possible market scenarios (while protecting the strategy from curve-fitting), shows the price fluctuation inside each bar, and recognizes all the ambiguous bars in the back test. Custom indicators and out of sample testing is also available. In short, Forex Strategy Builder provides you with all you need to quickly perform an in-depth technical analysis.

Once done, you can export your strategy to get feedback from other experienced investors. On the program's website you can find additional information, help articles and tutorials, as well as the source code of more than one hundred technical indicators. You can learn more about the safety principles of back testing and use ideas and systems from the forum members. Forex Strategy Builder is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista. NET Framework v2 or newer is required. The program is free to download and use.

Date Version Release History 04/14/2014 Generator and indicators improved. 02/01/2013 Minor bus fixed. GUI improved.

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One of the most exciting features of Forex trading is the breakneck speed at which currencies lose or gain ground on the international market. Although this turbocharged speed is what thrills many investors, many more of us just don’t have time to carefully monitor the market in order to decide whether to go long or […]

Of late there has been a lot of attention being paid to Forex robots because they enable the trader to establish certain parameters for trading on the Foreign Currency Exchange and then allowing them to virtually walk away, letting the robot automate their trading. Although it is possible to subscribe to a service or download […]


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Software Description: Forex Strategy Builder is a complete solution for building and testing CFD, Indexes and Forex trading strategies. It is free to use and distribute. Forex Strategy Builder's user friendly interface allows you to create and back test a profitable trading system with just a few clicks. Thanks to the program's automatic system generator you can successfully build a market strategy without having detailed technical analysis or programming skills. Using market rates dating back to the 1980s, Forex Strategy Builder immediately calculates statistics and creates charts for the whole trade. You can easily create and test complicated trading systems using a wide variety of indicators and logic rules allowing almost infinite combinations.

The program also includes unique interpolation methods yielding reliable test results within each data bar. Forex Strategy Builder looks inside the current time frame using all shorter data periods to produce a realistic market back test. It also calculates the most profitable combination of parameters for the selected indicators, plots the average result balance between all possible market scenarios (while protecting the strategy from curve-fitting), shows the price fluctuation inside each bar, and recognizes all the ambiguous bars in the back test. Custom indicators and out of sample testing is also available.

In short, Forex Strategy Builder provides you with all you need to quickly perform an in-depth technical analysis. Once done, you can export your strategy to get feedback from other experienced investors. On the program's website you can find additional information, help articles and tutorials, as well as the source code of more than one hundred technical indicators. You can learn more about the safety principles of back testing and use ideas and systems from the forum members. Forex Strategy Builder is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista. NET Framework v2 or newer is required. The program is free to download and use.

Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0

This software is designed to run on the following operating systems:

WinVista, WinServer, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Win7 x64, Win7 x32

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Forex Strategy Builder Professional

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Stock Profit Calculator is the first equity calculator that lets your store buy and sell calculations for quick reference. All calculations are stored in an easy to read table that allows quick access for updates. The main calculator sections is freeware and never expires. Stock profit Calculator is much like the online java script stock calculators you have probably used before. The biggest difference is that there is also a table that.

QuantConnect Adds Forex and Equity Tick Data

I’m a bit late to this news, but QuantConnect. the cloud-based algorithmic trading platform, has announced that it has added tick data for the major forex pairs going back to 2007, and tick data for US equities going back to 1998, courtesy of FXCM and QuantQuote. With a powerful IDE for programming strategies using C#, access to data from Estimize and StockPulse. and the attention of investors looking for emerging hedge fund managers to seed, QuantConnect is a worthy rival to Quantopian. May the competition continue, to the benefit of the trading public.

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Exeria – Simplifying Algo Trading

Exeria is a Poznan, Poland based startup which offers traders to build robots in a very easy and visual way. In addition, they offer sharing the ideas with the community.

Here are some of their capabilities, as explained by the company:

The options are many in Exeria. let’s say that you are a beginner in FOREX and you can’t spend to much time concentrating on all the mechanics that normally go in to learning how to use MT4 EA builder etc. You can get an MT4 account go to our web site and pick the highly ranked strategies install them in the platform it takes less than a minute and start it working. But what if you have more experience and ideas. Then you can combine Exeria with Arena and build your own algorithmic bots in minutes. You don’t need to use code like Ninja Trader, you don’t need to copy and paste, try the bots out, look for bugs, go back make adjustments, copy and paste again etc like in EA builder. We have created a drag and drop system where you actually see the corrections that you make on your Candle Chart, indicators and Equity line as you drag and drop. Once you have perfected your Robot, you either save it on your hard disc or upload it to our cloud, where you are free to make it private, share it with friends, or (in the future) put it up for sale to the world.

And here is more information from the company:

A lot of people who invest are unaware of the possibilities that algorithmic trading can open up to them. Saying that you are old school when it comes to algorithmic trading, is like saying that you would rather take a boat in steerage class than fly first class to France. And this comparison is so valid in the since you will loose an enormous amount of time, and loose valuable opportunities because you are still traveling to your destination and are simply not there yet. Many will use the excuse that there have been mishaps with algorithmic trading and that is safer to stick with what we know. With this mentality, most of us would still be riding horses or walking to destinations because we don’t want to risk being in car accidents.

So, how should one use algorithmic trading? First of all, if you are a reasonable traders you will set up a risk management plan. I am a firm believer that those who enter trades with no risk management plan, really have no plan. In most good algorithmic platforms there is probably an automatic stop loss system built into it. The amount that you can afford to loose should be on the forefront of your thoughts in every trade that you go into and its parameters should be installed into the trade from the get-go. And while you are deciding that, you should decide how much profit you expect after having studied your trade.

Algorithmic bots can set up and study a trade far more clearly than any human on the planet if they are programmed correctly. Alas, therein lies the rub algorithmic bots are only as good as their combined strategist and programmer. This is why there use has been so limited until recently.

In the last five years we have seen a multitude of systems that offer bots, more or less effective at prices that are sometimes to good to be true or quite high but still buy-able, if you only buy one. The truth of the matter is that there is no “one wonder bot” for all occasions, and if there ever is buy the patent because you will become a billionaire. Most bots can’t even be tweak to conform to current market situations because they a black boxes that can’t be open or tweak therefore a stable element in a market that is volatile. How much sense could that make? Therefore, all the companies offering “the one bot does all” are just looking to take your hard earned money. With all of that taken into account, sometimes I can understand why people steer away from bots, however you should never throw the baby out with the bath water.

We have a system that allows you to substantially control your bots while all the time letting them do the job that they were created to, and that is “to find the right signal”. That system is called Exeria, it allows you to pick the robot that is right for your trade, it allows you to even tweak a pre-programmed bot and make it reach the specification that you want through the aid of another programmed called “Arena”. It’s flexibility is enormous,

set up the time, date, or day of a trade

hedge one instrument against another

Build team bots one that go long and the other the go short (but never conflicting each other)

Keep accurate records of losses and gains

control numerous robots at a time so that you are well diversified

Exeria is also a perfect scanner when it is in manual mode

The list of its advantages goes on.

So are you going to do things as you have always done and risk being passed by in the long run, or are you going to join Exeria and risk being a part of the future.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Forex Strategy Builder Professional v3.5 by Forex Software Ltd

Forex Strategy Builder Professional is a complete solution for building and testing CFD, Indexes and Forex trading strategies. It is free to use and distribute. Forex Strategy Builder's user friendly interface allows you to create and back test a profitable trading system with just a few clicks. Thanks to the program's automatic system generator you can successfully build a market strategy without having detailed technical analysis or programming skills. Using market rates updating back to the 1980s, Forex Strategy Builder immediately calculates statistics and creates charts for the whole trade. You can easily create and test complicated trading systems using a wide variety of indicators and logic rules allowing almost infinite combinations. The program also includes unique interpolation methods yielding reliable test results within each data bar. Forex Strategy Builder looks inside the current time frame using all shorter data periods to produce a realistic market back test. It also calculates the most profitable combination of parameters for the selected indicators, plots the average result balance between all possible market scenarios (while protecting the strategy from curve-fitting), shows the price fluctuation inside each bar, and recognizes all the ambiguous bars in the back test. Custom indicators and out of sample testing is also available. In short, Forex Strategy Builder Professional provides you with all you need to quickly perform an in-depth technical analysis. Once done, you can export your strategy to get feedback from other experienced investors. On the program's website you can find additional information, help articles and tutorials, as well as the source code of more than one hundred technical indicators. You can learn more about the safety principles of back testing and use ideas and systems from the forum members. Forex Strategy Builder Professional is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1. NET Framework v4 or newer is required.

Date Version Release History 12/09/2015 3.5 Added a new Multi Tester tool. It allows you to recalculate and optimize multiple strategies with a single click. Added an Export All strategies as expert advisors function. Added Save As function for the strategy collections. Updated the MQL code for exporting Expert Advisors. 11/14/2014 - Renamed and updated expert advisor file names to FSB-MT4 Bridge. mq4 and FSB-MT4 Bridge. dl. - Renamed and updated program for automatic expert advisor - Bridge Installer. - Trade Settings has become better. Now when you change the Recommended Bars option, the program refreshes the current 09/08/2014 Included, Strategy Optimizer, Method Comparator, Bar Explorer, Strategy Collections, Historical Data Download. 04/14/2014 Included, Strategy Optimizer, Method Comparator, Bar Explorer, Strategy Collections.

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Strategy Builder Trading Diagram

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Molanis Strategy Builder has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use which makes it the best Expert Advisor Builder. To create a Forex Strategy (Expert Advisor for MetaTrader), just drag trading blocks from the Trading Block Library and drop them into a Trading Diagram.

A trading diagram is a graphical representation of a trading algorithm, forex strategy or expert advisor. It shows the ‘flow’ through a trading decision system. Trading diagrams are made of trading blocks that are connected to create complex forex strategies.

To create a trading diagram, you only need to add the trading blocks, set their configuration parameters and make the necessary connections. Molanis Strategy Builder includes a number of trading blocks used when modeling a trading strategy.

START: Trading block that indicates where the forex trading strategy starts. The START icon always appears at the top of the trading diagram. The START trading block allows the forex strategy (Expert Advisor) setup. It has three main groups of options: General Options, Trading Options and Money Management Options.

TA: The Technical Analysis – TA trading block allows you to create trading conditions using well known technical indicators. It is the key base for the development of forex strategies.

TA+: Advanced Technical Analysis icon (TA+), similar to a TA icon but includes the possibility to use MetaTrader variables (created in the MTVAR icon) so you can create and optimize powerful expert advisors.

AND: Produces a value of true if and only if both of its preceding trading blocks are true.

OR: Produces a value of true whenever one or more of its preceding trading blocks are true.

BUY: Executes a Buy Order. Options in this trading block inlcude Currency Pair, Lot Size, and the pip value for Take Profit, Stop Loss, and Trailing Stop.

SELL: Executes a Sell Order. Options in this trading block inlcude Currency Pair, Lot Size, and the pip value for Take Profit, Stop Loss, and Trailing Stop.

BUY+: Similar to a Buy icon but it also allows MT4 variables and dynamic stops.

SELL+: Similar to a Sell icon but it also allows MT4 variables and dynamic stops.

EA SIGNAL BUILDER: Icon that uses the latest technology of visual coding so you can create your trading signals visually. It is so powerful that the user guide has one chapter explaining how to use it.

ALERT: It manages several options to create and show custom alerts: MT4 alerts, print alert to logs, print alert to the charts, or send emails.

CLOSE LONG: Closes all long positions for the selected currency pair.

CLOSE SHORT: Closes all short positions for the selected currency pair.

TIME: This icon gives users total control of time trading. It allows the setup of trading conditions based on days of the week, hours and minutes.

MM: Martingale (Money Management) is our latest money management feature.

MQL: Icon to manage custom MQL trading conditions.

MQL+: Icon to add any kind of custom MQL code.

MTVAR: MetaTrader Variables icon used to create variables to optimize indicators during backtesting.

BUY P: Pending Buy icon: Executes a BuyStop at the Ask price + a buffer (offset in pips) or Executes a BuyLimit at the Ask price – a buffer (offset in pips).

SELL P: Pending Sell icon: Executes a SellStop at the Bid price – a buffer (offset in pips) or Executes a SellLimit at the Bid price + a buffer (offset in pips).

DEL P: Delete Pending icon: Deletes pending orders.

NOTES: Allows you to write you own notes about the forex strategy. Also called text box.

END: Trading Block that indicates where the strategy finishes. All trading flows must end at the END block.

CONNECTING ARROWS . Connecting arrows link trading blocks and define trading flow direction.


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Important Risk Disclosure

QEP = These programs are offered only to Qualified Eligible Participants as the term is defined under CFTC Regulation 4.7 .

Forex trading, commodity trading, managed futures, and other alternative investments are complex and carry a risk of substantial losses. As such, they are not suitable for all investors.

Big Picture Forex Trading – A Long Term Forex Trading Strategy. Planning is Important – & # 8230 ;. See more on: Trading Forex Using Weekly Charts. With these items in …

Shell Time Shares So when I decided to head off on my own when I was 25, I thought about Tenerife first, but would have had to work in a bar or sell timeshares. I had already … If you look at the huge fall in profits at Shell, you realise how … A Brief Introduction. By Juergen

Weekly Trading, Comparator and Test Trade, just to get you started. To further guide you, Forex Strategy Builder Professional includes a Data Source preset, ‘FSB Demo data’ and a set of historical data files in CSV format for demonstration purposes.

Advanced Forex Strategies. Renko Charts Trading Strategy is one of the many different chart types that are available to plot the price action. Other chart types …

Forex Trade Strategy. Intermarket Analysis and the Psychology of Trading. (by Forex Kong)

How to trade forex breakouts Part 2: Downside Breakout. This is a companion piece to the first article dealing with support and resistance breakout trading: Pop ‘n …

That is a shame, because it usually the easiest and most profitable kind of trading that is available to retail Forex traders. Here I’ll outline a strategy with fairly … set a 12 period RSI and scan the weekly charts of the 28 biggest currency pairs …

NZD/USD Technical Strategy: Sidelines Preferred Bearish … Finds Support But Bounce May Be Limited View gallery Four Hour Chart – Created Using FXCM Marketscope 2.0 Getting some broader context from the weekly chart; a Gravestone Doji near …

May 26, 2014 … A weekly time frame trading strategy that makes use of Pivot levels and the … Scan the chart and look for the most recent high/low pivot levels.

Chart Timeframes – How to Use Different Chart … & # 8211; Forex Trading – Charting systems can offer timeframes ranging from tick by tick to monthly bars. Monitoring … Chart Timeframes: Using Time to Customize Your Strategy. How to …

Forex Strategy Builder Professional Since more and more websites hold collections of forex trading algorithms that help you analyze stock markets, Forex Strategy …

Oct 26, 2015 … Can a trading strategy work in the long run without curve fitting and …. timeframes. 1-hour charts, 4-hour, 6-hour, 12-hour, daily and weekly.

Some forex investing strategies to get you started with forex trading. & # 8230; Review the daily and weekly charts and find a trend that seems well supported and get in.

Land Security Shares 1930s Farm Security Administration photograph. Courtesy … Many rented land from or farmed on shares with family members and typically received favorable … Shares of ADT Corp (NYSE:ADT … Kastle Systems International announced that it had acquired Mutual Central Alarm Services and Stat-Land Security Systems from ADT Corporation. In July 2014, ADT Corp acquired Reliance Protectron

The simplest system that there is to trade forex is to buy low and sell high. & # 8230; this on any chart time frame, but you’ll find it easier looking at daily or weekly charts.

Based on our latest weekly outlook/strategy published yesterday (click here for more … of 17907 and now turns pull-back support (in dotted green) at 17740 (see hourly chart). The hourly RSI oscillator has managed to …

Gold makes triumphant return – Relentless turbulence in equity and oil markets in early 2016 is supporting a month-long recovery in gold, according to Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy … on the charts with an increased potential of an upside extension. A weekly close above …

The falling wedge is a bullish reversal pattern formed by two converging downward slants. To confirm a falling wedge, there must have oscillation between the two lines.

Over 300 pages of Forex basics and 20+ forex strategies for profiting in the 24 … Which chart patterns to trade (and which to avoid), and new low-risk ways to do it. & # 8230 ;. up to his weekly email and receive some of his free signals via StockTwits…

Profitable Forex Scalping – Can it be done? Is it really possible to take on forex scalping with 90% accuracy and consistently reliable results?

Rci Time Shares In Mexico InPlay from Briefing. com – Yahoo Finance – Feb 15, 2016 · From Yahoo Finance: InPlay from Briefing. com … 6:30 pm Zillow: News Corp’s Move responds to Zillow CEO’s comment on CNBC. "Today on CNBC, Zillow … RCI, which bills itself as the world’s largest timeshare exchange network, lists 7,166 resorts available, including 1,833 in the

If you take a step back and switch to your monthly or weekly timeframe charts, you will notice the bigger trends that have moved for thousands of pips.

An in-depth introduction guide to Forex price action trading for beginners. & # 8230; trading from all other trading strategies is that it uses “clean” or “naked” Gráficos & # 8230 ;. to reach the S&R zones that you drew on the weekly chart and look for trade setups.

Jan 24, 2016 · The big picture method is one of the safest methods to trade forex. Long term forex trading is a low stress way to do forex trading.

Estadísticas Diarias de Forex & # 8211; Forex Correlation and Forex Volatility statistics. & # 8230; In the volatility study below you can click on the currency pair you wish to see more information on and it will pull up the charts to the right. & # 8230; forex strategies g…

However, with a loss of upside momentum seen on Friday (see daily chart … FXTechstrategy. com he writes daily and weekly technical commentaries on currencies and commodities which are offered to its clients. He …

Oct 30, 2015 … A Forex trading log covering all of the trades I took during the week of 10/25/2015 … for a few months before going live in order to test out my strategy. & # 8230 ;. nice uptrend has been forming on the weekly chart since June of 2014.

CHART #1: Strategy #5 is one of our most popular methods for capturing … Weekly Videos – Every Friday Steven will review the week's top Forex trades and go …

Forex trading on weekly charts is one of my favorite ways to make trades. Many forex systems encourage trading on 5 and 15 minute charts which can be …

Sep 15, 2015 … We start on weekly chart. We treat two neighbor candles as setup. Height of the candles doesn't matter. It is only important that one of them is …

Mar 9, 2015 … There are as many forex strategies as there are traders, but not all forex … How I generate ideas is by watching charts, both past and real-time.

Equity Rider Standard Edition, monthly - EquityRider is an advanced stock charting and trading systems analysis software for many markets: stocks, forex, and futures. It allows you to create custom indicators, derive indicators based on standard ones, and plot them on charts Real-Time or historical. Test custom trading strategies on up to 30 years of historical data. Monitor your portfolio for BUY/SELL signals on your criteria. Charts support multiple indicators and trading signals with ability to draw custom lines, trend lines, write on charts and use many other drawing tools including Fibonacci line, channel and fan.



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href=http://identi. ca/tag/forex>We hope we were capable of results we love to hawaii forex currency is experience or desire to learn forex market; the traders in the forex Charts Free forex demo account is trading business is to agree that there are some evaluation works will not be easy to understand and not start with a plan. And lost pips are easier for trading.

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Forex FS JForex Platform

The Forex FS JForex platform combines all the main functionality of order execution and position management, market research tools and instant communication in delivering clients the ability to act and react quickly under different market situations.

Easily monitor the market and current exposure.

Manage orders and positions.

Follow the evolution of your equity, leverage and performance.

The Forex FS JForex platform supports a wide range of trading orders, such as: Market, Limit, Stop, Take Profit, Stop Loss, Stop Limit, Trailing Stop, Place Bid/Offer, OCO, IFD etc.

The "Slippage Control" functionality allows clients to controll the maximum price slippage on execution. "Hedging" mode allows you to keep different direction positions for the same trading instrument with the possibility to "Merge" them. "Net position" mode displays all orders for the same currency pair in one position.

Three Trading Platform models are available: Web-Integrated, JForex and Java. Additionally, you can access your JForex Account via your Apple iOS device.

Forex FS JForex Platform Functionality

*Access from Apple iOS

Accounts opened on the Forex FS Web Trading platform can also be accessed via iPhone, iPod and iPad through the Swiss Forex Trader application. Enjoy a genuine iPhone OS application that replicates all the main features of the Forex FS Web Trading platform in order to let you trade your account from anywhere. The app comes with an automatic connection control system that adapts data flow size depending on the connection speed. To install the Forex FS JForex platform on your iPhone or iPod please proceed to iTunes. A special HD edition is also available for iPad users.


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Is Your Forex Investment Safe?

You will see advertisements for forex investment just about everywhere. In newspapers and magazines, on the TV, on the internet … it seems that everywhere you turn, you will meet with somebody telling you that this is a great way to make money. But what is forex. Is it really profitable, and is it safe?

Forex or foreign exchange trading is a way of making money by exchanging foreign currencies. The rates of exchange are constantly changing, so a sharp investor can make a lot of money by buying a currency that is about to rise, then selling it after the price has gone up. In this respect it is a little like trading on the stock exchange.

It would be possible to invest in currency for the medium to long term if you believed that a particular country’s currency was going to rise or fall in a more or less steady way over a period of time. However, this is not what most people do and this is not what the ads that you see are for. Most people use trading techniques to try to make smaller profits over a short time.

Often a trader will enter the market to open a trade and close it again within minutes. He may be buying a currency that he thinks will rise or selling one that he thinks will fall. He will watch the markets until he sees a situation developing that leads him to believe that a pattern or trend is forming, then he jumps in.

The technique of making money with currency trading has opened up for the private investor in the past few years. Now that so many people have a high speed internet connection at home, brokers have seen the opportunity to draw in people whose funds may not be very large. You can begin forex trading with just a few hundred dollars.

There are many systems that you can follow which will help you learn to become a successful forex trader. There are also automated forex trading systems known as robots which will even open and close the trades for you.

Some people who start out in currency trading are hoping to make a lot of money. Often they will be disappointed. You need certain skills to survive in the foreign exchange markets and you also need a lot of self discipline. These can be learned or developed if you do not have them already but it can take time to become successful.

Other people begin foreign exchange trading simply because they enjoy the challenge of trying to increase their starting fund. If they make profits, they may later become serious traders, but in the beginning it is almost a game. This is fine if you like taking risks and can afford to lose a few hundred dollars if things go wrong.

World events can have a big effect on the currency markets and sometimes they are completely unpredictable. Something like the events of 9/11/2001 would be an example. You can put stops in place to make sure that your trade is automatically closed if the market suddenly goes against you, but any trader must accept that losses sometimes happen and must be balanced against the potential gains.

Forex investment can be lucrative but if you are trading on the currency exchange markets it cannot really be described as a safe way to invest. Think carefully before you get involved and be prepared to spend some time learning how to manage your currency trades.

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Forex Strategy Builder Serial Number Free Download

Forex Strategy Builder is new version of Forex Strategy Builder. It helps to you to build and testing CDF. It also helps to you to test profitable trading system with and few steps. Its uses are very friendly. It has good rating. Download latest version of Forex Strategy Builder and make your work easy. It has many new and simple changes. It highly recommended application. It provides you luxury to make your work easy.

Forex Strategy Builder is a handy and reliable solution for building and testing CFD, Indexes and Forex trading strategies. Forex Strategy Builder's user friendly interface allows you to create and back test a profitable trading system with just a few clicks. Thanks to the program's automatic system generator you can successfully build a market strategy without having detailed technical analysis or programming skills.

Using market rates dating back to the 1980s, Forex Strategy Builder immediately calculates statistics and creates charts for the whole trade. You can easily create and test complicated trading systems using a wide variety of indicators and logic rules allowing almost infinite combinations. The program also includes unique interpolation methods yielding reliable test results within each data bar. Forex Strategy Builder looks inside the current time frame using all shorter data periods to produce a realistic market back test. It also calculates the most profitable combination of parameters for the selected indicators, plots the average result balance between all possible market scenarios (while protecting the strategy from curve-fitting), shows the price fluctuation inside each bar, and recognizes all the ambiguous bars in the back test.

Custom indicators and out of sample testing is also available. In short, Forex Strategy Builder provides you with all you need to quickly perform an in-depth technical analysis. Once done, you can export your strategy to get feedback from other experienced investors. Forex Strategy Builder (FSB) will help you quickly create and test a trading strategy for the internet FOREX market.


Considering that the Internet is full of trading algorithms that help you analyze the entire Forex market, this useful application enables you to create your own strategies based on your trading preferences and currencies.

Forex Strategy Builder is a comprehensive and effective application worth having when you want to define your own trading strategies and analyze the evolution of the Forex market.

Before using the utility you need to set your trading rules, then your balance will immediately show the generated results. You have the possibility to set the maximum number of ambiguous bars, the minimum profit per day and the maximum equity drawdown, then analyze each bar and its details such as profit loss, average price, commission and back test.

Thanks to its automatic system generator that it comes with, Forex Strategy Builder enables you to quickly build a marketing strategy based on personal details. Its major purpose is to achieve an optimal balance and comply with the chosen criteria. Still, an aspect worth to be known is that if you want to create a complete Forex strategy, there have to be no locked indicator slots and the ‘Generate a new strategy at every start’ option has to be off.

Whats New In This Version

You can build and test a new strategy for less than a minute.

All the technical indicators are precompiled, it is not necessary to use mathematical formulas.

Great variety of logics and methods of calculation are built.

You can put your own market data.

Without the risks of real market you can test all strategies you have built or downloaded from our website.

Information about all orders and deals is available in the journal records.

Detailed charts represent the data, indicators, position's lots and the account bill.

The special "Fractal interpolation method" of calculation guarantees the correct testing inside each data bar.

Fixed Winner adding mode discrepancy with trader.

Strategy FirstBar is set to be greater than or equal to 2.

All indicators made compatible with FSB Pro.

Fixed Tested Days and Profit Per Day params. The comply to FSB Pro now.

Usage statistics module improved. It was replaced by ProgReporter service.

Forex Strategy Builder Serial Number Free Download


ForexVPS. com is a leader in the virtual private server industry. Founded in order to provide the best virtual service to their clients, ForexVPS offers three levels of service. The most basic package includes 768 MB RAM, 10 GB disk, and 500 GB bandwidth. The next level up offers 1536 MB RAM, 20 GB disk, and 1,000 GB bandwidth. The top level provides 3072 MB RAM, 40 GB disk, and 2,000 GB bandwidth. All three levels offer clients 24 hour service, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. These packages range in price from $35 per month up to $115 per month.

ForexVPS can be used with any brokerage service. This package also offers free customer service and support, so you will never be without help should you experience any difficulties. ForexVPS also has a support system for new traders. If you do not have a broker, there is no need to worry as Forex VPS will help you to choose the right MetaTrader4 broker for your style of trading.

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, ForexVPS uses only the best state of the art hardware out of their warehouse. Their data center prides itself on their security—your information is kept safe within their servers. Access to the server site is protected by security cameras, razor wire, and key-card entry as well as a hand print scan. What’s more is that their servers have a dual power source, a precaution that ensures you will never have to go without access to your remote desktop.

Learning the psychology behind your trades can be just as enlightening as the more technical side of trading when it comes to turning a profit. For example, revealing your emotions in the moments before committing to a specific trade can give you a good look at why a specific type of trade just isn’t working out for you. If you tend to chase losing trades, this can be because you just can’t bear the thought of losing. Unfortunately, chasing trades is often a surefire way to continue to make losing trades. These trades tend to be less researched, and thus less effective. Journaling can make this fact very obvious.

Trading psychology, it has been stated, can be just as important as good trading technique. In poker, this phenomenon is known as “tilt.” Tilt occurs when emotion, of any kind, clouds or influences your decision making. In professional poker, it is very apparent that tilt can have a disastrous affect on play. So why it is not made more obvious in the high stakes world of trading that emotions can negatively impact your bottom line is a mystery. In order to be a Disciplined trader. you need to put aside the emotional aspect of your trades and focus solely on the facts. If you cannot do this, or have “buyer’s remorse” of any sort after you commit to a trade, the sad truth is that you are probably trading at limits above your comfort zone. A simple way to fix this type of “tilt” is to make smaller trades.

Friday, 5 August 2011

That is a very simple yet profitable strategy.

1. Initial opening (for the first entry only):

Enter long when the market reaches an Up Fractal. o

Enter short when the market reaches a Down Fractal.

Reverse to short at a Down Fractal.

Reverse to long at an Up Fractal.

You can find more information about the Fractals in the program's help. gráficos

Balance / Equity chart tested by Forex Strategy Builder

Learn how you can mirror the live trading of futures and forex professionals with World Cup AutoTrade™ service.

Michael Cook's Convexity Account captured the 2014 World Cup title. Isn't it time to start following this 5-time trophy winner?

Personal Portfolio Builder

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Leader-Follower AutoTrade™ Service

WorldCupAdvisor. com provides an elegant trading solution for many investors. We identify talented professional futures and forex traders and enable subscribers to automatically mirror their live trading. Trade leaders have their own money on the line, right along with their followers. We provide a variety of analysis tools so that you can find a program to follow that’s right for your needs. Our LF TradeSync platform was designed to deliver same-price fills to leaders and followers alike.


Many of our lead traders are identified through outstanding performances in the World Cup Trading Championships®, which have been running continuously since 1983. Performance of every contestant in this internationally recognized competition is evaluated by the WCA business development team.

Learn more about how it works


WCA identifies talented traders and authorizes them to trade self-funded “lead” accounts. Subscribers pay a monthly fee to "mirror" the account of the leader(s) they choose to follow. To mirror trades, a subscriber must open an account with an authorized broker and fund it at a level appropriate for the program(s) he or she elects to follow.


Subscriptions are sold on a month-to-month basis, and subscribers can start a new program or stop an existing one with a single phone call to their authorized broker. Subscribers can control their own leverage by adjusting funding levels and adding or reducing exposure to the programs they are following.


To find a "lead" program that’s right for you in terms of your investment objectives, risk tolerance and funding level, create a free 14-day trial membership and use our analysis tools: Net-Profit Calculator to view fees and performance; life-of-program closed-trade data; advisor profiles and specifications; and detailed month-end performance reports.


If you’ve narrowed your search and need assistance, give us a call so we can help you make a final decision. If you’ve made your decision, click here to start the subscription process.


As a paid AutoTrade™ subscriber, you’ll have access to live trade screens for your program(s) to view orders as they are entered and fills as they occur. If desired, you’ll receive email notifications and Instant Messages of all account activity. Your authorized broker will of course send you daily and monthly trading statements.


Performance includes open trade equity through March 23, 2016.

Michael Cook

Convexity PROGRAM

22.88 MONTHS

$30,493 NET PROFIT


Marko Grcic

World Cup Championship PROGRAM

14.51 MONTHS

$15,150 NET PROFIT


N. Craig Haugaard


24.84 MONTHS

$14,263 NET PROFIT


Rob Mitchell

Axiom Bonds PROGRAM

26.26 MONTHS

$19,741 NET PROFIT


Kevin Gawley

Full Spectrum PROGRAM

33.92 MONTHS



Takumaru Sakakibara


14.42 MONTHS



Subscribe today and start following our professional traders!

Or, sign up for a free guest account to learn more about our advisors.

Copyright y copia; 2016 WorldCupAdvisor. com. Todos los derechos reservados

Trading futures and forex involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. This web site is intended as a solicitation for leader-follower AutoTrade programs offered by WorldCupAdvisor. com (WCA). There is unlimited risk of loss in selling options. An investor must read, understand and sign a Letter of Direction for WCA programs before investing. There are no guarantees of profit no matter who is managing your money. Net-profit data wherever displayed on WCA includes open trade equity if any as of market close on the date listed, and is calculated using current WCA subscription rates, standardized commission rates (including Exchange fees but not NFA fees) and funding requirements available through any authorized AutoTrade broker. For detail on commission calculations, open the Net-Profit Calculator. Trades displayed on WorldCupAdvisor. com are from proprietary accounts that are either owned by the advisor or are entities of which the advisor is a beneficial owner. Performance data shown for lead accounts is not necessarily indicative of subscriber rate of return and drawdown due to execution, slippage, subscriber funding level and other factors.

While great care is taken in the preparation of information presented on WCA, subscribers must rely on their account statements for subscriber-specific performance of any WCA program. WCA accounts do not necessarily represent all the accounts controlled by the advisor. The advisor may have other accounts that may be subject to commission rates different than rates required to follow his or her WCA account with AutoTrade service and may produce results different than his or her WCA account(s). The advisor may have previously displayed other accounts on WCA. Accounts trading in the World Cup Trading Championships (WCC) do not necessarily represent all the WCC accounts controlled by the competitor, may be subject to commission rates different than rates required to follow a WCC account with AutoTrade service, and may produce results different than the results achieved in other WCC accounts of the competitor. To view the trade-by-trade history of all WCA programs in our "Performance" section, fill out the "Performance Reports" form on the WorldCupAdvisor. com home page.

Software News

Alpari Launches EA Builder: Reaches out to Automated Trading Fans

Alpari UK. the London-based company which offers Forex and binary options trading, and even spread betting, has launched a visual builder for expert advisors (EAs), making creation of automated strategies easier and more convenient.

The new product is named EA Builder and is created in cooperation with Molanis, a software company operating from Toronto, Canada. As this is a Molanis' product, you should be aware that it is Java-based: make sure that you have the latest Java version on your PC before downloading this tool.

The EA Builder is available to download for free from Alpari UK's website but that's only for those who have live accounts with the broker and who come from the UK, Spain or China. These traders can simply install the program from the Tools section of MyAlpari (their personal cabinet). But those of you who don't fall into the above-mentioned groups should not fall into despair: you can get a free trial of the Molanis Strategy Builder at the software company's website.

Regardless of which option you pick, you'll get access to a very intuitive and user-friendly working environment. As we've said when we reviewed other visual tools for building EAs (such as the ones of FXPro or IronFX), you get to escape from the tons of linear coding and instead construct the strategies in a Lego-like style. In more complicated way, it's called graphical user interface (GUI).

You have a number of blocks, belonging to different categories (such as variables, technical analysis, start, etc.), which you drag-and-drop on the screen and connect them using arrows. It all begins with the START block (it looks like a house), and then continues with some TA (technical analysis) blocks, then we have the operations (buy/sell) blocks, etc. Then it all ends with an END block, as you've perhaps already guessed.

You can test the strategies, modify them, do anything that your programming brains suggest you do with them.

Overall, it's nice to see that Alpari UK smiles one more time to fans of Metatrader 4 and automated trading, especially to those who don't have the time and the patience to code and code but would still like to have their own EAs running on the platform. It's usually said that visual builders are suitable even for newbies to trading and programming: in our humble opinion, however, you'd better have some basic knowledge of programming before jumping on to work with Alpari's EA Builder. If you think you know the basics, then enjoy!

About Alpari

Founded in 1998, the international Alpari brand is one of the leading names in online Forex trading and was recently listed as the world's third largest broker in a 2012 report from online financial portal Forex Magnates, with an average monthly trading volume of more than 200 billion US dollars.

Alpari has earned the trust of hundreds of thousands of clients in more than 150 countries across the world, thanks in large part to its reputation for delivering high-quality products and top-notch customer support. The Alpari brand is represented in many of the world's leading centers of commerce, with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Dubai, Frankfurt and Moscow.

More news about Alpari

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PFSOFT adds price action analysis tools to Protrader forex trading platform

OANDA adds forex calendar to fxTrade Android app

MT4, MT5 forex trading platforms now support China UnionPay payments

GWAZY adds phone verification tool to its white label trading platform

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Tradologic's 5Ticks is now in Top 3 most traded binary options types

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Introduction to Forex Trading

FOREX is the world’s largest and most liquid trading market. In our opinion, FOREX is one of the best home business you can ever venture in. Even though regular people have had the opportunity to take part in trading foreign currencies for speculations (in the same way banks and large corporations do) since 1998, it is just now becoming the cool, hip, new "thing" to talk about at parties, business events, and other social gatherings.

Even though it has been somewhat of a loosely guarded secret, every day more and more investors are turning to the all-electronic world of FOREX trading because of what they perceive as its numerous benefits & advantages over traditional trading vehicles, like stocks, bonds and commodities.

But, still, whenever something seems new or is just becoming a part of social conversation, news articles, and water cooler gossip, misconceptions have to be overcome, the mind has to be open and the slate has to be clear for starting out fresh with the CORRECT information.

So, in this article, it is my attempt to give you some solid, but not over-detailed, information on just what the heck "FX" (FOREX) means, what it is, and why it exists.

Here's an explanation (one I feel you'll appreciate) of what FOREX is and how a bunch of traders, operate in this market

The Foreign Exchange Market, also referred to the "FOREX" or "FX" market, is the spot (cash) market for currency.

But, don't mistake FX as trading the futures market, where you buy a contract to purchase a particular currency at a future price in time.

So, you're probably wondering where it's at. o. how to access the FX market?

The answer is: FX Trading is not bound to any one trading floor and is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. The FX market is considered an Over-the-Counter (OTC) or 'Interbank' market, due to the fact that the entire market is run electronically, within a network of banks, continuously over a 24-hour period .

Yes, if that's the first time you've heard about an all-electronic market, I know this may sound somewhat intriguing to you.

Here's what you are actually trading when you participate in the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market:

Essentially, like the large banks who use the FX market to protect themselves from the fluctuating exchange rate of different currencies, as an investor, what a FX trader is doing is simultaneously exchanging one countries currency for another. So, in actuality, they're electronically trading a currency-pair and the price that is quoted to us is the exchange rate between the two currencies.

In other words, simply the quoted price is how many of the one currency is worth 1 of the other currency.

EUR/USD last trade 1.3680 - One Euro is worth $1.3680 US dollars. The first currency (in this example, the EURO) is referred to as the base currency and the second (/USD) as the counter or quote currency.

The FOREX has a DAILY trading volume of around $1.5 trillion dollars - 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U. S. equity markets.

The FOREX plays a vital role in the world economy and there will always be a tremendous need for the FOREX. International trade increases as technology and communication increases. As long as there is international trade, there will be a FOREX market. The FX market has to exist so a country like Japan can sell products in the United States and be able to receive Japanese Yen in exchange for US Dollar.

There's plenty of opportunities using FOREX for plenty of traders that use the right trading techniques / tactics that will allow them enter this market.


Forex4Asia has specialized team in providing professional Forex investment management account on a discretionary basis wide variety of markets including the worldwide inter-bank foreign exchange (Forex) market. Its programs are technical, trend-following, support & resistance, volatility systems and are speculative in nature. In managed Account you don't need to send money to us its very simple you just have to open an account with your bank nearest to your locality. We will only open your account with FXCM on your request with your name. Managed Account investors are advised to carefully check your account statement weekly, fortnightly and monthly basis. Invest in your future and Trade FOREX with a managed account. Forex4asia team is always ready and vigilant to manage you accounts.

Managed Account's Goal

The goal of Forex4asia team is to provide Maximum exposure and Maximum Trading Oportimotoes in the Currency Market to our investor through opening individual accounts traded by professional of Forex4asia team's managers. We will only get 50% profit which we earn in your account on monthly basis. You can open an account from our web site to click. We are ready to serve our investor/client in best manner.

What Is Importance Of Forex Signals

Forex signals are the basic entities, which are capable of letting your investments to flourish in right direction. Here are few ways, by which forex signals provide help to the investors:

Forex signals help the investors to draw a thin line of difference between profit and loss segments of the market.

Forex signals help to evaluate the existing market prices of various world currencies and help the investors to decide, which currency to but.

Forex signals provide minute-by-minute report for fluctuating nature of forex trading market.

Most importantly, forex signals make use of most efficient tools like daily candlestick charts, hourly candlestick charts and minute-by-minute candlestick charts to provide latest information to the investors.

Thus, it is important to choose best trading signal provider to ensure better investments in this direction. You may learn some worthy tips regarding this by visiting 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder . an online guide offering various tips and tracks for trading in world currencies.

Forex Shocker

Forex Shocker - New Version 2.0 Forex Robots Test Forum - Forex Shocker - New Version 2.0

Forex Robots Test Forum

Forex Robots Test Forum > General Forum > Forex Robot Discussion and Settings > Forex Shocker - New Version 2.0

Full Version: Forex Shocker - New Version 2.0 You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting.

admin 11-05-2009, 08:49 AM Developers of Forex Shocker have launched an update 2.0!

Forex Shocker 2.0 has been vastly improved from version 1.1 in these ways:

1. The trading algorithm has been modified for much greater profitability. Our backtests for this year show that Forex Shocker 2.0 has improved profits by a very significant percentage over the previous version. Using the exact same money management setting of

the NN. dll file, Forex Shocker 2.0 may now close a trade for a small loss or less profit instead of lingering and increasing the risk that the trade hitting the stop loss.

4. Your broker's GMT offset is now automatically calculated by Forex Shocker 2.0 and users no longer have to input the "StartTime" and "EndTime".

5. Forex Shocker 2.0 now determines if your broker is using 4 digit

Because Forex Shocker 2.0 is a scalper, the execution needs to be precise and a high amount of slippage will only cause poor trades. It's better to not execute a trade when there is too much volatility. So we coded Forex Shocker so that users cannot permit a higher degree of slippage than 1 pip.

8. The problem of OrderSend Error 131 (ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME) when using money management for accounts under $980 has been fixed.

9. Forex Shocker 2.0 is now more user-friendly. The user need only

Forex Robots Test Forum > General Forum > Forex Robot Discussion and Settings > Forex Shocker - New Version 2.0

Forex Shocker is our top performer with no losing trades. It has one of the most advanced forex robots available today. It handles six currency pairs (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF and USD/CAD) and uses a state-of-the-art neural network algorithm which allows it to adapt to changing market conditions. It therefore cannot become obsolete like many other robots.

Forex Shocker is a fully automated forex robot so no human intervention is needed. Just place it on a chart and it trades by itself! Forex Shocker works with all Forex brokers using the MetaTrader platform, including ECN and 5-digit brokers!

It is designed for serious people who plan to make serious money out of Forex.

Forex Shocker uses State-of-the-Art Neural Network Technology. Fully Automated! The Best, Most Advanced Expert Advisor for MetaTrader.

Forex Shocker Has Produced 773 Wins from 884 Trades! on Our Test Site in 2009 (never seen on any other Forex Robot)

Forex Shocker is our TOP PERFORMING FOREX ROBOT OF 2009. It is one of the most advanced expert advisor available today. It handles six currency pairs (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF and USD/CAD). It was released in late May 2009 and is a scalper which is geared to profit in the range of 4-6 pips. The stop loss is in 32 pip range. Forex Shocker trades during hours of 20:00-22:00 GMT -- when these pairs are usually not very volatile. Forex Shocker uses a state-of-the-art neural network algorithm which allows it to adapt to changing market conditions.

Forex Shocker is a fully automated robot so no human intervention is needed. Just place it on a chart and it trades by itself! Forex Shocker works with all Forex brokers using the MetaTrader platform, including ECN and 5-digit brokers!

Forex Shocker has continued its upward trend and remains our top Forex Robot of the year on annualised earnings growth. It has increase equity in the account by 44% (annualised 1047%). It handles six currency pairs (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF and USD/CAD) and uses a state-of-the-art neural network algorithm which allows it to adapt to changing market conditions. The great thing about this EA is the low number of losing trades it makes. An update to Forex Shocker was released two week ago and is proving itself to be a more consistent trading machine than ever before.

Forex Shocker continues as one of our top 3 EA's proving it's consistency.

Forex Shocker was the top performer of Week 20 and is now up 30% and 1492% on an annualised basis.

Forex Shocker reached the top slot this week with equity of $1180 and overall gain of 18%.

Forex Shocker is running second place in our test and is showing itself to be a steady scalper.

Forex Shocker which was added was added on 6th June is in at number 2 slot.

Forex Shocker is one of the most advanced expert advisor available today.

Forex Shocker was the top performer of Week 20 and is now up 30% and 1492% on an annualised basis.

• designed for people working full time with little capital or prior knowledge of Forex • is thrives in markets that cripple other Robots

Robot as a dual-layer tested robot which was designed for the current volatility in the markets.

Forex Shocker reached the top slot this week with equity of $1180 and overall gain of 18%.

Forex Shocker is running second place in our test and is showing itself to be a steady scalper.

Forex Shocker which was added was added on 6th June is in at number 2 slot.

Forex Shocker is one of the most advanced expert advisor available today.

ProSignal™ delivers a fully Automated Forex Trading Platform that automatically executes trades on your forex brokerage account following trade signals from many of the industry's leading signal providers, including signals from our own proprietary strategies.

ProSignal's Automated trading platform uses the latest technology in automated trade execution. making trading the foreign currency market a reality for everyone! It's like having a staff of professional traders working for you 24-hours per day!

Here's How It Works:

1. The client reviews the past performance of each trading system in the automated trading platform.

2. The client builds their portfolio by selecting trading strategies from multiple signal providers whose " real-time " signal performance has been tracked on live accounts and verified by an independent third-party firm.

3. Once each strategy is applied to the account, the platform receives real-time trade signals from the strategies you have chosen and automatically executes the trades on your brokerage account as they occur.

4. That's it! Sit back and watch your brokerage account as it's automatically traded by multiple signal providers who we believe are some of the best in the industry!

Free 30-Day Demo Account

We know that seeing is believing, so sign up for a FREE 30-day demo and see for yourself!

Automated Trading Benefits

Whether you want to trade 1 strategy or 100 strategies, the platform can handle multiple trading strategies simultaneously on the same account. This includes managing multiple strategies even on a single currency pair. This flexibility enables the trader to diversify their portfolio and risk while maintaining complete control of their account. The user is free to intervene in any trade at any time and may even close open positions any time they desire. The client may also execute their own trades manually.

The Automated Trading software is so flexible, you can even trade strategies in reverse (in the opposite direction of the trade signals). This allows you to hedge strategies that tend to do poorly in specific types of markets or simply trade poor strategies in reverse.

Subscribing to all of the signal providers offered in the Automated Trading Platform would cost you thousands of dollars per MONTH! However, we charge NO FEES for our automated trade execution! You receive access to ALL of our signal providers for *FREE through our automated trading platform. The only fees you do pay are the dealer's spread fees (the difference between buy and sell price), which you would have to pay anway if you were to trade all on your own. There are NO monthly subscription fees or start-up fees! Therefore, you only pay for the dealer's spread and you get to trade signals from the best strategies on our list, saving you thousands of dollars per month. not to mention all the time and effort you will save by simply letting the software do the trading for you. All of this (and more) comes with our unlimited 24-hour customer support.

- Diversify your portfolio; trade many systems simultaneously.

- Back-test each trading system with real-time trade history recorded from live accounts.

- View the Equity Curve of each hand-selected trading system.

- Maintain 100% account control: close auto-trades early, set your own stops & limits, or open your own trades manually.

- Receive Signal Notifications by Email from the FREE ProSignal charts (Free with a live trading account)

- View complete signal details as received from the signal provider

- Sort systems by pips, dollar profit, accuracy, max drawdown, number of trades, and average profit per trade.

- Choose between 2 different money management strategies: Fixed Lots and Fixed Percentage.

- Ability to trade mini accounts (10k lots)

- 100% Web-based - no software to download and no need to keep your computer running.

- Helps eliminate many of the obstacles associated with manual trading (emotions of fear & greed, lack of discipline, poor money management. the need to eat, sleep, and have a life while the platform trades for you 24 hours per day).

- Create a balanced portfolio diversified among multiple forex signal providers and strategy developers with live historical results.

The table below displays the live trading performance of our 300+ available trading strategies inProSignal's Automated forex trading platform as of the date posted above the table. Some systems' performance goes back 12 months, while others have only been live-trading in the platform for several months. The date when live recording began on each system is listed under the column labeled "Start Date". Please take the start date, as well as the number of trades, into consideration when selecting strategies for your portfolio.

The AutoTrader platform allows you to isolate individual signal providers, systems, and currency pairs in specific date ranges for more in-depth analysis. For the most up-to-date results, please refer to the "Portfolio Builder" section of the AutoTrader platform, which updates the performance statistics every 60 seconds.

- Top 20 Most Popular Automated Forex Trading Systems -

Hypothetical Trading Performance as of August 1st, 2011 *

* The above representation was taken directly from www. zulutrade. com. Kindly visit www. zulutrade. com for a detailed breakdown of the hypothetical performance of each system.

Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Please, read our Performance and Results Disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Past performance posted by Signal and Systems Providers (“Providers”), is not necessarily indicative of future results. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta es probable que alcance beneficios o pérdidas similares a los que se muestran. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. The composite monthly results are primarily hypothetical results of the master demo and its representation of the Providers, though performance results displayed may represent a combination of live and hypothetical results and are not exclusive to either. There are numerous other factors related to markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program that cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. En el caso de que las operaciones específicas se ejecutan simultáneamente en hipotética y en vivo, el comercio en tiempo real, el menor de los dos resultados se mostrarán. No hay ninguna garantía de que una aplicación de estas metodologías tendría los mismos resultados que la hipotética publicado. Puesto que el comercio depende exitosamente de muchos elementos, incluyendo pero no limitado a una metodología comercial y la psicología de un comerciante, el sitio web no hace ninguna representación alguna que los sistemas comerciales mencionados anteriormente podrían ser o son adecuados o que serían rentables para usted. Por favor tome en cuenta el riesgo con cualquier inversión y consulte a los profesionales de inversión antes de proceder. Los sistemas de comercio aquí descritos han sido desarrollados para operadores sofisticados que entienden completamente la naturaleza y el alcance de los riesgos que están asociados con el comercio. Should you decide to trade any or all of these systems' signals, it is your decision .

Tips for Building Your Portfolio

By pursuing strict requirements for including a trading strategy in your portfolio, you can keep the number of trades relatively low, which reduces spread and commission fees. When selecting strategies for your portfolio, here's a few things to consider:

1. Average Profit per Trade: We feel this is one of the quickest and easiest ways of spotting the best overall trading strategies. If a strategy has a high average profit per trade, this not only means it has been profitable in the past, but we believe it means that it's able to make back losses more quickly than strategies with a lower average profit per trade. But be cautious as there will be some strategies that rise to the top of the list for having a high "Average Profit per Trade" when they have had only a few trades. A low number of trades can generate a very biased reading. The more trades a system has had, the more closely the statistic should represent how the system may perform over the long-term.

2. Profit vs. Max Draw Down: The Max Draw down is an important statistic but only when compared to the amount of total profit the strategy has made. In our view, strategies with a high profit factor will usually have a very good profit to max draw down ratio so looking at the Profit Factor alone is a quick way of finding strategies that have small Max Draw Downs relative to total profit. Viewing a strategy's equity curve in the Automated Trading Platform will give you a good visual of the Max Draw Down to Profit ratio at a glance.

3. Money Management: Our Automated forex trading platform offers 2 types of money management strategies that can be fully automated. These are Fixed Lot and Fixed % Risk. For a detailed explanation of each, please refer to our page on Selecting Trading Strategies & Administración del dinero.

But the techniques for selecting strategies for your portfolio don't stop here. With our "Reverse Trading" feature, the ways of selecting strategies for your forex portfolio are virtually endless. Poorly performing trading systems can be traded in reverse so that your account can BUY when the system says SELL, and SELL when the system says BUY.

Open a FREE Auto-Trading Demo Account

Performance and Results Disclaimer: Past performance posted by Signal and Systems Providers (“Providers”), is not necessarily indicative of future results. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta es probable que alcance beneficios o pérdidas similares a los que se muestran. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. The composite monthly results are primarily hypothetical results of the master demo and its representation of the Providers, though performance results displayed may represent a combination of live and hypothetical results and are not exclusive to either. There are numerous other factors related to markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program that cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. En el caso de que las operaciones específicas se ejecutan simultáneamente en hipotética y en vivo, el comercio en tiempo real, el menor de los dos resultados se mostrarán. No hay ninguna garantía de que una aplicación de estas metodologías tendría los mismos resultados que la hipotética publicado. Puesto que el comercio depende exitosamente de muchos elementos, incluyendo pero no limitado a una metodología comercial y la psicología de un comerciante, el sitio web no hace ninguna representación alguna que los sistemas comerciales mencionados anteriormente podrían ser o son adecuados o que serían rentables para usted. Por favor tome en cuenta el riesgo con cualquier inversión y consulte a los profesionales de inversión antes de proceder. Los sistemas de comercio aquí descritos han sido desarrollados para operadores sofisticados que entienden completamente la naturaleza y el alcance de los riesgos que están asociados con el comercio. Si decide intercambiar cualquiera o todas las señales de estos sistemas, es su decisión.

¡Las experiencias únicas y las actuaciones pasadas no garantizan resultados futuros! Los testimonios en este documento no son solicitados y no son representativos de todos los clientes; Ciertas cuentas pueden tener un desempeño peor que el indicado. Trading stocks, options and spot currencies involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Sus resultados comerciales pueden variar. Debido a que el factor de riesgo es alto en el comercio de divisas, sólo el "riesgo" Los fondos deben ser utilizados en dicho comercio. Si usted no tiene el capital adicional que usted puede permitirse perder, usted no debe negociar en el mercado de divisas. No hay \ vskip1.000000 \ Nunca se ha ideado el sistema de comercio, y nadie puede garantizar los beneficios o la libertad de la pérdida.

Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. A diferencia de un registro de rendimiento real, los resultados simulados no representan el comercio real. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity. Hypothetical trading programs in general are benefit of hindsight. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. Substantial risk is involved.

Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex markets. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Nothing in our course or website shall be deemed a solicitation or an offer to Buy/Sell futures and/or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our site. Also, the past performance of any trading methodology is not necessarily indicative of futures results. Day trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money.

The Forex Blog

Did you ever plan on investing in the forex market, but keep putting it off because the thought of the large amount of cash required to get started?

Or you heard from others how they are able to pocket THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars from trading in the forex market, but feel you don't have enough experience?

Or simply too scared because of the complexity of the forex market?

If you answered "YES" to any of the above questions, today is your LUCKY day!

Many people like yourself are held back from trading forex because of the lack of knowledge. Even to gain these knowledge can become expensive! Seminars, training, and books can cost you in the hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars!

Forex trading are thought to be for the wealthy and people with deep pocket only. Banks and other financial institutions are trading forex everyday and making tons of money! These days, with the help of technology, you no longer need to have a large amount of cash to get started. All you need is the right knowledge and some cash and you could be trading in a few days!

Forex trading have been around for centuries and the only people who are profiting from it are the people who understand how the system works and using that to their advantages. Using that knowledge, they are able to MAXIMIZE their profits from every investment and minimize their losses!

To become a successful trader, you have to know how to play the market correctly. There are no wrong or right way to trade forex, but not understanding how the forex market works in the first place, will eventually, deplete your portfolio and your bank account completely! There is nothing worse than investing your hard earned cash and seeing it vanish!

The professional knows something that you don't that makes them VERY, VERY wealthy. They know the secrets to how the forex market works, what tactic works best, and where to avoid the pitfall of trading. By knowing all these secrets, their losses are minuscule compared to their earning! Now you don't have to go into the forex trading world blind, get the book and uncover all the secrets and start making some serious cash!

I, myself have been trading forex for more than 5 years. It wasn't easy during the first couple years of trading. Everything I learned was through trial and error. I tested each method of trading and removed everything that didn't work to save you time and the headache. All the secrets that I uncovered for forex trading are right here in this book!

Forex trading have made me so much money that I can buy anything, do anything, and go anywhere I want! I practically don't have to worry about money anymore! Can you picture yourself living the life you always wanted and doing what ever that you wanted? Well, you can have that life too by taking the first step and ordering the "Forex Classified" book!

This book was written so a person with no prior knowledge of what Forex Trading is would understand by the time they finish reading it. Everything is written in plain English and formatted for easy reading and understanding. Here's Just a couple of Secrets that You'll Uncover with Forex Classified

You heard it right! It doesn't matter if it's 4 a. m. in the morning, you'll be downloading and reading "The Forex Classified" within minutes!

This is truly one-of-a-kind book that you won't find anywhere else! Not anywhere on the internet, not at a bookstore, and not even at you local library!

The Forex Classified normally sells for $69.99, but for a limited time, Save $50.

You can get your copy of the Forex Classified for only $19.99!

Secrets to Foreign Investments

For the very first time, all in one place, small investors can take advantage of the secrets and strategies of one of the top international investment gurus on the scene today.

With flawless, step-by-step instructions and countless examples to show investors exactly what they need to do, they can quickly and easily exploit one of the quickest growing investment markets for small investors across the world: FOREX!

With his impeccable style and easy-to-understand tutorials, this book takes readers by the hand and walks them through a veritable maze of forex tips, tactics, strategies, and secrets? making forex investing easier than ever before in history.

And, more than just explanations, Uday Jadhav & Girish Joshi puts forex investing within reach of the small investor for the first time. In other words, this groundbreaking new book, Forex Essentials, allows novice, small investors to reach out globally and take advantage of the raging investment market. This means that the average investor can see returns on their investment that are double, triple, and many times more than that of anything they've ever experienced on the stock market.

This is truly an exciting time for the individual investor who wants to take control of their financial future and Uday Jadhav & Girish Joshi book makes it all possible.

Not for reprint

Written: Sunday, 5:42 A. M. Subject: The Secrets to Investing in Foreign Markets Revealed

Hello Fellow Investor,

In today's world there are countless investment opportunities for the small investor.

And, as even the most novice investor knows, a balanced portfolio should extend beyond simple stocks and bonds. And that means? Diversification.?

Diversification means more, however, than adding a few different equity types to your investment portfolio.

But most people are reluctant to diversify out of debt and equities simply because they do not understand their alternatives. Their loss is going to be your gain!

Equities are fairly simple to wrap your head around - buy low, sell high. The more sophisticated investor may short stocks to profit from the decline of a particular security's value. Debt can be marginally more complex, but most investors can understand the basics. A bond pays interest over time, and at the end of the term, the investor receives his principal. Of course, debt investing may involve more complex strategies, but most investors can grasp the fundamentals.

To the average investor, the idea of investing in money seems bizarre. One uses money to invest; one does not invest in money, right?

Well, not really.

Investing in foreign money? often referred to as foreign exchange (forex)?is a great way to earn substantial returns in a volatile, fast-moving market.

Forex investing can pay off in substantial investment returns simply through the purchase and sale of money.

Unlike debt, equities, and commodities, forex investments are directly influenced by international trade relations, interest rates, and geopolitical conditions. These factors affect debt, equity, and commodity investments only indirectly, making them harder to quantify and dulling their impact.

Currencies, on the other hand, are directly influenced by these factors. Consequently, it is easier to invest in forex markets based on international relations factors.

When coupled with the appropriate strategies, forex investing can be quite powerful.

You can earn significant returns in this market with solid investment strategies and a sound approach to risk management. Plan and execute; it's that easy.

Did you say? Easy'.

Yes, it CAN be easy? IF you take advantage of the best guidebook to forex trading on the market today?

Hailed as one of the best forex books on the market today, financial experts are praising Forex Essentials as the premier guidebook for anybody interested in learning how to make forex trading work.

Forex trading has proven to be one of the most reliable, money-making investment instruments available today? when done correctly!

With Forex Essentials . I have removed the confusion around forex trading and made it as simple as simple can be for any investor interested in taking control of their financial future to make huge returns with their forex investments.

Foreign Investing and You - Where The Whole World Is Your Oyster !

If you have ever thought that foreign investing was out of your reach, it's time to think again.

If you have ever felt that you don't have what it takes to make money with foreign investments, I'm here to let you know the time has come for you to stop feeling that way and start making all your financial dreams come true.

Discover why there is no better time than right now to start with a foreign investing strategy-building your portfolio, managing your financial future, and leading the life you've always wanted!

Find out how you-yes, YOU-can quickly and easily begin making money with foreign investments. See how simple it is to start making huge profits on minimal investments.

This extraordinary 5-part mini-ecourse gives you an exclusive look at what you need to know to start successfully down the road of foreign investing. Taken straight from the pages of the new "Forex Essentials," you will be one of the first to see the valuable resources that are available to you!

Simply enter your name and e-mail address below to receive this FREE, five-part mini-ecourse.

We don't like spam either, so we promise to never sell or give away your personal information to anyone.

This is the power of forex trading just can't be denied and the value of Forex Essentials is equally undeniable:

Comprehensive strategies for forex success. From understanding the basics of forex trading to time-tested strategies for success and everything in between. Extensive review of all the tools you will need to maximize your foreign investments every time. With recommendations on how to time the money market perfectly. Step-by-step guidelines for a totally rewarding investment experience; everything from discovering what types of currency to focus upon and how to make your small investments count every time. Detailed information on how to? read? the global market? exploit the market to its fullest to make the money you deserve. Easy-to-understand guidebook shows you how simple it is to become the newest successful forex investor!

But that's not all?

How would you like to spend your time doing what you do best? making money and enjoying the money you've made? Do you want a way to find everything you need to know to start making big $$$ in forex trading all in one convenient, easy-to-understand place? Would you be happy if you could learn how to master the forex marketplace with an inexpensive guidebook that has proven time-tested results? Does the idea of having your entire financial future look bigger and brighter than you could have ever imagined? all at the push of a button? sound appealing? Would tips, tactics, strategies, and secrets to forex investing put within your grasp be something you were interested in? especially if it showed you how easy it is to make more money than you've ever dreamed possible? If you answered. Sí. to any of these questions, you are in the right place; you'll want to keep reading to find out how easy it is to download and use the most powerful, all-in-one forex eBook on the market today .

Yes, that's right. Forex Essentials makes international forex investing easier than ever.

Once reserved for the world's elite investor, forex investing is quickly becoming the newest? sure thing? investment of the 21 st century .

Thinking of trading Forex? Don? t?until you read Forex Essentials. Learn the fundamentals and strategies needed for successful trading.

Novices lose in not understanding the risks and complexities of trading. Arm yourself with tools to successfully navigate the market. Learn the best ways to enter the Forex market and when to use different entry methods.

For those with trading experience and knowledge, Forex Essentials teaches you how to trade, how to know what influences prices and how those factors impact your strategy, and to use the right tool at the right time.

Don? t wait, add Forex Essentials to your trading library today.

Jeff Betman Author of Swing Trading 101 www. SwingTradeSuccess. com

Many individual investors shy away from forex trading because they seem so complicated and confusing.

If you're like I used to be, you took one look at how much time it takes to find, organize, strategize, and manage forex information? and you ran the other way, right?

Especially when you start talking about options, straddles, contracts, and hedging, the whole process? including all the time it takes to understand all the new terminology? just seems like too much hassle.

It just doesn't seem worth the effort, does it?

But what if there was a way to change all of this?

What if there was a way to:

Eliminate all the confusion of forex trading? Expedite the speed at which you can start making money in forex trading, so you can start seeing profits almost immediately? Effortlessly learn the strategies that have been making big investors richer and richer every day? Take advantage of over 25 years of insider information on how to make the forex market work for you? even if you've never invested before? Quickly diversify your portfolio with powerful instruments that can double, triple, and exponentially add value to your current holdings and profit?

If there was a way to make forex investing this simple, I bet you would reconsider? wouldn't you?

In fact, after spending years learning about the financial markets around the world by trial and error, I decided to put everything I've learned into one book that makes forex investing as easy as A, B, C.

My colleagues and I took our knowledge and expertise of international currency and created a pioneering eBook that empowers personal investors, just like you, to take advantage of all global investing has to offer.

Learn how to anticipate the market conditions that will cause currency prices to change? which can significantly increase your trading returns. Discover how formulate the best risk mitigation strategies for your particular situation? this will allow you to maximize the amount of money you can make without putting you at more risk than you want. Find out how to? talk the talk? as you learn the complete vocabulary and terminology of forex trading? when you know what to say (and when to say it) you can add huge profits to your portfolio. Get the special tools you need to become a real player in the forex market? these are the exclusive tips, tricks, tactics, and strategies that will set you apart from the rest. Learn exactly what you must to do read the market correctly and learn how to time the market so you always make the biggest returns on your investments . Discover how to make sense of value drivers in the marketplace? when you can understand the external forces and conditions that are affecting currency prices, you'll be golden! Find out how to get the upper hand on derivatives? understanding their behavior is critical to developing your investment approach. Get the inside scoop on all the most important investment instruments that you MUST know inside and out if you want to be a success in the forex marketplace. See how such conditions as interest rates, trade deficits, geopolitical factors, currency pairs, and even natural disasters can all play into your forex strategies? taking advantage of world events can mean big $$$. And much, much more!

Simply, Forex Essentials is the total investing resource offering the easiest, most effective way to get started succeeding in forex trading available today, so you can make as much money as you want with your international investments.

Not sure whether forex investing is right for you, Download Your Copy Today and Find Out For Yourself.

Want to make more money from your portfolio? Want to know how to tap into one of the hottest markets today? Want to know how to make your money grow and grow with proven strategies for success within the forex investment scene?

Then, it's time to download your copy of Forex Essentials today!

I'm so sure that you'll be totally satisfied with Forex Essentials that I've offered a 30-Day 100% money-back guarantee to ensure your total satisfaction with the book.

With this kind of no-risk offer, I want you to check out the book firsthand and see for yourself how incredible it really is without any risk to your pocketbook.

Here are just a few more of the benefits of this incredible book:

Learn basic forex trading tools, as well as more? exotic? trading tools? both of which will allow you to supercharge your portfolio as you meet and exceed your financial goals. Find out how to make the most of the various types of option contracts and learn how best to exercise your currency options to exploit the market conditions to your benefit . Discover how easy it is to integrate foreign investment currencies into your existing portfolio. Learn exactly what you must do to make sure you portfolio is achieving your financial goals and investment objectives. Understand how your forex position should change depending upon your particular goals and life stages. Discover the secrets to speculation and learn when and how to use if effectively for your success. Equip yourself with lucrative forex strategies that will help you get ahead of the market over and over again. Find out how you can use option straddles to use a small amount of money to generate much larger returns. Learn how to take advantage of foreign interest rate changes and trade imbalances to exponentially increase the value of your holdings. Discover online resources that make tracking the current market conditions as easy as 1, 2, 3?these will help make it very simple to stay hands-on with your investments. Understand how to use inflation to your benefit as you stay one step ahead of the global market. And page after page of vital information to get your forex trading off on the best, most profitable foot possible!

Click here to download your copy today!

Bonus Report: Focusing on Forex - a $9.97 Value - FREE!

In this special free bonus report, you will learn all about the differences and similarities in commodity trading - plus, 2 rules you just can't live without!

Forex trading is not new to international investors, but? because small investors don't usually stray too far from stocks and bonds? many individual investors have not started adding forext trading to their portfolios.

But, the time has come for all this to change. With the amount of money that can be made in forex trading , it would almost be criminal not to start taking advantage of the benefits of currency trading immediately .

Don't worry - my book walks you through every step of the process? leaving no stone unturned, you don't have to worry that the book will be? over your head. or? too complicated? for you.

I've demystified the entire forex trading process, so it's as easy as logging on to your home computer and starting trading? right there, right then.

In fact, it's for these investors, like you, that I created Forex Essentials . For those of you that want a hands-on investing experience without the hassle . without the headaches . but with all of the profit? this eBook was created especially for you.

You'll surely be amazed at how much information I was able to cram into one book and how helpful that information is to you and putting you on the path to financial freedom!

But, don't take my word for it? Download your copy of Forex Essentials today .

If you are still a little nervous about forex investing, ask yourself the following questions:

Are you ready to start making the kind of money you deserve? Are you ready to start living the lifestyle you've always dreamed possible? Are you prepared to let Forex Essentials help you organize your investment strategy, easily, effectively, and efficiently? Are you ready to let the Forex Essentials software take care of all the little details that used to take up so much of your time? Are you ready to begin taking the necessary steps to provide a good life for yourself and your family?

If you answered. Sí. to any of these questions, Forex Essentials is the answer for you.

There is no better time to start investing for your future than today.

My personal forex investing book, Forex Essentials . gives you everything you need to get started on one the smartest financial moves you'll ever make.

Comprehensive strategies for forex success . From understanding the basics of forex trading to time-tested strategies for success and everything in between. Extensive review of all the tools you will need to maximize your foreign investments every time. With recommendations on how to time the money market perfectly. Step-by-step guidelines for a totally rewarding investment experience; everything from discovering what types of currency to focus upon and how to make your small investments count every time. Detailed information on how to? read? the global market? exploit the market to its fullest to make the money you deserve. Easy-to-understand guidebook shows you how simple it is to become the newest successful forex investor!

¡Sí! Please let me download my copy of the Forex Essentials so that I can begin getting started on my success today!

Download your own copy of " Forex Essentials " and take a full 30 days to explore every power-packed page. If you change your mind and decide that you are not 100% thrilled with how the book makes your investing easier, quicker, and more profitable, I absolutely insist that you ask for a refund!

Best of all, you'll receive it minutes after your order! This is online software, not a hard disk that would take weeks to arrive. Right after you order, you'll be able to download your copy of the software right away and start seeing how valuable it is immediately. No shipping charges, no waiting, no "lost in the mail" delays!

It is specially designed for real everyday investors, with tools you can use instantly!

Special Price Alert! I'm offering an introductory special discount price, for a very limited time, to celebrate the launch of this long-awaited book. It is normally priced at $41.99, but to celebrate the international launch, I'm giving a very special discount for a very limited time. Click here to get it at nearly 30% off the regular price. only $29.97.

I wrote Forex Essentials just for you and according to numerous world-class investors, it's the best international forex book on the market today.

In fact, I trust you'll find Forex Essentials as valuable as the countless other investors who have benefited from its information or get your money back.

To Your Success!

Uday Jadhav & Girish Joshi

Author, Forex Essentials

PD In a few minutes, you can begin building your forex portfolio thanks to Forex Essentials . This might be the best decision you've made for your financial future ever!

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"made me pips the first session I used it" Dean, I thought I knew the best ways to trade from price action alone.  I thought wrong.  Like Ocam's razor, Dean slices away all the nonsense, and leaves a pristine system that made me pips the first session I used it .

I hope you are going to raise the price on this soon, because it's a real money-maker.  And I don't need the competition!

Kevin Dawson Financial Writer & Trader "I am up by 180 pips within 24 hours"

I can confidently say that your 10min breakout strategy and the high probability swing are GOLDMINES. I am up by 180 pips within 24 hours of implementing the strategy on my live account.

The rules are so simple and clear using intelligent money management with precise entry, take profit and stop loss levels.

This material is priceless and highly recommended for any trader who wants to earn a living from forex trading.

keep up the good work. Taiwo Olajide, Lagos, Nigeria. "So Simple To Implement" Hi Dean, Having been in the trading business for over 11 years I have developed quite a critical approach to forex trading products. I must say Dean, congratulations for a wonderful fx course. Well presented, well taught, and quite original. One of the things I really loved about the methods you teach is the fact that they are so simple to implement and are designed for people who really do not have time to monitor the markets. Congratulations and keep up the good work! Avi Fristerwww. forex-trading-machine. com "$1800 In Profit" Dean, I find your course very informative and easy to use. Since I have started paper trading I'm in profit by $1800 in the last two weeks. Stephen & Eliene Stefanski "Your Work Is Of The Highest Calibre" Hi Dean,

I pride myself in having helped professional forex traders to turn around day trading disasters that they've made for themselves, some of whom have gone on to work for large banks as Spot FX traders. I also have contacts who either work for or have retired from institutions themselves so I feel qualified to judge your material and letter.

Your work is of the highest calibre and integrity. You instil the correct amount of confidence. The only thing that would surprise me would be if you were NOT City [of London] trained and decided to go in to business for yourself, because you really show a degree of solid mechanics of successful brokerage or other institutional level trading. You are making forex what it is meant to be for retail traders, kept simple, real and hype free.

"Your Customer Support Is Outstanding" Hello Dean, I know by now you are probably tired of me emailing you.  The reason I keep emailing you is because your course is simply awesome!  It is practical, inexpensive, and very basic.  I hate complicated stuff!  Also, your customer support is outstanding.  I know I've asked a lot of simple (stupid) questions, but you've taken the time to answer each and everyone of them.  It's so exciting to finally come across something that actually works and makes sense, and is very inexpensive. Once again, I just wanted to say thanks and may God bless you for what you've given to people like me. thanks Greg  "Best Forex Method I've Ever Purchased" Hi DeanThanks so much for sharing the 10 Minute Wealth Builder. In the past I have bought about 10 different Forex methods and have been disappointed every time. Either the set up is to complicated and the market must be watched all day or the method was something that I had tried already. 10MFWB is perfect for me because I don't have time to sit and watch the market all day. I've visually back tested the 10MFWB method and can see that it works and wins much more often then it loses.

10 Minute Wealth Builder is the BEST Forex method I've ever purchased.

Thanks again, Rick R "powerful edge in the forex market" It's not often someone takes the time to teach what's actually important to trading success. Along with two easy to use but powerful trading methodologies, is knowledge about the forex markets all forex traders need to know. How to understand position size in the forex markets, an aspect most have no idea about. Just this alone makes this product worth it as Dean teaches you how to use this to your advantage, but add this to his trading systems and you have a powerful edge in the forex market. & # 160; Dean WhittinghamThe Financial Market Fisherman "Extremely simple to learn"  Hi DeanJust thought I would drop you a line and let you knowhow impressed I am with the '10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder'. The mixture of video tutorials and PDF manuals make the methods extremely simple to learn. Both methods only take minutes each day to check if you have a trade or not. These methods will suit any trader. Good work Mark McRaewww. surefire-trading. com "Grabbed 150 pips"  Hey Dean, Thanks for sharing this great strategy with us. As we tell our members. "we're always looking for great ideas to extract pips from the market on a consistent basis" and we found one with the your new strategy. We love the fact it's not intraday so you aren't just making money for you broker. The risk/reward ratio and profit targets all make sense for every level of trader.

On Feb 22/08 we went long AUD/USD and grabbed 150 pips 3 days later. no fuss no muss. just the way we like.

Keep up the great work!!

The Forex Assassin Team "eliminates the psychological stresses" The strategies covered in the "10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder" are simple to understand and even easier to implement.  If you're looking for a way to trade Forex that requires minimal time commitment and almost completely eliminates the psychological stresses associated with day trading then you've come to the right place! Adam Burgoyne www.5emas-forex-system. com

Forex Trading

Although you can't turn a profit all the time, the successful forex trader accepts losses and incorporates ways to limit them into his/her trading system.

Forex loss limits

Every forex trader should set a limit on the amount of capital he/she is willing to lose, rather than continually adding funds to a losing trade in the hope that the market will turn around. When that limit is hit, a forex trader should stop immediately close the position.

Guaranteed stop-losses are the best way to ensure this, as you can set them when opening a forex position and they will close it automatically if your currency pair hits the set level, taking the emotion out of the decision. Stop-losses also make you aware of your maximum possible trading losses in advance.

A common recommendation is that an acceptable loss for a single trade is 2% of someone's account. This can help you calculate your trade and your stop loss, as you could place a stop order from 0-2% of your capital.

If you lose more money trading forex, you need to earn back a higher percentage of your new balance to reclaim your original capital. For example, if your original balance was $500, and you lost 20%, or $100, your new balance would be $400. To get back to $500, you need to make a 25% return on that $400 (100/400 x 100 = 25%).

In contrast, if you lost $400 on that forex trade, or 80%, your new balance would only be $100. To return to your original level of $500, you would need to make a 400% return on that $100 (400/100 x 100 = 400)! Following the 2% rule makes it easier to earn back any trading losses.

Although the rule of only risking 2% of your capital is a good starting point, if you lost twenty trades in a month that would be a sizeable 40% of your capital gone. So, along with setting loss limits for individual forex trades, it is important to set loss limits for time periods as well.

Investopedia recommends a 6% limit for monthly losses, asserting that 'as soon as your account equity dips to 6% below that which it registered on the last day of the previous month, stop trading!'

The 6% limit allows traders to hold three open forex positions with the potential for 2% losses each, or six forex positions with the potential for 1% losses each.

Admittedly, this may be a bit low for some traders, especially as markets can shift mid-month. However, it is still valuable to have a monthly limit and to close all open positions once it is hit.

All forex traders are recommended to limit their losses and exit a losing fx trade when it hits their limit, rather than investing more in the hope that the market will turn. The 2% and 6% rules are given as a guideline, and can be adapted to suit any trading strategy.

Improve your knowledge of the Currency markets and how to place a fx trade with extensive education tools and free online seminars. Open a free demo account to start trading forex today.

Please keep in mind that CFDs and the foreign exchange are leveraged products, so it's possible to have losses that are greater than your initial investment. As CFD trading might not be suitable for all people, so please educate yourself so you understand the risks.

Forex is becoming popular day by day and right now 4 trillion dollars are traded in the forex market each day. That is 6 times the 700 billion Dollar US economy bailout, and don't forget it's only one day turnover, that's how big forex market is.

The reason why forex has become so popular is because of leverage which means a trader can start trading with capital as low as $ 100 and with leverage 100:1 control a total amount of $ 10,000. This is called leverage.

The other reason is the introduction of retail forex brokers who provide forex trading to retail forex traders; previously FX trading was only available to big banks and multinational companies.

The third reason is that you can trade FX anywhere as long as you have a computer and an internet connection, or even more convenient using your mobile phone.

So, how can a newbie start FX trading?

A beginner can start trading by following these steps:

1. Get a computer with internet access

The first thing you need is a computer that has internet access. After all you will be trading forex online via this internet connection. The speed of the internet will also matter, generally the higher the better, because some platforms use a lot of bandwidth. But if you have a slow internet connection there are many platforms which don't use a lot of bandwidth like metatrader 4 also known as MT4.

2. Find a forex broker

Finding a forex broker is easy through the internet. The best brokers are those that offer MT4 platforms. Many brokers now offer MT4 platform. MT4 is a standard platform which means even if you change your broker you don't have to learn a new platform all over again. Tip: use MT4 because it requires low bandwidth to connect, that way you will not have to worry if you have high speed internet or low bandwidth internet.

3. Download trading software from your forex broker

You can download a trading platform from your broker website; the platform is of course MT4.

4. Open a demo account

You will open a demo account. This is a practice account which you will use to practice with virtual money that way you don't risk any of your earned cash while learning.

5. Learn forex trading topics and forex trading strategies.

This is the best part after opening a demo account you will need to find a good forex trading website that will teach you all the forex trading topics starting with the basics to the more complex topics like leverage, margin, trading system, price action, trading plan, money management and other topics like forex trading strategies. After you have demo traded for 2 months and you are making profits on your demo account you will then decide to open a real account.

6. Open a real trading account and start trading forex

At this point you will have achieved your goal. You can now start trading forex, make profits and claim your stake of the 4 trillion Dollars traded daily.

www. forexmarketscience. com is an introduction to foreign exchange trading, designed to provide tools, information and resources to forex traders who want to gain more knowledge of how the online forex market works. Visit and learn forex trading.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=A._Tonnie

f you've ever thought of becoming involved in the fast paced world of foreign currency trading known as the forex, then unless you've had some experience in this area, you've probably felt a little trepidation and been a bit daunted by it all. After all, how do you compete with other traders in the market who have years of experience? And how do you obtain the know-how to be able to hold your own and carve out your own financial niche?

Realistically speaking, the only way that you can compete with others who have years of experience in forex trading is by associating yourself with a mentor who will teach you the ropes of how it's all done. You have to find someone who has been successful in this area and be able to repeat what they have done to become successful yourself. It sounds like a tall order, doesn't it.

But before all that happens, you first have to get REAL with yourself and determine whether or not this is something that you really want to pursue. Are you just blowing smoke up your pants, or are you serious about learning how to trade in the forex market. If the latter turns out to be your answer, then you next need to find a mentor.

Finding a Forex Mentor

Finding a mentor to help you learn about forex trading is not too difficult in today's Internet age. There is no shortage of people advertising on the Internet who claim they can help you cut out a piece of the pie in the three trillion dollar forex market. However, finding someone who has your best interest at heart and who is actually interested in teaching you about successfully trading the forex may be a little more difficult to accomplish.

Like most things we become involved with in life, learning about the basics and the fundamentals of a discipline like forex trading is certainly at the top of every aspiring trader's list of things to accomplish. If you know which forex strategy to employ at which time, such knowledge can make all the difference regarding whether or not your trading becomes successful.

10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder

Now, you may not know this person, but Dean Saunders, who has over nine years experience trading the forex market, has created a training course which embodies the best of currency trading basics combined with his own hard-won trading acumen. His 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder program is an affordable e-book and video forex training course that was written for people who want to learn the ins and outs of currency trading, but who don't have a lot of time to waste learning.

Dean's course is written in an interesting and straightforward manner. He doesn't waste your time with complex or complicated trading theory (other than the simple and to-the-point successful strategies he has used in his decade career trading the forex). Your forex training focuses on the fundamentals: finding the right currency pairs, learning about the bid and the ask, as well as vital information you need to know about the forex market itself.

Dean then takes you beyond the trading basics, showing you exactly what to look for when initiating your trades, where to enter, where to place your stops, and when to take profits. His course is a systematic approach to forex trading which includes a video demonstration of live trading examples of what you are learning. Nothing is left to your imagination.

In this sometimes crippling world of Internet information overload, the education you receive from the 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder will build on itself as your experience (and trading account) grows, and you confirm for yourself the value that this course has to offer.

You're invited to check out a further review of Dean's unique system of forex trading at: 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder.

If you need help in finding and choosing the right trading system to fit your trading mentality, there are websites which specialize in providing reviews of various trading systems. More information about forex trading, along with unbiased reviews of trading systems, can be found at the following website: http://www. stockmarketsystemreviews. net.

Most of the developing countries measure their economy by the GDP and an internationally accepted currency is the United States Dollar. US Dollars are not necessarily the currency of normal use in a lot of the countries. All countries of the world need oil and coal for producing energy and thus to ensure faster development. The development is achieved through industrialization, industries run primarily on electricity. The electricity is produced in power stations which use either coal or gas or petroleum for driving the turbines which produce electricity. To purchase oil from the countries that produce oil, United States Dollar is the currency used. Thus all countries of the world need to have certain reserves of foreign exchange namely US Dollars, to ensure sustenance. Thus the countries carry out its international businesses in US Dollars. Thus every export order that is completed earns revenue for the country in US Dollars. The wealth of a country is also determined by the amount of the foreign exchange reserves that it has.

The exchange rate of US Dollar is determined by the gold reserves and the forex reserves the country has. The forex trading is categorized in different levels such as inter-bank market, this includes the dealers in securities and the commercial banks. Here the trading happens with the bid and ask prices of the currencies being traded. This also determines the exchange rate of the currency against other currencies. The inter-bank Forex Trading transactions account for almost 53% of the total transactions. The next level of players are those such as Pension Funds, Mutual Funds, etc. Central Banks of the countries also get involved in the Forex Trading. They do this inorder to control the money supply into the country also thus influencing the inflation and the bank interest rates. These national central banks also use the forex money to help stabilize the internal and international markets.

Most of the foreign exchange trading is speculative in nature. The speculative nature of this trading is kindled by the hedge funds operations that various multi-national organizations undertake. There are individuals who also get involved in this trading and they are called retail brokers. The Foreign exchange was greatly affected due to the introduction in the automated dealing systems, matching systems and the Internet trading. The dealing systems were mainly based on on-line computer systems in which the banks are linked to one-to-one basis. The matching systems are based on electronic brokers. These are very fast and very reliable too.

Forex Trading is a website that provides you with the technical analysis of currency trading charts for your profitable trading.

Hit Counter

entradas populares

Currency trading, also known as the foreign exchange market or Forex, has exploded in size and popularity. Expansion of access to the Intern.

These days it is common for people to trade currencies as a part time or weekend business opportunity, the Internet has provided a medium fo.

Are you interested in the forex market? Do you know how to get started? As you may know, the forex market is one of the biggest markets in t.

There is nothing like a good forex trading strategy. There are so many unpredictable risks in the currency market that you can never rely on.

Knowing what the best times to Forex is a crucial component to effective and efficient Forex trading. During the trading week the Forex mark.

Scammers and genuine business people, these are the two main categories you'll work with in business transactions. Scam in fact abounds.

Though this is an issue often glossed over, learning to control one's emotions while trading the forex markets is more critical to succe.

There are many tempting reasons to learn beginner Forex trading. The primary reasons are that the price movements are generally less volatil.

Foreign exchange or currency trading is offsetting one nation's currency against another's. The basic elements in Forex trading are.

Every investment has got their own tools to enable traders or investors to speculate or calculate on the decision that they have to make whe.

NAHB National Association of Home Builders. Households’ Aggregate Home Equity Rose Over the Year

According to the Federal Reserve Board's fourth quarter of 2015 release of its Financial Accounts of the United States report, household holdings of real estate, measured on a not seasonally adjusted basis, totaled $21.276 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2015, $1.562 trillion higher than its level in the fourth quarter of 2014, $23.713 trillion. At the same time, home mortgage debt outstanding, $9.490 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2015, rose by $90.0 billion over the same four-quarter period. Since the total value of household-held real estate rose faster than the aggregate amount of mortgage debt outstanding, then home equity held by households grew. Over the year, total home equity held by households grew by $1.165 trillion, 10.2%, to $12.539 trillion. Household's home equity is now 56.9% of household real estate.

As housing equity continues to grow, the proportion of households underwater continues to shrink. A household is considered underwater when the total value of the property is less than the total value of the debt(s) underlying that property. The increase in the proportion of households with positive equity will improve their ability to sell their home and purchase a new one.

As illustrated by the Figure above, between the fourth quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2015, the total amount of household equity has grown from $8.1 trillion to $12.5 trillion. This increase represents a gain of 55%. Meanwhile, over the same time period, the share of households underwater fell from 21.6% to 8.5%, a decline of 13.1 percentage points.

NAHB - National Association of Home Builders issued this content on 14 March 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 14 March 2016 14:49:24 UTC

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Produced by Alan Andrews, Andrews’ Pitchfork is really a trend channel tool comprising 3 outlines. There’s a average pattern collection within the middle along with 2 parallel equidistant pattern outlines upon possibly aspect. These types of outlines tend to be attracted through choosing 3 factors, generally depending on response levels or even levels shifting through remaining in order to directly on the actual graph. Just like regular pattern outlines as well as stations, the exterior pattern outlines tag possible assistance as well as opposition places. The pattern continues to be in position so long as the actual Pitchfork channel retains. Reversals happen whenever costs bust out of the Pitchfork channel.

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he or she very first action in order to utilizing Andrews Pitchfork is actually choosing 3 factors with regard to sketching. These types of factors are often depending on response levels or even response levels, also called pivot factors. Graph 1 exhibits McKesson (MCK) along with Andrews’ Pitchfork increasing upward in the 06 reduced. The very first stage chosen represents the beginning of the actual average collection. Factors two as well as 3 determine the actual thickness from the Pitchfork channel. The actual average collection is dependant on 2 factors: stage 1 and also the midpoint in between factors two as well as 3. As a result, the actual average collection begins from stage 1 as well as bisects factors two as well as 3. This particular regulates the actual downward slope (steepness) from the average collection. The exterior pattern outlines tend to be after that prolonged parallel towards the average collection. The actual red-colored Andrews’ Pitchfork exhibits an alternative solution average collection in line with the This summer reduced with regard to stage 1. Observe that the actual red-colored average collection nevertheless bisects the actual collection in between factors two as well as 3, however it is actually higher compared to azure average collection. Pitchfork downward slope depends upon the actual keeping stage 1. The actual steepness from the Pitchfork channel depends upon the actual keeping the actual 3 sketching factors, particularly stage 1, that is the beginning of the actual average collection. Despite the fact that stage 1 generally begins having a response higher or even reduced, it’s occasionally essential to change stage 1 in order to guarantee an authentic cost funnel. Regrettably, you will find absolutely no difficult guidelines with regard to stage positioning. Rather, chartists should make use of common sense as well as encounter whenever sketching stations. This really is in which the very subjective character associated with specialized evaluation is necessary. Just like the majority of facets of specialized evaluation, you should construct encounter through tinkering with Andrews’ Pitchfork. Observe exactly what functions as well as exactly what can not work very first hands. This is actually the only method to grasp a good sign.

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The actual building from the indicator is created not at all hard and therefore much like additional funnel or even music group techniques. Essentially, presently there trading — bands — funnel techniques or even easy linear pattern stations associated with 2 elements. The very first element may be the pattern detailed element. This can be a shifting typical associated with shutting costs, typically averages or even constant regression collection in the typical stations or even bands. This particular element involves the duty associated with explaining the actual pattern path as well as, exactly where relevant, about the downward slope from the collection and also the pattern power. The 2nd element may be the cover element. A person generally reach 2 duties. First of all, it’s possible assistance as well as opposition places show. The assumption is how the cost shifts of the particular declaration time period lay inside a set variety. Best as well as base of this variety after that type opposition as well as assistance. The 2nd item from the attaching element would be to help to make severe actions from the programs specifically recognized. This really is carried out mainly through outbreaks in the housing. Funnel aside from additional funnel as well as mp3 techniques — Within the meaning of those breakouts, the actual Keltner various. A few of the more contemporary funnel or even music group techniques, for example Bollinger — Keltner bands or even the actual — funnel simultaneously consist of a good variation from the external limitations from the dominating Volatility associated with costs. That’s, within occasions associated with raining variances, the actual restrictions tend to be taken off the actual imply, within peaceful occasions these people strategy this particular. These types of techniques tend to be therefore much better modified towards the market problems.

There’s a lucrative program with Trap trend system. This has a Semafor - an excellent indicator if you know how you can utilize it. Before you decide to burn off all of them, do this because this is my personal present for you.

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When the 3rd degree of Semafor signaled upon SR degree, it’s showing how the marketplace offers worn out it’s pattern as well as will change. When the candlestick designated through semaphore shut and also the semaphore remains, indicates change. what goes on when the higher or even reduced using the semaphore is actually removed 3 bars later on wager it’s not going to end up being presently there. I can not observe Semafor displaying me personally something that cost motion does not currently perform in a assistance as well as opposition region. Just point that might be great for for me is really a visible help for that best and also the base simply because that’s exactly what semaphore will it simply represents the actual higher and also the reduced and when it’s removed this will go poof! Till an additional higher or even reduced removes the prior 1 apart from that I can not observe placing my personal cash onto it alone. So that as along with any kind of indicator design program you’re method past due towards the celebration attempting to await verification from the indicators. It cannot seem sensible associated with utilizing these types of kind of indicators.

Have no idea in the event that anyone otherwise wants something similar to this particular however I decided to reveal the candle countdown timer that may be synchronized along with brand new candle formations:

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Within what ever time period you select (5min countdown with regard to me). Which retains reseting by itself (repeats the actual countdown). which seems a good security alarm from totally reset. which remains “on top”. That’s a small electronic minute/second show eye-port. We used a number of other people which didn’t work nicely! These people possibly was missing the actual functions, or even sustained a period “decay” in the totally reset. A brand new candlestick “paints” just following there’s a cost motion because the prior candlestick. Therefore, despite the fact that, let’s imagine you’ve entered to the actual “new” candlestick based on the time clock, you will not “see” this till a big change within cost offers happened because the prior candlestick. This causes it to be seem because “random” period modifications in between candle …… although it’s not.

Forex Income Code also known as because Daily Pips System is really a brand new item that simply arrived upon marketplace. It’s a item through Andre Wiggan as well as to tell the truth very first time listen to regarding him or her – however because regarding additional men too: ). Okay, prior to looking at the product you need to know the next: It’s not only a easy item that arrived presently there – this appears to become a good 1, even though I’m skeptic regarding something available on the market, I would suggest that one in order to newbies, as well as in order to resolved investors, it’s few people like going cash ($99) to get and when following a methods correctly you’ll have leads to small amount of time.

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Item Content material: twenty five web page PDF FILE along with technique plus some fundamental things regarding Foreign exchange, incidentally the actual technique is actually through 5 indications: Stochastic, Pattern depending on Shifting Averages, ADX as well as MA, Assistance as well as opposition indications (I believe depending on fractals) as well as Pattern Funnel sign. I like how they existing the actual admittance as well as leave guidelines – quite simple – you might start trading immediately despite one hour following getting the it Solution Scalper Program – that’s a great begin however for starting I would suggest to test this by hand to determine the way you realize after that it make use of the helper. 25 paged pdf file guide along with technique as well as indications for this. This provides you with directions how you can key in deals along with 5-10-15-20-25 pips revenue deals that we believe is extremely good to begin with. Indications utilized: Heikin Ashi, Fractals, RSI, Shifting Averages, Bolinger Rings yet others.

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Forex Foundation Course

Chapter 3-1 Macroeconomic Forex Investing

Although traders and investors influence foreign exchange rates, macroeconomic factors have the greatest effect on supply and demand in the Forex market. There are a number of macroeconomic factors in play and most of these can be grouped into two categories - Economic and Political. Investors analyze a nation’s economic policies and political stability in an effort to determine which currencies are inherently more valuable than the others. This section will cover the variety of macroeconomic factors that influence a currency’s value in this most global of marketplaces.

A nation’s internal economic policy is made up of two main components - fiscal policy and monetary policy. Fiscal policy represents the government’s policies on spending and collecting money. Governments can influence their own economies by varying the amount of money they spend and the amount of taxes they collect. If spending exceeds taxing the fiscal policy is said to be expansionary. If the opposite is true and taxing exceeds spending then the fiscal policy is said to be contractionary. Monetary policy is the method by which a government controls its money supply. Governments vary key interest rates to control the money supply in attempts to either stimulate growth or create stability. A high money supply that is easily accessible stimulates the local economy, but also decreases demand due to excess availability. As a result, the currency depreciates on the global market making it less attractive to investors.

Budget and trade deficits and surpluses influence a nation’s currency by revealing to the global marketplace how under control a nation’s financial situation is. Budget deficits, when spending exceeds intake, generally is frowned upon by investors. Conversely, budget surpluses signal strength and stability and make a currency more attractive to investors. Similarly, a nation’s trade balance influences its currency value by representing how competitive it is in the world economy and how much clout it has on a global scale. Furthermore, strong demand for a nation’s goods and services inherently increases demand for its currency as other nations will need to purchase the currency in order to conduct their business. As a result, an increasing balance of trade (towards surplus) positively impacts a nation’s currency. Conversely, a deteriorating balance of trade (towards deficit) makes a nation’s currency less attractive to investors.

A nation’s inflation rate has a profound effect on the value of its currency in the global marketplace. Inflation is a measurement of the general rise in prices of goods sold in a nation over a given period of time. This is often measured through the consumer price index, or CPI. The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines the CPI as “a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services”. A good way of thinking of this is tracking how the cost of a family’s grocery list changes from year to year. Rising inflation occurs when goods are getting more expensive. Another way of looking at this is a decline in purchasing power. If a nations currency loses purchasing power it becomes less desirable in the global marketplace. As a result, demand decreases and the currency loses value. Conversely, falling inflation, known as deflation, signals an increase in purchasing power. A currency that can purchase more is inherently more valuable, and this is reflected by a rise in the value in the global marketplace.

When considering the influence inflation has on a nation’s currency it is important to note that governments carefully monitor inflation, and often take action to control rising and falling inflation. A government or central bank may raise short-term interest rates in an effort to combat rapidly rising inflation. Raising interest rates is generally met positively in the world market and a currency’s value appreciates. The opposite is true in times of deflation; if prices get too low central banks may lower interest rates. Lower interest rates are frowned upon in the global marketplace and the currency may lose value. For these reasons, it is imperative for currency investors to pay attention to the interaction of these two indicators in order to know whether to buy or sell rising inflation.

There are a number of economic reports that influence currencies on a short term basis and thus merit the attention of all currency investors. Of these, the most widely followed is the gross domestic product, or GDP. The GDP is the measure of a country’s overall economic production produced within its borders. In essence, the GDP measures any individual nation’s contribution to the global economy. The larger a nations GDP is the bigger its influence on the global economy, which in turn translates to higher demand for a nation’s currency. Currently, the top 5 GDP’s based on currency zones are the United States, the European Union, Japan, China, and the United Kingdom. It is no coincidence that these five economies correlate to the five most heavily exchanged currencies - other nations need to convert their currency in order to do business in these economies. Closely related to the GDP is the GNP, or gross national product. GNP differs from GDP by including all production by a nation’s citizens that occurs on foreign soil. Although GDP and GNP are highly correlated, investors need to consider both when making currency investment decisions. Investors should pay special attention to nations with similar GDP’s but differing GNP’s in an effort to decide between which currencies to invest in.

Consider the following example of a GDP report:

There are several additional reports and indicators that help investors analyze the overall strength of a nation’s economy. A nation’s employment situation is key indicator to the health of an economy. Employment levels, the unemployment rate, and jobless claims are all quantifiable measurements of an economy. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics releases reports on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis in an effort to inform the investing community, as well as the general public, on the employment situation in the United States. Other world economies release similar reports on the same time frames allowing investors to compare the employment levels across the board.

In addition to employment numbers, investors often look at consumer spending as an indicator of economic health. The most common measures of spending are the retail sales reports and housing market reports. The US Census Bureau and the US Department of Commerce release monthly, quarterly, and annual reports outlining the health of the US retail markets. Strong retail numbers indicate that people are spending their money, often viewed as a sure sign of a strong economy. There are a handful of housing market indicators that investors consider when analyzing the strength of an economy. Housing starts, new home sales, and existing home sales are the most common three indicators. In the United States, the National Association of Home Builders releases a monthly Housing Market Index based on a survey of the general economy and housing market conditions. In general, positive economic data reports on housing and retail correlate to a strong economy and an appreciating currency value.

Forex trading is done on a macroeconomic scale to purchase items abroad that are not sold in your home currency. As a result, many of the world’s commodities and most heavily traded government bonds trade in direct relationships with the US dollar. The most common application of this is the US dollar/gold trade. This makes sense as many of the worlds currencies are, or at some point in time were, backed by gold. Generally speaking, when the dollar appreciates gold depreciates and vice versa - the correlation is negative. Because currencies are traded in pairs, foreign currencies appreciate vs. the US dollar when gold is rising, particularly those of gold exporting nations. Of the major currencies, the Aussie dollar trade exhibits this phenomenon the best as it is among the world’s top 3 gold producers. Compare the AUD/USD and gold charts and you will notice a nearly perfect positive correlation.

The United States is the world’s largest consumer of oil, most of which comes from abroad. Consequently, the price of oil has a significant impact on the US dollar and major oil exporting countries currency values. Of the world’s oil exporters, Canada is the United State’s main supplier and therefore the CAD/USD pairing is most impacted by fluctuations in the price of oil. As US demand for oil increases, imports will increase, demand for Canadian dollars to purchase more oil will increase, and the CAD/USD will appreciate. The same holds true in times of decreasing demand. Canada is heavily reliant on exports and decreasing demand, particularly US demand for oil, often results in the depreciation of the Canadian dollar.

The government debt market is one of the most global securities markets and therefore ties in closely with the Forex market. Governments are constantly selling debt securities to investors, often other governments themselves, around the world to finance projects at home. The interest rate, or yield, is the main determining factor for how strong the global demand for a government’s bonds will be. The more stable a nation’s financial situation is the lower yield has to be to compensate debt-holders for lending money. Conversely, the more risky a nation’s financial policy is the higher the yield has to be to compensate debt-holders for assuming more risk. As a result, changes in yield drive the supply and demand for a nation’s bonds. Demand for a nation’s bonds has a direct impact on the value of its currency as foreign investors will need to buy the currency in which the bond is denominated in order to purchase the bond. Consider US Treasury bonds that normally yield 1%. If the yield were to increase to 1.5% demand for US treasuries would increase, foreign investors will buy more US dollars, and the US dollar will appreciate relative to the rest of the world.

Similar to the government debt market, Forex traders often look at equity markets around the world when making investment decisions. This makes sense as most of the fluctuations in Forex prices are based upon international supply and demand. When an equity market in one part of the world begins outperforming the rest investors take notice and will want to get a piece of the action. As a result, they will have to convert their Dollars, Euros, and Pounds Sterling into the local currency to participate in that market. Demand for the local currency will strengthen and as a result money will flow out of the underperforming markets in into the outperforming markets. Conversely, if international investors see weakness in an international equity market abroad they will quickly look to remove their funds, creating an excess supply of the local currency and thus devaluing it against the rest of the world.

The following indexes should be considered when looking for Forex trading opportunities:


Equity Explorer – Forex Day Trading Course India

Forex Day Trading Course India

Forex Day Trading Course India specially designed for day trader who want to make money consistently with confidence. Forex day trader is the trader who want to open and close their trade in same day . they do not want to hold any open position over night and want pleasant sleep over night. Day trader making money Everyday.

So if you want to trade every day to make money than you are at The Right Place! Join Forex Day Trading Course India Now.

Main problem in day trading is that, amateur trader often do not use stop loss in there trading. At the end of the day they booked some small profit, and hold losing trade for next day hopping that the trade will work tomorrow. Next day trade do not work so hold that trade again for next day. After few days passed trade still holding so trader decided to hold that trade for investment. So now day trader has became an investor . Isn’t Right. Join Forex Day Trading Course India to solved that problem .

At Equity Explorer we focused on small stop loss and proper money management. We teach you, how by using simple process you can make money every day without fear of stop loss. Our day trader use only 8-12 pip small stop loss for making 20-30 pip profit in every trade. So trading 2-3 hours every day with our trade plan, our day trader are able to booked 100-150 pip every day . without holding any open position over night with confidence and able to take pleasant sleep over night.

Equity Explorer day trading course India, we use only Price Action . what we are really talking about is the movement of price over a certain period of time. That time is defined by you, the trader. At Equity Explorer we look at price action in 15 minute increments or “ candles “. As a day trader we’re much more interested in price movement only.

Equity Explorer day trading course India is not about Support/Resistance, Pin Bar, Insider Bar And Many other bullshit Candlesticks Patterns, which you find over the internet. It’s Also Not about Moving averages, RSI, Or any other Technical Indicators . It’s Simple, to the point trade planning and execution . We do not use previous day charts for analysis, We use only same day chart to execute the trade,” More Analysis Become Paralysis” . it’s so simple.

The first thing in my process involves having clean and ready to go trading charts for the next trading session.

Traders will often attend over-hyped, sales-pitch like trading webinars. They come into your email almost daily, and say, “Hey, attend this free webinar and find out how you can book profits! Find out how you can turn a $100 account into a million dollars .” That’s one of my personal favorites.

Yet across the world and across the globe traders are still losing money in trading . And along with that, they’re damaging themselves psychologically and maybe, probably, most likely, damaging their personal relationships.

So I want to give you just a couple – a few principles actually, not just a couple, but a few principles I use in my own life to stay consistently successful as a trader.

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Pivot points were originally developed by floor traders within the equity and goods exchanges. they’re calculated supported the high, low and shutting costs of previous commercialism sessions, and area unit utilized by traders to predict support and resistance levels within the current or coming session. These support and resistance levels may be utilized by traders to see entry and exit points – each for stop losses and profit taking.

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Because the forex currency commercialism market is thus giant and liquid, pivot points – that thrive during this style of market – area unit terribly helpful. the massive size of the market, particularly in liquid currency pairs like the EUR/USD, helps stop market manipulation that will keep the market from adhering to technical principles like support and resistance.

Many free pivot purpose calculators area unit on the market on-line to assist traders calculate their pivot points for this or coming commercialism session. Pivot purpose calculators area unit a valuable tool, however conjointly extra, because the formula is truly quite easy. The pivot purpose for this commercialism session is calculated as: Pivot purpose = (Previous High + Previous Low + Previous Close) / three

I have traded for over 22 years and still see people trying to buy success via cheap automated Forex software and they fail to

ganar dinero. Below are six reasons, why most cheap Forex robots lose money. So let's look at the claims made by the vendors which can help you spot a loser and then, look at how to make money with Forex software which is not known by many traders.

6 x Myths Traders Believe about Robots and Making Money in Forex

If you are considering trading with a Forex robot then read on and it could save you a lot of money Of course, the myths below, are put forward by vendors of cheap Forex robots to generate sales and believe any of them, and you will end up with a system which will destroy your account.

1. You Can Trade with 90% Accuracy

This is rubbish and anyone who has traded knows it. The best traders in the world don't do this and they earn millions or hundreds of millions in salaries so don't expect a cheap robot costing a hundred bucks to do it. Also the accuracy rate is NOT important, its the difference between winners and losers which is.

2. The System Uses Sophisticated Algorithms to Predict Price

Again another stupid statement – Forex markets do not move to mathematics and therefore, there is no way to predict the future. Any system which claims it can, will end up being as accurate as your horoscope. You can win but you must see Forex as an odds game and that means trading the reality of price change and not trying to predict.

3. The System Uses Artificial Intelligence to Beat the Market

this is perhaps the most amusing claim of all. The vendor of the robot claims, the system can think and adapt to market conditions and make money. Well the most sophisticated artificial intelligence robot ever developed, was by Berkeley University in California last year so lets see what its capable of doing:

They managed to built a robot which achieved a major breakthrough in artificial intelligence - it could pick up and fold a towel!

This is a finite object and in a set place and compare this task with trading Forex markets which are a moving price and the price is made by humans who are unpredictable. I find it amusing, there are so many vendors claiming they can beat the market with this method, when its obviously not true.

4. The Programmer is an MT4 Programming Genius

Linked to the above, mathematics is of limited use in Forex and anyway the so called “genius” doesn't even exist and is just sales hype. Forex trading is an odds market and all you can do is trade probabilities, you can win doing this but make a system too mathematical or complex and it will fail.

In fact, mathematicians generally make bad traders because they make clever systems which are to complex and break. The best traders I know, are ones who are good at poker and this is because they know how to trade the odds and use simple robust methods they execute with discipline.

5. You can Make X Amount Every Month

The figure varies but again another statement which is not true – you cannot make a steady income in Forex each month because trading conditions change. This should be obvious to anyone but naive and greedy traders believe and learn the reality which is a quick loss of equity.

6. You can Trade for Huge Gains with Less than 10% Drawdown

Again this statement is rubbish - big gains means drawdown in the short term. Sure a system can make big gains longer term but in the short term ANY system (even the best) will lose money and draw down for a few months at some point before a new high in equity is made.

You can of course make money longer term trading Forex but you will have periods of losses and any vendor who claims otherwise is lying.

So How do they Get Track Records that Looks so Good?

Well there either simulations going backwards, where a system is bent to past data to make a profit manipulated, where the vendor only shows closed profit and not open losses or simply made up.

Ever seen one of the cheap robots present an audit of results by a reputable auditor? Yo tampoco. If you see systems that look to good to be true, they are and that's a fact.

Can You Make Money with Automated Software?

Yes but the reality is the best systems in the world make 50 – 100% per annum which are great gains but keep in mind draw down will be typically 30 – 50% and can lost for several months on end.

If you are disciplined and prepared to look long term, you can make money trading with automated systems but the reality of trading automated systems is one of patience and waiting for long term gains with a lot of short term volatility.

Think About Before You Use an Automated Trading System

Most people simply don't have the discipline to follow mechanical systems and if you are one of them, why not do what all successful traders do and get an education and learn how to trade the odds?

Anyone can learn to trade - but few people bother to try and get the right education and feed robot vendors with a regular income and end up joining the 90% of losers. So if you are serious about making money at Forex treat it as a serious business learn the basics and you will soon be making big gains in around 30 minutes a day.

Learn to Become A Forex Trader Risk FREE

If you want to get 250 pages of proven strategies and tools to put the odds on your side, daily technical trading opportunities and full 1-on-1 support from real traders then go to the link below and learn Forex trading RISK FREE: http://www. learncurrencytradingonline. com/subscribe. html

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 07 June 2011 )

Saturday, 09 April 2011

You can buy lots of Forex robots or so called Forex Expert Advisor's online but most are junk and won't make you any money and it's a fact you can do better yourself and make a trading system which can make money – so lets look at how to make a Forex robot.

Before we look at how to make your own Forex robots let's take a look at the commercial ones, how they build them and why they don't work.

Why Most Commercial Robots Fail in Real Time Trading

The first point to keep in mind is - most vendors who make commercial robots are not interested in the robot making money. All they are interested in is presenting the best track record they can which has high returns and low draw down, so the naïve and greedy trader buys it.

So How Do They Get the Track Records to Look so Good?

The answer is - back testing and bending a set of rules to fit the data which is known as curve fitting. They keep adding and subtracting rules, until they have a system which show high returns and low draw down.

When they build these systems, not only do they bend rules to fit the data, they have no real money management and either take far to little risk on a trade or in most instances – too much.

I have seen one robot where it claims the trading signal made 10 pips profit but before it came back into profit - it was negative 625 pips.

Bending a track record to fit back data is doomed to failure because prices never repeat in exactly the same way again and the system gets destroyed. The vendor then makes up another one and another one, with the same result and makes a tidy income on sales, while the buyer simply losses.

So if you want to make a Forex robot you can and now we will take a look at how to do it.

Making Your Own Forex Robot

The first point to keep in mind is that the best systems are simple and robust and its a fact that simple systems work best and always have. Also simple systems will not be subject to curve fitting and the back test results will be realistic.

A key point to keep in mind is that if you are looking to make a Forex trading system – it will have draw down. There is no perfect system! Here are some general guidelines on building robots.

Simple Price Action System

You can make money even with a 1 rule system and on this site you will find a system which does just that called the 4 week rule. This system doesn't use any indicators and is based purely on price action and works.

Standard Deviation of Price

Another great way to trade is to base your system on volatility and I have known several systems which have just traded standard deviation of price and piled up huge gains, with one making 100,00 to 1.1 million in just 2 years.

Its always tempting to use a large number of indicators but you should resist the temptation, as we said earlier, because it will lead to curve fitting. Keep the number of trading indicators to around 4 or less.

Focus Long Term Trade All Markets the Same Way

If your system is based on sound principles it should work in ALL markets avoid unique rules for different currencies or different trading conditions – this is the worst type of curve fitting and destined to fail. Also focus on long term trends and don't try and trade random short term moves.

Finally, employ a set of money management rules which give you objective levels where you are stopped out and your all set to trade your own Forex robot.

Making a Forex robot is a lot simpler than most people think and if you spend a little time and follow the above guidelines you will have a trading system you can trade for big Forex robots and make a great second income in around 30 minutes a day.

Neural Networks Applied to FX Trading

Here we will look at neural network trading strategies applied to FX trading, with the view of making a program which lead to bigger trading profits. Lets take a look at neural networks and see, if there application can lead you to bigger profits in Forex trading.

Should you use neural networks in your FX trading strategy? Lets take a look at the logic and its application in trading currency markets for profit.

In technical terms, neural networks area method of data analysis which consists of a large number of processing units that are linked together by weighted probabilities. The idea is that they can mimic the human brain in the way it works and learns from past experiences. Its a branch of artificial intelligence where the creation of neural network model leads to a computer program which is able to 'think' and 'learn' and this concept is the new buzzword in Forex Trading.

So how do Neural Networks Work?

The field of neural networks was pioneered by Bernard Widrow of Stanford University back in the 1950s. Today they are used in various industries such as image and voice recognition systems, industrial robotics and aerospace applications.

A neural network usually involves a large number of processors which operate together but each has its own individual programmed knowledge and access to data in its own local memory. A neural network is "trained" by being given large amounts of data and specific rules about data relationships (A breakout above a daily chart high is likely to continue higher). A program can then tell the network how to behave in response to an external stimulus ( buy a breakout above a daily high)

Neural networks, in FX trading can be used to extract patterns and detect trends from its rules base. A trained neural network is often referred to in FX trading as " A Forex Expert Advisor" ( EA). The network can provide projections and answer "what if" questions. In true terms, a neural network learns by example and are not programmed to perform a specific task.

The Problem with Neural Networks in FX Trading

In FX trading lots of vendors claim they have built neutral networks and artificial intelligence programs which can not only be programmed with rules, they have the ability to think, learn and trade the market better than a human. By using pattern recognition, it then predicts and trade currencies for profits but this is absolute rubbish.

Let's look at how advanced artificial intelligence has become and you will see why, neural networks can never trade Forex markets better than a human and any simple trading system for that matter, based on trend following.

The Most Advanced Artificial Intelligence Neural Network and a Stunning Breakthrough

In 2010, a team from Berkeley's Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department, got a robot to fold towels of different sizes, solving a key problem in robotic engineering -- how to deal with flexible, or "deformable," objects. So we are a level where a computer can manipulate "deformable objects" – I. E. something which is flexible and not rigid, where the shape isn't predictable.

Now this is major breakthrough in artificial intelligence and neural networking but if you think about it, this is still a defined object. Currency markets are NOT a defined object. In terms of the towel folding its scientific and the rules are specific to help it fold the towel and the outcome, will be the SAME every time.

In terms of FX trading, this is not so. The idea of neural networks and artificial intelligence in Forex is to find patterns that are predictable and trade them, to give the trader an edge but Forex markets are not scientific!

Traders will always look for recurring patterns which they think haven't be seen by humans and a computer can find them and predict with greater accuracy. How can this be true though, when markets are illogical and are made by humans which don't confirm to any objective rules?

You have guessed it, these neural network FX trading systems, are simply sold by vendors to appeal to naïve traders who think they can predict Forex price action but they soon learn, there is no way to beat the market.

I quite like the idea of a robot folding towels and do set chores and also saw, an artificial intelligence robot for sale the other day on the web. With its advanced application of neural networks and fuzzy logic, it claims 95% accuracy in trading ( well if it really can predict the future with science it should be 100%) the cost for this breakthrough program $97.00!

Anyone who buys a system in FX trading based on neural networks or artificial intelligence is either very naïve or has no concept, of how and why Forex prices really move. In conclusion, avoid neural network FX trading strategies or you will end up losing your money.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 March 2011 )

If you look around online you will see everyone talking about Forex robots and saying you can make huge gains with no effort and most new Forex traders use software to trade but what is the reality of trading with Forex software? Lets find out.

The advantages of using an automatic buy and sell software program to trade currencies are:

You don't have to do any real work after setting up the system, you just let it trade via it's rules.

Because the software has set rules your emotions cannot get involved if you traded yourself.

Finally, you can make big gains with the best robots.

So what are the disadvantages and limitations of using software?

The first disadvantage is that most of the Forex software sold online is junk. You get people who have never traded in their lives selling software packages they claim can make huge gains with low risk but they never present, a real time track record of gains to support the track record. You get simulations going backwards ( knowing all the highs and lows) or figures which are unaudited.

Beware of Sharks

If you see a currency trading software program with a track record of huge gains and low risk, costing under $200.00 – pass it by as the old saying is:

& # 8220; If it looks to good to be true it probably is” and that applies to the bulk of the software sold online.

You can get good automatic currency trading systems and there is a free one on this site which works. called Richard Donchians 4 week rule and you will get some programs which present real time track records but you have to keep in mind the following points when using these systems

What to Expect When using Currency Trading Software

ALL systems will have long periods of draw down which can last many weeks or even months – sure they make gains long term but you must be patient and ride out these short term periods of losses

The bigger the gain, the bigger the draw down. For example, the best robots make between 50 – 100% and you can expect a draw down at some point of 25 – 50%. Don't believe anyone who tells you that you can make big gains, with minuscule downside volatility – its not true.

As you can see, if you are careful and get the right system and have confidence in it and follow it long term, you can make a great long term income but you don't get rich overnight.

Fantasy and Reality

As for the robots and software programs telling you you can enjoy over 90% accuracy with your trades, make several hundred percent in profit, with draw downs below 10% - There likely to lose you money because the track records are not real money.

Software has its advantages and limitations and if you keep in mind the above points, you can decide whether you should use a software program or trade for yourself

Currency Trading Software – Using Different Settings for Range Bound and Trending Markets

Written by Andrew11

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

There are many Forex trading systems and robots sold today which allow you to change the settings of the system to trade different conditions but the logic this is based on is flawed and we will look at why in this article.

What many Forex robot vendors do is - construct track records using simulations across back data and when they do this, they want to produce the best track record they can. They do this by bending the rules of the system to fit the data then, to improve performance even more, they then make different rules for different trading conditions. So the system is curve fitted to the data and there is a problem with this.

The Dangers of Back Testing or Curve Fitting

In hindsight, its easy to see the change between range bound markets and trending ones but when you are actually trading for real its not so easy to spot these periods and of course, when they change. As no data sequence ever repeats the same again, the system get hammered in real time trading and the user ends up losing his money – trading in hindsight is easy, as you know where all the highs and lows are but when you don't have this data at hand, trading live is far harder.

These systems which try and use two different systems, within a system are doomed to failure. If you see a system with unique rules for individual currencies or for different trading conditions, avoid it as it will fail to make money in real time trading.

Rules to Trade ALL market Conditions

Any currency trading system, should trade all currencies and all market conditions with the same set of rules.

The reason for this is it will be more robust and more likely to make you money, as it will have fewer rules, too many rules in a system, leaves it with to many elements to break.

You Can't Beat the Market but You Can Make Money

In today's world of high performance computers and software with awesome number crunching ability, there is a tendency for traders to look for order in back testing when there is actually none. Because Forex markets are made by humans, who are not logical but emotional beings, there is no scientific order; FX markets remain a game of odds, not a game of certainties and this means you can't beat the market.

While you can't beat the market, if you have a system based upon sound logic and strong money management to keep losses small in periods of draw down you can make a lot of money over the long term and while your Forex trading software can lose in the short term, you can make great gains longer term.

Judge your systems performance over years rather than weeks or months and your patience will be rewarded; trading currencies is not about trying to be perfect, its about making money and you can do that with a simple currency trading software package and tight money management.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 14 July 2010 )

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Online there has been a huge upsurge in people providing signals to traders and you can now get them to your email or mobile, so you can trade them instantly but there is a problem with FX trading signal providers and we will look at in this article.

You can get FX trading signals direct from the vendors software or you can get them via robots that they sell and generally these signal providers charge very little for the service - normally a few hundred dollars for a robot or under a hundred dollars a month for signals from them.

How to Find the Few Good Signal Providers

While it is tempting to think these signals will make you money, in most instances they don't work. To find out which ones do (and there are very few that do) look for an audited track record which has been verified from an outside ratings firm or accountant. Most FX signal providers don't do this and all you get are:

Simulations going back across historical data which is very easy when you know the closing prices

The vendor will sometimes give you, so called live results which are published by him on his website but there is no outside check and they should be treated with caution.

Learn the Logic Upon Which Trading Signals are Generated

The other problem with following signals ( even if they do show a profit) is you will have periods of draw down and you need to have confidence in the logic behind the signals to follow them.

As most signal providers simply make up track records in hindsight, they don't give you the logic behind the signals of how and why they work (because they don't!) but if you want to follow a currency signal service with discipline, you need to have confidence in the logic. If you want to follow signals, make sure the logic is revealed, so you know why it works and you have the confidence to follow the system with discipline.

The internet is full of get rich quick systems and trading robots but these cheap systems get turned to dust by the market but the lazy and naïve trader still continues to buy them looking for a free lunch. Always remember, there is no free lunch in currency trading, just as there isn't in life and in a market, where 95% of all traders lose money this is obviously true!

If you trade an automated currency trading system which gives automatic trading signals in your FX trading strategy, always keep in mind that your trading for the long term and you will have short term drawdown.

If you want to use an FX trading signal service, you like learn the logic and have the discipline to stick with it and you can make enjoy long term currency trading success.

There have been several Forex trading robots which claim to be using advanced artificial intelligence in there software and some claim, more than 95% accuracy in there trading signals - so what is artificial intelligence. can it be applied to Forex trading and can it help you make bigger profits – Let's find out.

The definition of artificial intelligence is:

The capability of a device to perform functions that are normally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning from experience.

The Limits Of Artificial Intelligence

Currently, there are no computers ant where exhibit full artificial intelligence (that is, are able to simulate human behaviour). The human brain can think for itself and as yet, no computer can even get any where near the human brain in terms being able to think, learn from experience and act upon this experience across a variety of subjects but there has been some limited success, in making machines which can perform basic tasks.

In the area of robotics, computers are now widely used in such areas as car assembly plants, but they are capable only limited tasks. Robots still have huge difficulty identifying objects based on appearance or feel, and it was only recently that a robot was developed which could actually fold a towel correctly and this was seen as a major breakthrough in artificial intelligence software.

The Future and a Robot that Can Think for Itself

In the 1960's, I remember seeing a program on the future, where we would all have robots to help us clean the house, shop, baby sit the kids etc but we are no where near to having this kind of robot, as we have just seen from the above examples.

Forex Robots Predictive Software

The Forex trading robots which claim they can think for themselves to predict Forex price movements cost normally around $100 or so and claim they come with advanced Artificial intelligence but they don't and never have real time figures that are audited to back up there claims, its good copy though and helps to sell systems. The reality is that even the most advanced artificial intelligence software, can cost millions of dollars and can perform only limited tasks, so if you think a Forex robot costing under a hundred dollars can beat the Forex market your in for a disappointment.

The Reality of Forex Trading and the Limitations of Software

Forex trading is a market of odds not of certainties, you can never predict where prices are going and the market can never be beaten and the reality is:

In the last 50 years, we have seen computer and software technology make huge advances in terms of speed and number crunching ability but in terms of Forex, the ratio of winners to losers remains the same – 95%. So advances in technology have not helped increase the ratio of winners.

If you want to win use a simple trading system with just a few rules and it will beat a complex one, simply because it has less elements to break.

So trade the odds, keep your system simple and robust and you, will easily beat the Forex robots which claim they can predict the market in advance.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

More traders than ever are looking at buying automated FX robots and looking to trade a Forex Professional trading system, the problem is most of the ones for sale that are heavily promoted are junk in this article we will show you how to get the right software to make Forex professional system trading a reality for you and help you make some great long term profits.

Online you will find numerous holy grail Forex trading robots which all claim to make huge gains with little or no draw down, they actually look to good to be true and they are – you don't make huge gains with no draw down and you can't predict the future as most of these robots claim. If you want to trade a Forex trading system you need to find one that works ( which we will come to in a moment) and keep these facts in mind:

A good system will give you a compound growth rate of around 50 – 100% per annum

Drawdown will typically be between – 20 – 40%

Drawdown's can last a few weeks to a few months before a new peak equity is hit

You need to ignore short term fluctuations in equity and judge your performance over years not months.

To find a good system make sure that you buy a Forex trading system which has a real audited performance of long term gains and the figures are verified by an independent outside source and DON'T come direct from the vendor selling the system.

Most currency trading robots sold online, simply present back tested results by simulating the system backwards over historical data which means the system has been bent to fit the data and make a profit or thery give you results on their website which they say are live but there not and come direct from them. The reason they have no evidence to back up their track records is simple – they have never made any money!

Forex professional system trading is all about getting a system which has proved itself in real time trading and on this site on the right, you can get a great Free system which works and performs all the heavily promoted cheap robots.

If you want to trade Forex like a pro the right system can give you a short cut to long term success and give you access to a triple digit income per annum for just 30 minutes of your time or less, just make sure you pick the right system!

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 18 May 2010 )

Sunday, 07 March 2010

Today, we have more powerful computers than ever and the software which has been developed to trade Forex markets, is mind boggling in it's complexity. Many traders are using software in an attempt to make their currency trading strategies more profitable and beat market but they can never succeed and this article looks at why.

First, let's start with a simple Forex trading fact which most people know and it's this:

95% of all Forex traders lost 50 years ago and still lose today and when you think about this fact, it may strike you as odd, with all the advances we have seen in terms – price delivery, better news, computer power and the ability of software to number crunch quickly – these advances have made no difference, to the number of traders who win. If you think about it though, the reason why the number of winning traders has not increased is obvious:

Forex Markets CANNOT be Predicted!

Forex market do NOT move to science and this should be obvious to anyone - because if they could, we would all know the price in advance and there would be no market!

The Forex market is a market of probabilities not certainties and the reason for this again is obvious:

Humans make the price of any currency and their creatures of emotion, not of logic. The “far out investment crowd” believe that markets move to some higher force but they don't and you get a lot of clever nerds, who think because they are clever, they can beat the market with science but prices are unpredictable and they can't.

The fact is if you want to win at Forex trading, you can but you must focus on trading the odds and that means scientific and complex currency trading strategies, simply cannot help you.

Use a Simple System and Trade the Odds

In Forex trading, simple systems work best and always will and the reason for this is – a simple system, will be more robust in the brutal world of FX trading and have fewer elements to break. If you think, the more Forex trading indicators you cram into your trading strategy the better - Your wrong!

If you want to win at currency trading use a robust, simple system and you will do just fine and always keep the next point in mind.

Perfection is NOT Possible but Making Money is!

If you want to be right all the time and feel clever, don't trade FX. If you can accept that perfection is not possible but if you run your profits and cut your losses, you can win. Forex trading is not about beating the market, you can never do that - but you can win and make a lot of money and that's what Forex trading is all about.

50 years ago, 95% of FX traders lost money, the same ratio of traders lose today and the same ratio will lose in 50 years time. The fact is Forex trading success is based upon – A simple method which is applied with rigorous discipline. This has always been the case and always will be – so stop trying to be clever and accept the market for what it is and play the odds and win.

Best Automated Currency Trading Software

Sunday, 07 March 2010

There are a huge number of Currency trading robots and Expert Advisor's you can buy and we review the major ones in our Forex Robot section of this site and the fact is all the cheap automated currency trading systems which cost under two hundred dollars and claim to give you a better performance than the word's top traders lose money. There are some good trading systems out there though and here we will look at why most automated software packages lose and how to find the few that win.

As the internet age emerged, so to did a huge number of get rich quick schemes and in all areas of finance including FX trading. They all make gains which are to good to be true; make a more money than the world's top fund managers, with less draw down, make no effort while doing so and the cost to you, is no more than a good night out at the bar. So why do they lose? Lets find out:

Simulated Back Tests Which Don't Repeat Due to Curve Fitting

All the heavily promoted track records, base there track records on back tests or simulations. This means they bend the system to fit the data and simply keep bending it until they get a truly extraordinary performance. One trader likened this to shooting at a barn door, blinded folded and then, going and drawing a circle around every shot, to make it look like a bulls-eye! No two segments of data, ever repeat in the same way again and these systems lose in real time trading.

Forex Robots and Money Management

When a track record is heavily curve fitted, the area to suffer is money management. An I have never seen any of the heavily promoted robots, have money management which is based on sound principles which means the trading system can't win over the long term – in short, most automated software packages take to much risk and eventually, the market blows them out the water.

Where's the Audited REAL TIME Track Record?

You get simulations and live results which the vendor says are true but the one thing you don't get is - an audited track record of real time gains by a reputable outside source. It should be obvious to any trader, that you don't get a better track record than the world's top fund managers with less draw down, for the price of a good night out. You don't see the evidence in terms of a real time trading record because there isn't one!

Automated Trading Software Which Makes Money

There are some systems that make money and if you look at the advertisement on the right side of this site, you can get a profitable currency trading robot for free; Richard Donchian's 4 Week Rule. The system is easy to understand works and will make great long term gains. Sure it has draw down but all the best systems do but follow it, focus on the long term and you will do just fine. If you want to buy a Expert Advisor make sure the track record has been audited and the source of the audit is revealed, so you know if it's from a reputable source.

If you see a an automated currency trading system with a track record which looks to good to be true, chances are it is and the way to confirm your suspicion, is to look at the track record.

If you are looking for the best currency trading software, use the above check list and you will find the right trading system, to use in your currency trading strategy which will enable you to make some great trading profits in around 30 minutes a day or less.

Best Automated Forex Robot and Forex Trading Signals Providers Forex EA

Introduction ————— Forex Robots are automated devices that trade the forex industry for you. They can be also known as expert advisors (EA’s) and can be referred to as automated trading software.

Positive aspects ———- They are valuable should you do not have time to trade the currency market place on a daily basis. That is referred to as day trading and in some conditions scalping. The automated software package will can trade for you personally and make you revenue furnished you choose a superb forex robot. There are opinions throughout the net around the different robots available. Forex discussion boards really are a superior location to glimpse for facts. The also lower the emotional stress day trading could cause and assist aspiring traders that have self-discipline and emotion challenges. These can both have a very detrimental have an impact on on trading. Concern and greed are eradicated when automated program trades on your own behalf.

Negatives ———- Many people claim that forex robots usually do not perform. Naturally not all function but there are a couple of which will produce profit supplied they may be employed properly. Variables that have for being thought to be are: Does the forex robot use a quit loss? You ought to never use a martingale system as this could blow your account in a very solitary trade. It is also significant to select a broker who has an aggressive spread to the pair that the forex robot trades on. Lots of systems appearance beneficial in back testing as a consequence of slippage, spread and execution delays not becoming taking into consideration. It really is an excellent strategy to forward examination the expert advisor ahead of making use of it on your own live account.

What to appear for in the forex robot ———– Be sure that it employs a stop loss. It will be an benefit if it runs on currency pairs with reduced spreads. Also check out time which the ea is lively. Scalping EA’s that run throughout the quieter instances are amongst essentially the most profitable and have small probability. Even scalping robots can bring big earnings with tiny drawdowns.

You can find two broad classes of forex signals:

uno. Forex signals generated by automation 2. Forex signals created immediately by genuine traders (authentic human beings)

The reduce straight for the chase, by far the most rewarding forex signals are these produced by traders who are still actively trader – these Constantly defeat out signals which have been produced by automation, irregardless in the procedure the automation is modeled following and irregardless of how nicely programmed (and back-tested) it truly is.

Nonetheless, forex signals created by automation are marketed far more intensely than individuals created by serious traders. This is certainly really a lot more an issue of individuals seeking to maximize their earnings from revenue commissions than precisely what is essentially very best to the trader. Automated signals can not respond to changes out there on account of news occasions or maybe to your organic drift that invariably happens. These are also confined to one of a several trading tactics. I’ve never ever identified any one who produced really good money at forex working with automated signals.

So, the initial move in hunting for that most successful forex signals will be to eradicate the automated signals and focus only within the human produced signals.

Summary ——– Forex robots do get the job done, it is just a make a difference of back testing and ahead testing till the technique is optimized to provide the best volume of profit while using the smallest sum of danger and draw down. I use an ea on my are living account that I have setup on a virtual private server and it brings me good success everyday without me having to undergo the anxiety that manual traders do.

Beneficial Luck together with your trading!

I am a Forex Trader. I used to trade manually but due to stress, discipline problems, greed and fear. Now I use an automated expert advisor that trades for me so I can go about my daily life. visit here to find Best Forex Trading Robots

Forex Market View for January 15, 2016 US Markets Down

Forex market View for January 15, 2016 US Markets Down

The major US equity indices extended losses to trade deep into the red after the release of a horribly weak US regional manufacturing and a weaker-than-expected advance retail sales data. At the time of writing, DJIA down 2.28%. The S&P 500 futures were indicating 2.3% loss at the opening bell. The Nasdaq futures traded on a similar note.

Gold prices extended gains after dismal US data release and point upwards as investors brace up for a sharp gap down opening in the US stocks. A break above the immediate resistance of 1101.70 would open doors for a rally to 1107. On the other hand, a break below 1080.48 could push the metal back to 1071.40

Brent crude fell more than 4.5% to $29.46 while US WTI fell to $29.47. Crude oil had collapsed by more than 65% to a 12-year low on Tuesday as well.

EUR/USD pushed higher and reached its highest level since Monday as the dollar weakened following disappointing US retail sales data. next supports are seen at 1.0814, 1.0804/00, 1.0770 and then 1.0710. On the other hand, next resistances line up at 1.0969.

USD/JPY to the 116.70/65 area. next support at 116.46 ahead of 115.82 and finally 115.56. On the other hand, a breakout of 118.32 would target 119.34.

EUR/GBP pair clocked a fresh one-year high of 0.7659 after the dismal data in the US worsened risk averse mood (carry unwind) and increased demand for the EUR. immediate resistance is seen at 0.7659, above which the cross could target 0.7714. On the other hand, a break below 0.7607 would open doors for a correction to 0.7525.

Para obtener más información, visite www. clmforex. com

Trading Forex and Derivatives tiene un alto nivel de riesgo, incluyendo el riesgo de perder mucho más que su inversión inicial. Además, no posee ni tiene derechos sobre los activos subyacentes. El efecto del apalancamiento es que tanto las ganancias como las pérdidas se magnifican. Sólo debe negociar si puede permitirse el lujo de llevar estos riesgos. Trading Derivados puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores, por lo que debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados, y buscar asesoramiento independiente si es necesario

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About ForexGen

I am Joe Chalhoub . a computer engineer, Forex trader and strategy builder. I began trading currencies 3 years ago. The first 3 months trading were complete failure, I remember I lost all my money and I was about to quit, but I couldn’t, I felt if I quit now maybe I am missing the chance of having my own business. So I stopped trading and began observing, studying, analyzing and practicing.

Observing: I began observing the market, what causes movement, reaction, ranging and trading.

Analyzing: I began working with technical and fundamental analysis; how each analysis can predict and redirect the market and how I can use them both for my own benefit. I will talk about these analyses in the following paragraph.

Reading: I bought Forex Trading Books and read them, books explaining different strategies and tactics used by experienced traders.

Practicing: I created free accounts and began trading virtually and each technique I invent I tried it and monitored its performance and validity.

After one year of studies, analysis and practicing trading techniques and after many failure and frustration I reached my own strategy and it is working very well and each month my profit is positive.

I reached my targets and I built a successful strategy, but that’s not enough; to make profit I must not miss any opportunity and forex market is full of opportunities because it is the most active market in the world, for that reason I must sit all time and watch and detect opportunities all day long from Monday to Friday.

How to resolve this problem, I can’t sit and observe the market hours and hours, I have my career and my family, so I thought I must program my strategy, let the Information Technology do the hard work for me, and nobody is discipline as a software, so I created an artificial intelligent software which collects data from the market and implement my strategy on this data and detect opportunities 24/24.

This program analyzes fundamental and technical data and generates forex signals which are forwarded automatically to my broker platform where the signals are executed automatically and forwarded also to my website members. All this is done without my interfering, I just run the program, it analyzes and makes its decisions (Buying, Selling or stay aside).

How to succeed in Forex Trading

Five over hundred traders succeed in this business, what differentiate those five successful from the 95 others is one thing, it is the HARD WORK. Forex trading is not an easy business, and who tells you that he can make you rich in one night is one of those 95. Only one thing can make you a successful trader, HARD WORK, and nothing else. Don’t rely on other traders or advisers to help you, rely and have confidence on yourself.

Inicio & raquo; Educación & raquo; Differences between forex and binary options

Differences between forex and binary options

What is the difference between forex trading (also called Foreign Exchange) and binary options on forex. You can find this question on countless internet forums at the moment. This question makes no sense. If you don’t understand why, you should not try to make money with binary options. These two investments are extremely different, they do not share the same purposes, they do not share the same economic reasons and they concern two different types of investors . We already compared binary options with common options; we will now try to present the key differences between forex trading and binary options on forex.

Differences between binary options on forex and regular forex

In order to help you understand the key differences between these two instruments, we will remind you the definition of these two investments:

Forex is a market . it is the market of currency exchanges. A forex trader limits his exposure to the currency exchange market. A forex trader will never speculate on a company stock, a commodity or any other asset class. He will for instance invest in the Euro-Dollar. He will buy a certain amount of dollars with a certain amount of euro in the off chance that, in the future, he will be able to re-exchange this same amount of dollar for a bigger amount of euros. This is what happens when the EURUSD exchange rate is decreasing. A forex trader will say that the Dollar appreciates against the Euro. Moreover, the forex market is used by many different market participants. A company that sells its goods abroad in dollars but pays its employees in British pounds will need to use the forex market to convert these earned dollars for a in British pounds.

A Binary option is an instrument . a financial instrument that enables retail traders to speculate on different markets (forex, equity stocks. indices, commodities…). It also enables them to leverage their investment in order to generate high profits in a short amount of time. Binary options are derivative products with a final payoff that is conditional to the level of the underlying asset at maturity of the option.


FOREX – A forex trader is bullish on the US dollar against the Euro and spot rate is 1.3230. He will invest 1000 EUR and buy 1323 dollars. One month later, the EURUSD exchange is 1.3120, the trader will convert its 1323 USD and get back (1323 / 1.3120) 1008.38 EUR. In one month, the forex trader generates a profit of 8.38 euros. You need to invest large amounts of cash to make money with forex trading .

BINARY OPTIONS – A binary option trader is also bullish on the US Dollar against the Euro and the current exchange rate is still 1.3230. He will invest 100 EUR on a LOW binary option on EURUSD with maturity 15 minutes and a RETURN of 75%. If after 15 minutes, the EURUSD exchange rate is below 1.3230, the trader generates a profit of 75 Euro while he only invested 100 euros. You don’t need to invest a large amount of cash to generate a large profit with binary options. Compared to forex, the binary option trader cannot lose more than its invested amount .

Differences and main advantages of binary options versus forex

Larger portfolio of available underlying assets (stocks, indices, commodities and of course forex).

Losses are limited to your invested amount and you already know your achievable return when you open the transaction.

No collateral requirement by the broker. When you want to invest 100 GBP, you only need to have 100 GBP on your account while brokers are requesting bigger capital requirements for pure forex trading.

Multiple instruments and strategies available (High / Low, One Touch, Zone …).

Greater freedom and transparency: you can craft your own binary options with the « option builder » while pure forex investment are standardized.

No commission on binary options while proportional commission on forex that can represent a significant share of your investment.


As explained above, the success of binary options is mainly due to the multiple advantages of this financial instrument compared to forex and other traditional financial tools. Binary options are simple instrument, you just need to choose a direction for a specific underlying and be right about it to make money.

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Forex Trading

MoneyForex Trader is a foreign exchange trading technology for Forex market makers (dealers) and Forex brokers. MoneyForex Trader Trading Platform presents the most complete set of features covering all areas of Forex trading, what makes it the number one on the global Forex trading software market today. Below please find a list of the most important system features for traders.

Easy to use client interface: flexible dealing rates styles; intuitive trading dialogs; "one-click" order placement or position closing; ability to close all outstanding positions at once; simple installation and upgrade; multilingual; customizable colors and fonts, sound alarm schemas, and user templates.

Multiple types of orders: market; position close; entry stop/limit; position stop-loss/limit-profit working as OCO; stop-loss/limit-profit placed on entry orders.

Multi-currency: ability to monitor profit/loss and account exposure in currency of your choice; multiple accounts in different currencies; option of switching the view of account information from one currency to another.

Universal Trading Account: system supports orders of any size (i. e. standard, mini or any other amount).

Multiple Accounts Management: ability to simultaneously trade the funds of multiple clients at one time with automatic trade size allocation.

Integrated charting: based on real-time dealing rates; various chart intervals; many chart styles (such as candlestick, bar, line); Bid and Ask charts; flexible trend lines; Fibonacci projections and retracements; current rate indication line and spread band; drawing object opacity customization for easy chart reading; export to MetaStock; virtually unlimited history length.

Studies and scripting: 30+ built-in indicators; multiple indicators on one chart; customizable indicator parameters, colors, and thickness; intuitive indicator builder with built-in language.

Trading from the charts: all orders and positions are displayed on the chart; modify or cancel order right from the chart (either by clicking or dragging); close position from the chart.

On-line reporting: accessible from browser, for any time frame, trading results are reflected immediately (not in the end of the day); comprehensive account statement.

Everything Real Time: dealing quotes delivery; position P/L, account status, margin and equity monitoring.

Reliable connectivity: instant notification of connection failure, secure, works with firewalls and proxy servers, works with unreliable or poor connections

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Throughout my whole experience in the area of automated trading I have encountered a fair amount of expert advisors based on hedging as well as correlation strategies. Expert advisors such as the Five Pairs Hedging Expert Advisor have attracted a lot of attention because of the theory behind them. There are also a lot of other forex systems based on this type of strategies, like the Freedom Rocks Program for example, which tries to exploit swap while hedging positions.

First of all, let me explain to you the concept of hedging. To hedge, in finance, refers to the action of taking opposite or complimentary positions on different instruments to reduce risk. Hedging differs from diversification in that hedging implies a correlation between the two instruments while diversification may target completely unrelated things.

As an example, in forex, buying and selling a currency pair at the same time is the most straightforward way of hedging as the profit or loss of any of the two positions is compensated by the other. However, this does not carry any profit for the trader. In a more general fashion, one could hedge different pairs and profit either from the swap differential or from displacements in the overall correlation of the pairs.

The EUR/USD and the USD/CHF have had a historical correlation of almost -0.9, that means that 90% of the time USD/CHF goes up, EUR/USD goes down, and vice versa. If the pairs deviate from this correlation, say, EUR/USD goes significantly up but USD/CHF still does not go down, one could in theory profit from the reestablishment of the correlation by buying USD/CHF.

However, there is a catch. When correlations deviate between pairs, it is fairly difficult to know which pair deviated from the relationship. If EUR/USD went up and USD/CHF did not follow, who is wrong. Did the EUR/USD pair go up unnecessarily. or did USD/CHF didn't go behind it. This is the question, not always does the first one who deviates is necessarily right.

Hedging is particularly dangerous when it is used as a means of protection, as when one wants to profit from swap. Correlations are a very wavy thing and they may vary and change in the future without ever warning the trader. This is the reason why I advice people not to use the Freedom Rocks system, which seems excessively risky to me and does not offer enough rewards for the excess of capital that is risked. A strategy like this can easily wipe out an account when currencies suddenly deviate a lot from their correlation.

Personally, I don't like hedging strategies, neither when they are used as protection instruments nor when they are the source of the profit. For me, hedging carries the additional charge of spreads paid for additional positions and does not guarantee the effectiveness of either the profit, or the protection. In my opinion, strong forex strategies that rely on hard stop losses and the use of one open position at a time offer the greatest potential for profit with the smallest possible risk.


If you are keen to learn more about how to trade the forex markets. then you’ve come to the right place. They are fascinating to trade, and markets that I write about regularly for FXstreet, FXpros, Forex Space and many others. So you will be learning from someone who trades full time.

Oh, and I almost forgot. I am also an expert contributor to FXstreet, so understand the market better than most. If you’re serious about becoming a better forex trader, or perhaps just starting out, here’s a couple of resources to help you get started.

You can now follow all my latest market forecasts and analysis over at http://www. annacoulling. com

If you would like to follow my trading more closely, why not join me in one of my FREE live training rooms - simply click the link to join – I look forward to seeing you there – regards Anna

Now a No 1 Best Seller: International Foreign Exchange

Volume has been the cornerstone on which my own trading career has been built. It was where I started, and I consider myself fortunate to have done so. Por qué? Because volume and price are the ONLY leading indicators of future market activity. Many traders never discover their awesome power until it’s too late, relying on lagging indicators, which………lag the market. Now finally it’s here. In the book you will discover the unique approach that is VPA, or Volume Price Analysis.

Price on it’s own is just that – a price. Volume on it’s own is just that – volumen. But combine them together, and just like adding saltpetre, charcoal and sulphur, they become an explosive mixture. Your charts will quite literally EXPLODE into life. Suddenly you will have the insight to read the next market move, before it happens . Now, with VPA your trading will become stress free and enjoyable. Por qué? Because your trading decisions will be based on logic and common sense. The insiders simply CANNOT hide market activity from view. All you need to do is interpret the volume price relationship – then simply follow them. AND YES – even in the spot forex market.

Here are some of the wonderful comments I have received on emails from customers who have bought the book – thank you so much – Anna

I want to thank you so much for providing retail traders with a wonderfully written, fun to read, and very smart book. I just finished your “A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis” and found it thoroughly enjoyable, and very, very informative.

I had been introduced to some of these concepts before ( “volume spread analysis”) but have to tell you that your style and approach is a lot easier to comprehend, and a lot easier to actually put into practice.

Dear Ms Coulling,

I found your book on Amazon by chance, after having typed in Trading using Volume Price Analysis. Got the book this week, and I am already half way through it. Your exposition of the volume behaviour in the market and how different price bars relate to volume is fantastic. It truly is an eye opener. I have been interested in the Wyckoff approach for a while, but have not found something as clear as your book. Thanks for writing such a great book.

And now for another……

If you are new to the world of forex trading. then the following book may be for you. I remember what it was like when I first started and it can be a confusing and complex market to interpret. In the book I explain the forces that drive the markets, and the broad approaches to analyzing market behavior. I hope it will provide the background knowledge to help you become a better trader, as you enter the world of forex trading.

Success for many traders remains an elusive dream, and whilst the trading process itself is relatively simple and straightforward, the markets themselves are most certainly not. Indeed of the four principle markets, forex is the most complex of all, and yet is promoted as one that could be your own personal ATM machine. Nothing could be further from the truth, which is why many aspiring traders ultimately fail and either give up, or move on. This is a great shame, as it’s not their fault, and is simply because no-one has ever explained how the markets, and in particular, the forex markets, really work.

If this sounds familiar, then this book is for you.

The forex market is far from simple, and the tools and techniques you will need to survive and prosper are varied. Many budding traders approach the world of foreign exchange in a one dimensional way, either in adopting one single analytical technique, or by assuming that this market works in isolation to all others. Both are equally dangerous.

The forex market sits at the heart of the financial world. After all, every decision by every speculator, trader or investor is about one thing, and one thing only – dinero. The FX market embraces every aspect of risk and return in financial terms, which is then overlain with the political and central bank manipulation, all part and parcel of this world.

To succeed as a forex trader, you need to equip yourself with the tools, the knowledge and the techniques to take on the immense forces ranged against you. Approach the forex market with a pea shooter and you will simply become another casualty. Arm yourself with this book, and you will then enter the forex trading world, fully mobilised with the appropriate weapons, of which knowledge and insight are the most powerful.

And don’t forget as the late great Jesse Livermore once said:

“It [the market] is designed to fool most of the people, most of the time “

Coming soon – on Amazon Kindle, and in paperback

Forex For Beginners is a step by step guide to help you get started in the exciting world of forex trading.

The book leads you by the hand, from explanations of how and why we have a forex market, how it works, and the mechanics of placing trades. The various analytical approaches are explained in detail, along with understanding the importance of volume and price. From there, the book moves on to explain the concepts of margin and leverage, trading plans, quantifying risk money management, and position sizing.

Then, it’s putting it all together, as we walk through complete trades together, from start to finish, with several worked examples. Finally, the book explains key elements of the MT4 platform, and how to place and manage trades.

Throughout the book there are hundreds of images and pictures, with simple explanations, to help explain everything clearly, so you will learn fast – and nothing has been left out. If you want the complete book, from novice to placing your first trade, and everything in between, then this is the book for you!

The book will be published in the next couple of weeks at a very special promotional price, so please grab your copy FAST.

As always – thank you all so much for your kind comments and feedback on my other books. I cannot tell you how touched I have been, and I hope that you enjoy this book, as much as the other two. As soon as it’s available, I will add the link here.

All best wishes many thanks – Anna

FREE 55 Page Report

In this easy reading guide, I reveal the tips, techniques and lessons that I have learnt which have helped me to become a successful forex trader. Grab your FREE copy by simply completing the details below, and discover how you can follow in my footsteps, as I guide you along the path to success.

My latest forecasts

As we move towards the end of the first quarter of the new year, it is interesting to consider one of the more subtle changes to the principle US indices that appears to have passed by unnoticed, and yet perhaps is signalling a deeper seated issue as to the ‘recovery’ in the US economy much. [& Hellip;]

The word that comes to mind to describe the price action on the daily WTI oil chart is ‘stately’ with crude oil continuing to move higher in a series of small rallies then punctuated with a pause point and further consolidation. Whilst many traders have been surprised at the recovery in the price of oil. [& Hellip;]

Gold prices finished last week in bullish mood once again following the extended period of price congestion which has seen the precious metal trade within the range of the wide spread volatility up candle of the 11th February. This candle was seminal in defining and describing any further advance for gold, given its move outside. [& Hellip;]

After the malaise of the last few months, copper finally nailed a key technical level firmly into place on Friday as the red metal surged higher, closing the session with a wide spread up candle supported with excellent volume, thereby confirming the validity of the move higher. Indeed last week’s price action was a very. [& Hellip;]

The daily chart of the CAD/USD is one of those examples where the description of technical analysis being an art and not a science, neatly sums up the price action of the last three months with perfect symmetry around the low January 2016. December’s bearish trend with its pause point in the 0.7200 region, followed. [& Hellip;]


ForteFX EA

ForteFX 20

We often receive inquiries about Crescendo. the first successful MT4 robots we coded. We and many other traders are still using Crescendo after more than 2 years now. There is a reason for that Crescendo continues to work pretty well for all traders who use it with a grain of salt It is a few weeks now that Crescendo is not on sale anymore though. The good news is that we decided to make this strategy still available for all Pimpers As a matter of fact we coded a “pimped” version of Crescendo named “ ForteFX “. This is not “just” Crescendo, but a new Expert Advisors built upon the original Crescendo strategy with some new interesting features. But before I describe the “new” features, let’s make a step back and give a brief overview of the trading strategy implemented by Crescendo, since some of the new readers of this blog may not know Crescendo yet. Basically Crescendo has an trend detection algorithm that is used for grabbing repeatedly small amounts of profits while a price trend develops. When the trend is not predicted correctly (no strategy can be 100% accurate) Crescendo tries to average down the price, so that a profit can be made on the next reversal. Let’s see this GBPJPY chart as an example (click for zooming in): On the left of this chart you can notice the many sell trades that are closed for a profit. In the middle of the chart you can notice a situation where Crescendo is averaging down the price of a set of short trades, and in the end it is able to close them successfully for an overall profit. The strategy exploits the natural tendency of prices to “reverse”. Here is an example of how the equity can grow over time with this strategy ( this is a real account that more then tripled the balance trading only Crescendo for 18 months ): Of course trading with Crescendo requires the trader to use a correct money management and to be prepared psychologically to withstand the inevitable drawdown phases. ForteFX makes our life easier for taking advantage of this apparently simple – yet powerful – trading strategy also aiming to reduce the draw down with the use of hedging. Here are the main improvements introduced by ForteFX in details:

Hedging is embedded and automatic in the strategy. It’s like having two EAs trading at the same time: one taking only the long signals and one trading only the short signals. Working independently so that the ForteFX won’t be stuck for days, weeks or even months waiting for a retracement but will keep on cashing money following the stronger trend.

It can work on ANY currency pair (so it is no longer forced to work on GBPUSD/GBPJPY). The multicurrency approach is one of our “identifying marks” and so all our strategies are made to work on the largest number of instruments. Yes, you can use it on indexes, commodities and stocks if you want!

The trend algorithm has been greatly improved as it now can use two of our best currency trend strength meters: PotenzaFX and PowerbarsFX. Those of you already owning them, know well how powerful they are as they let you read the currency market as no other indicator. They let you touch with hands the situation in the currency war.

The averaging down algorithm is more sophisticated. To greatly reduce the drowdown, new trades now are entered only if the original trend is resuming itself.

The input settings are much easier for the end user. You won’t have to deal with many different options. Everything has been simplified and the strategy is simple to understand and manage.

Here are the performances of ForteFX with our best settings (click on the picture for being redirected to the account on MyFxBook ):

A note about the use of the PotenzaFX or PowerbarsFX trend based algorithms. You need to have them installed to use that feature. To meet people that don’t own them already, if you decide to buy ForteFX you’ll receive a 50% discount code for them that you can use to buy both (or just one) at ANY TIME. But that’s not all. We know that most of you already own and trade Crescendo and to thank you and help you in keep trading this strategy at best, we decided to sell ForteFX to our loyal followers with a 50% discounted price. This is not a limited offer.

Suggested Broker

Although the strategy can work pretty well on any reputable broker, we personally use and suggest FinFx which offers top-rated liquidity providers and very competitive spreads.

What You Get

ForteFX EA

An online manual with instructions

Subscription to ForteFX private Yahoo! Group in order to partecipate to the performance improvement process of the EA

Email Support

Forex Currency Trading Basics For Beginners – Part 2 (MetaTrader4)

In the previous post Forex Currency Trading Basics For Beginners – Part 1 we learned what Forex was, how leverage works and and also what to look for in a broker. In this part of the series I will take you though signing up for a demo account with a Forex broker, as well as learning to use the MetaTrader 4 application.

Selección de un corredor

If you remember from the previous post I said that these were the thing we should be looking for in a Forex broker.

What is their average spread per market?

Will the broker charge you a fee to trade?

Are there any subscription costs?

What leverage do they offer?

How long have they been in business for?

How many markets do they offer?

How many servers do they have for you to connect to if one is down for maintenance?

Do they have any special sign up deals available?

What do other people say about their service?

How easy is it to get your money back out again?

One of the ways which I use to determine if a broker is going to be any good, is to see reviews from other people. The website that I most often use for this purpose is Forexpeacearmy. com with their review page .

Cuenta Demo

Once I have found a broker that I feel comfortable with, I normally open a demo account with them, first to get a feel for how quickly their servers respond to my requests, plus it also gives me a chance to see their spreads before using any real money.

The broker that I selected to do this demo with is XEMarkets (formerly Trading-Point). They have a no obligation demo account that will give you great insight into the world of Forex Trading. If you are interested in also getting a demo Forex account then please click the banner (Affiliate link) below.

Demo Account Video

I decided that I would take you though how to sign up for a demo account myself, and so I created a video to help you through the process. I hope my Aussie accent doesn’t confuse too many people

Please note that this video is best seen at full screen

Learning how to use the MetaTrader 4 Forex Trading Software

If you followed the video you will now have MetaTrader4 (MT4) installed on your computer and there is a good chance you will have no idea how to use it. I remember the first time I ever tried to use MT4 and I really got confused very quickly. So that you don’t have to suffer the same pain as I did, I have put together another video demonstrating all the common functions of the MT4 software to get you setup and ready to make your first trade.

Please note that this video is best seen at full screen

Using MetaTrader 4 to Trade Forex Currencies

OK, so it is finally time to start making money on your demo account. You are probably sick of listening to my voice in the videos by now, but guess what? I have done yet another video to walk you through this process, plus I explain a little bit about candle sticks.

Please note that this video is best seen at full screen

Types of Candle Sticks and Reading Charts

If you watched my last video you will have a basic idea about candlesticks, but there is so much more to know. There are plenty of websites that talk about the different types of candlesticks and what they mean. The best site I found to explain them all is this site .

In the video I talked about Hammers, Shooting stars and Gaps, which I will show in a little more detail here as they are the main candlesticks I use to make my trades.

Hammer Candle Stick

Hammers are found after a down trend where the price has fallen fairly significantly and then gets to a point where the sellers run out of steam and then lose control to the buyers. This is signaled by having a small body and a long wick as can be seen in the candlestick at the bottom of the image below. Remember that you should always wait for confirmation of the reversal pattern before entering the trade. In this case confirmation is a large green “bull” candlestick after the hammer.

Estrella fugaz

Shooting stars are pretty much the opposite of a hammer and they can be found at the end of an uptrend. The candle stick will be at the highest point of the uptrend with the body of the candle stick being significantly smaller than the long wick. If you see a shooting star then that means the buyers have run out of momentum and the sellers are in control of the market. Remember that you should always wait for confirmation of the reversal pattern before entering the trade. In this case the confirmation is a large purple (or red depending on the colors you use) “bear” candlestick after the shooting star.


Gaps are difficult to explain, but essentially they are the void between 2 sequential candlesticks. In my experience gaps always get filled (even if it is months or years later…). Gaps are filled when the price movement reaches the point where the gap first began. See the image below for an example.

That’s all for this part of the series please checkout the third and final part here

If you liked this post and want to hear more from me then please consider subscribing. As always, please leave any comments that you might have below in the comments section. I would love to hear from you.

For more information about this post check here .

If you are interested in guest posting on Monster Piggy Bank, please contact me .

10 minutes Forex Wealth Builder, an automated forex trading system using the best back-tested systems designed by top-ranked traders and money managers for currency trading & forex scalping. A masterpiece explained in simple, logical, and straight to the point that any novice or experience trader can put to use in a matter of hours and really maximize their forex trading profits.

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Credit card debt is becoming a serious financial situation for increasing numbers of Americans. The credit card debt trouble may have come about suddenly due to job loss or a medical emergency for instance. Often the reason credit card debt relief is needed is because of outlay way above your financial income and often on things that are not essential. Although credit card debt relief cannot be achieved instantly, it can be eased gradually but will only disappear completely when the debt is finally paid off. There are commercials and ads about credit card debt relief being flashed on TV or in the newspaper all the time. Despite the amount of advertising involved, it is always judicious to know exactly what you are getting yourself involved in before it is too late. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission even warns individuals against getting pulled into those adverts from credit card debt consolidation establishments. Often, when trying to sort out your credit card debt, you end up with poor credit anyway and those establishments that guaranteed to help you may have ended up hindering you.

Getting your credit card debt relief procedure started is the most critical thing to do although it may take some time to get started. Your situation with your credit card company is important because if you keep them informed, they should be able to help you with lower interest rates or monthly payments. They may even be able to set up a payment plan that will help you without damaging your credit rating. Credit card guidance services can be of great help and if you are lucky, you may discover one that makes no charge for their services and advice. It is often the case that they just sit down and go through your budget with you and spotlight ways to save money and sometimes arbitrate with your credit card company for you. Credit card guidance service establishments can also give advice on other things you can do to help retain your credit history. Often you need to swallow your pride because these establishments have a huge amount of experience to help with your credit card debt relief.

If practicable, arrange a meeting with your bank who may be able to release some equity in your house to help with your credit card debt relief requirements but this will only be feasible if you have a steady income. Spare equity release loans are good providing you clear off your credit card debt and do not run up the amount again as your house could be at risk if you fail to pay the mortgage installments. Part-time jobs or any way of finding an extra source of income can help to furnish you with some credit card debt relief. In numerous families both the husband and wife may have 2 occupations to help pay of their credit card debt. Fortunately this does not have to be a long term solution but just long enough to assist with your credit card debt relief position to ease. And, no matter what, destroy the credit cards, because the less debt you continue to build, the less credit card debt relief you will need.

* Ascending trend * Descending trend * Reversal trend

Market trends seem to follow geometric patterns as they go through both low and high trends. An uptrend creates a series of trends that have higher lows and highs. A trend line drawn between the rising lows can often be fairly accurate in determining where the market can find greater support during the next low trend and indicate fairly good buying levels.

Many Forex traders will choose an area below the trend line at which stop orders are are placed resulting in a sharp sell off. New sellers are generally attracted by breaks below the uptrend line. It's quite normal to see a series of lower lows and lower highs during a downward trend in the market. In this case, the trend line is drawn in alignment with the descending highs and will mirror the analysis as described above.

Every possible piece of information that is known is included in the price of a security, for this reason technical analysis will hold up. This information removes the necessity to analyze the political, economic and fundamental factors that have a big influence on price. Since all of the information that is available is already factored into the current price, the price movement is all that needs to be analyzed. The tendency for prices to trend isn't guaranteed; therefore any analysis should rely on common sense and empirical evidence. The fact that prices do trend is supported by the time proven Dow Theory.

For example, if homeowners have some reason to believe that Forex interest rates will increase and depreciate the value of their homes, they will be more likely to consider selling. Three similar homes in the same area could be sold at various prices. This would be much more preferable to dropping the prices of the homes down to low simply based on interest rates. Prices will tend to move more consistently over a period of time, but in the same direction.

With numerous participants in a large market such as global equities, prices often tend to move from high to low in one direction. But, prices will continue on a downward slope until a balance is reached between buyers and sellers. Sometimes this slope is gradual and sometimes it can happen really quick, but it's what a technical analyst tries to identify and exploit. When this trend is identified, a house may be sold short because the trend is getting lower. Price trends are one of the major concepts that give value to a technical analysis. If someone disagrees with the Dow Theory, they will usually disagree with a technical analysis as well. A technical analyst theorizes that all investors display the same type of behavior. There are the repeating attitudes that "Everyone wants in on the next Microsoft", "Stock in a company with a new technological invention will sky rocket". While this might be an irrational theory, it does still exist. A technical analyst will even create a chart showing patterns of price movements are predictive qualities.

Since their primary concern is price trends, they are interested in anything that can influence prices. Some even monitor the enthusiasm that investors display with surveys. These surveys are used to attempt to determine the attitudes the investment community has and whether they're going to be bullish about the investment or eager.

They also gather information from surveys to help determine if a particular trend will reverse and whether new trends are about to develop. Extreme reactions from investors can alter the outcome of a technical analysis. If most of the investors surveyed are bullish, it's a good indicator that there are very few buyers remaining in the market place. If investors appear to be long, there are generally more sellers than buyers and indicates the market is trending down. This concept is referred to as contrarian trading.

The toolkit for a better understanding of forex trade online with advice from expert brokers on how to read foreign currency markets and how to be updated on a constant basis with global forex venus.

In the currency trade websites we've reviewed and recommend you're guided towards demo accounts and free forex platforms through which you can get a jist of what goes on in forex trade online affairs. Another power tool for beginners is the forex trade online glossary, presenting you to major exchange concepts and terms.

Forex trade online implies the world currency transactions taken to a whole new level, through the Internet, allowing you to access all kinds of forex markets and to receive updated news on venues, quotas and chart evolutions.

Head on to our contents section to learn more on forex trade online businesses andhow to manage your currency investments. We also advise you to seek information on foreign trade portals, namely the ones suggested in these webpages.

Follow the links for creating a free forex account to practice and know how to optimize your forex trade online affairs.

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When you go into the business of doing forex, among your primary targets are getting in touch with international currency traders. These people have a lot of things to offer you in terms of connections. Who knows, they might even be the ones who would eventually become your trading partners—buying or selling currencies from you. There are many things that you can get out of being in touch with them. There are also different ways of getting in touch with them. These types of people are a combination of beginners and prime traders who have been in the business for quite a long time already.

Where to Find International Currency Traders

If you are a newbie starting out in this currency trading business, it would be a good idea for you to join as much organizations as you can which is related to forex. With the advent of online forex trading, it’s actually become much easier to get connected to international traders. Most of these professionals now choose to conduct their businesses online because it’s faster and more convenient. It also allows them the freedom to trade at their most convenient times. Another motivation for online trading are the programs and applications which are now being used to automate the entire forex system.

While online, you can gain access to various international currency traders by joining mailing lists and online forums. These venues serve as a place where traders converge to exchange valuable ideas in forex. Most professionals find themselves joining such sites because it allows for experiential discussions which they can talk about among peers who can relate to them.

The Advantage of Creating International Connections

There are actually so many important reasons why you should definitely consider building your contacts among international currency traders. For one, it allows you a wider population to trade with and buy from. Most traders also have this very mindset as they go about meeting fellow traders. They know that in this foreign currency business, networking is a vital tool to sustain their success and make sure that they get access to the latest in the business.

By building your international contacts, you also get to glimpse how it is like to be in touch with these kind of people. You eventually learn how they conduct their business and formulate your own idea in terms of possibly tapping their niche. You become more diverse in terms of looking at the foreign currency exchange market. You learn how different nationalities may build their trading systems based from the behavior of their currencies. Along the way, these people might be able to share with you the different factors that can affect the fluctuations of their very own currency.

Of course, there’s also the personal aspect to consider. When you start to build your network of international currency traders, you should keep in mind that it must be built on friendship and trust. After all, this is a good way for you to also build your credibility in this business.

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March 31, 2011 08:30 ET

Veteran Private Equity Fund Manager Richard Waryn Acquires Your Trading Room Distributorship and Will Lead Its Forex Emerging Market Global Expansion

SANTA MONICA, CA--(Marketwire - March 31, 2011) - Your Trading Room (YTR), a Global leading provider of online foreign exchange (Forex) education and proprietary trading, is pleased to announce that Richard H. Waryn has acquired a Master Distributorship to market YTR products and services throughout Arizona, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii and will also be appointed Director of Emerging Markets given his extensive background in private equity and his extensive international relationships. Mr. Waryn, a distinguished private equity fund manager, has over 23 years of professional experience including 17 years in emerging markets private equity and has raised more than US$3 billion across 6 funds covering Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Russia/CIS Region.

Previously, Richard was a Managing Director of Dubai Capital Group's private equity activities in the CIS Region. Dubai Capital Group is part of the sovereign wealth structure of the Emirate of Dubai. Richard was also the co-founder of several successful emerging market private equity fund managers including Troika Capital Partners (Moscow) targeting private equity investments in Russia and Centurion Capital (London) targeting private equity investments in Central Europe and Russia. At Emerging Markets Partnership (EMP), he helped launch the US$1.1 billion AIG Asian Infrastructure Fund in 1994, the world's largest emerging market private equity fund at the time. At EMP he also worked on the US$1.6 billion AIG Asian Infrastructure Fund II and the EUR 550 million Emerging Europe Fund. Earlier in his career, Richard was an Investment Officer at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector part of the World Bank Group as well as a management consultant at Booz-Allen & Hamilton.

Mr. Wayrn was also an adjunct professor of International Finance at Johns Hopkins University and at the Georgetown University School of Management, both in Washington D. C. He holds a Masters degree in Applied Finance and Economics from Harvard University and a BS with honors from the University of Toronto. Richard is an Investment Committee member of the Blue Oak China Fund and a member of the international advisory board at Tri-Global Capital. He has served on numerous boards including as a Member of the Supervisory Board at ESCADA AG.

"Mr. Waryn will play a crucial role in our expansion into global emerging markets where Forex trading has been experiencing explosive growth given the US$4 Trillion in daily trading volume, leverage and ability to trade the Forex market 24 hours, 5.5 days a week," said Patrick Braid, Sr. Vice President of Strategic Development for YTR, in a statement. "Mr. Waryn brings a proven track record and global relationships that will be invaluable in YTR empowering people and accelerating its growth rate globally to become the dominant Forex educator and proprietary trading firm."

According to Mr. Waryn, "I have explored this sector at some length and I believe that YTR offers the most comprehensive training and trading platform available in the Forex field. Furthermore, I feel that the business proposition of YTR is to create great value for its shareholders and clients alike by opening up this field to a much wider audience than has traditionally profited from Forex trading. Finally, I believe that YTR is on target with a large trend of investors around the world who are seeking alternatives to stocks and real estate as a means to build wealth."

The unique and distinct advantages that YTR programs offer to its students have made YTR one of the world's leading Forex educational providers with offices in Australia, the United States and Hong Kong.

ABOUT YOUR TRADING ROOM: YTR is an international provider of online foreign-exchange financial education, training and proprietary trading services. Dynamic and forward thinking, our company is a reflection of our brand promise, to empower traders globally. This is the foundation that underpins every decision YTR engages in across its broad range of stakeholders. Our value proposition includes market leading solutions supported by four key disciplines: Research and development, proprietary indicators & strategies, education & training and live professional coaching. Our LIVE trading rooms provide a superb learning framework including live support by professional traders throughout a 24 hour, 5 ½ day trading week so that all traders, new and established can take advantage of our collective knowledge and on-staff professional traders. For more information, please visit our website at www. yourtradingroom. com or call 888-766-4811 ext. 111.

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How To Trade Forex

So you want to enter the Foreign Exchange Markets (Forex or FX) and become the next self made millionaire. You want to sail around the world on your own private yacht and spend time on the most exotic beaches on the planet sipping frozen rum fruit drinks severed by bikini clad waitresses. Certainly a noble goal, but is it really an obtainable goal? I have good news for you, not only is it obtainable it is being done every day of the week by people just like you. Your are going to need to know how to trade Forex which can be learned by enrolling in one of the many outstanding Forex educational courses on the internet today.

The Forex markets are exploding with private investors from every country on the globe joining it daily. There is not another form of investment with offers the same opportunity to take a small investment and turn it into a fortune quicker than the currency markets. After somebody has taken time to learn Forex trading starting with the beginning principles to the cutting edge topics they are well on there way to trading success. There are many places on the internet that provide information for free that will cover all of the basic knowledge required to become a lucrative investor. You also can use a free demo account to practice trading which are offered by many Forex brokerage firms.

If after practicing trading you are not making money it is not time to give up, but just time to get smarter. The free information is nice, but if you are still not profitable then by all means let's get a little more knowledge by enrolling in a commercial Forex trading program. There are many great programs in the internet today and some even guarantee that you will make a good living trading the currency markets.

You path to riches is not going to be easy, after all if it were easy then everybody would do it. But, it can be accomplished and the first step is to learn how to trade Forex at its highest level. Don't get down and depressed if you are not profitable right away. Just keep practicing using the demo account and acquiring knowledge and sooner or later a light will go off and you will discover a technique that will change your life forever. If you have a little bit of money to invest then many of these extremely profitable methods of trading can be learned in a currency training class and this will shorten the time to become a lucrative trader we all desire.

For information on the Top Rated FOREX TRADING SYSTEMS or the Top Rated FOREX TRADING COURSE check out Trading Forex Reviews.

¡Buena suerte! I look forward to seeing you on the trading floor making money!

William R. Alheim, Jr. CPA, MA

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=William_R._Alheim,_Jr.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Al entrar en el sistema de comercio de divisas Forex es imprescindible que idear el mejor plan de Forex. Esto incluye obtener el mejor entrenamiento de la educación de Forex que posiblemente puede antes de saltar de cabeza en el sistema de comercio de divisas Forex. This article will give you a guideline for devising the best Forex plan for fast profits with a proven Forex currency trading system that really works.

The Forex market is the largest trading market in the world. The Forex market is said to turn over more than $1.5 trillion dollars each and every day.

Al entrar en el campo de Forex es fundamental que usted tiene un plan de Forex eficaz y probado a seguir para ayudarle a perfeccionar el sistema de comercio de divisas de divisas y para obtener la mejor educación de Forex como usted posiblemente puede.

Paso uno de cualquier plan de Forex es cada vez más informado y la educación como sea posible sobre la forma en que el sistema de comercio de divisas Forex realmente opera. Hay muchos fundamentos y estrategias involucradas con el sistema de comercio de divisas Forex. Con el fin de comenzar y ampliar su educación de Forex que necesita para inscribirse en un curso de sistema de comercio de Forex de buena reputación en línea y familiarizarse con el mercado de divisas Forex con una cuenta de comercio de Forex simulada.

Una cuenta de comercio simulado de divisas no requiere ninguna inversión de capital. Lo que sí hace es entrenar a los principiantes de Forex en las estrategias y los fundamentos de la negociación de Forex consistente y rentable.

Paso dos implica ampliar su educación de Forex. Un principiante de comercio de divisas Forex debe aprender a no ser demasiado codicioso demasiado pronto. Al analizar el mundo y las noticias políticas y teniendo todas las pistas de puntos de Forex pivote un principiante Forex moneda de comercio puede aprender a minimizar sus pérdidas con órdenes de stop loss y maximizar sus ganancias.

Paso tres del plan de Forex implica el aprendizaje de estrategias de inversión de Forex de sonido, incluyendo las señales de compra que las cartas de Forex frecuentemente dan a los comerciantes de Forex.

Paso cuatro del plan de Forex implica saber cuándo comienza el rally para el Euro. Las horas más ocupadas en el Forex son las horas de Londres que son después de las 2 am hora de Nueva York.

Paso cinco del plan de Forex para principiantes es realmente seleccionar esa cantidad que usted está dispuesto a hacer en cada comercio de Forex antes de comenzar a operar. Esta cantidad debe ser más o igual a las ganancias que usted está dispuesto a perder en el comercio de divisas.

Es tentador para sumergirse en el Forex mercado de divisas de primera y tomar decisiones comerciales sin ninguna experiencia o estrategias de sonido en su lugar. Si desea unirse a las filas del 90 por ciento de los comerciantes de Forex que son consistentemente infructuosos, entonces te sugiero zanja este plan de Forex y buceo justo en.

Por otro lado, si desea aprender a ser un comerciante exitoso con un probado y eficaz sistema de comercio de divisas Forex en su lugar y un plan de Forex prácticamente a prueba de tonto a continuación, echa un vistazo a la página web a continuación, donde podemos ayudarle a convertirse en el exitoso comerciante de Forex Anhelas estar

Copyright 2007. Está usted listo para aprender el negocio en línea de la divisa con los resultados ganadores garantizados? “Fast Education For Fast Forex Profits” is what this online Forex business tutorial is all about. Learn how to start making money trading the Forex market in your first 30 days. Study, practice, trade. Get a FREE trial to practice Forex trading before you risk your own money.

Start your beginner Forex education tutorials today in Forex trading at http://www. Best-Forex-Trading-System-Course. com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/?expert=Karin_I_Manning

What is FOREX (Foreign Exchange)?

Forex (Foreign Exchange) simply means the buying of one currency and selling another at the same time. In other words, the currency of one country is exchanged for those of another. The currencies of the world are on a floating exchange rate, and are always traded in pairs Euro/Dollar, Dollar/Yen, etc. In excess of 85 percent of all daily transactions involve trading of the major currencies.

Four major currency pairs are usually used for investment purposes. They are: Euro against US dollar, US dollar against Japanese yen, British pound against US dollar, and US dollar against Swiss franc. The following notation is used for these currency pairs: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and USD/CHF. You may consider them as "blue chips" of the FOREX market. No dividends are paid on currencies. The investment profits come from well known "buy low - sell high".

If you think one currency will appreciate against another, you may exchange that second currency for the first one and stay in it. In case everything goes as planned, some time later you may make the opposite deal - exchange this first currency back for that other - and collect profits.

Transactions on the FOREX market are fulfilled by dealers at major banks or FOREX brokerage companies. FOREX is the world wide market, so when you are sleeping in the North America some dealers in Europe are trading currencies with their Japanese counterparties. Therefore the FOREX market is active 24 hours a day and dealers at major institutions are working in three shifts. Clients may place take-profit and stop-loss orders with brokers for overnight execution.

Price movements on the FOREX market are very smooth and without gaps that you face almost every morning on the stock market. The daily turnover on the FOREX market is about $1.2 trillion, so investor can enter and exit position without problems. The fact is that the FOREX market never stops, even on the day of September-11, 2001 you could obtain two-side quotes on currencies.

The currency foreign exchange ([http://www.123forex. blogspot. com]) market is the largest and oldest financial market in the world. It is also called the foreign exchange market, or "FOREX" or "FX" market for short. It is the biggest and most liquid market in the world, and it is traded mainly through the 24 hour-a-day inter-bank currency market - the primary market for currencies. The forex market is a cash (or "spot") inter-bank market. By comparison, the currency futures market is only one per cent as big.

A diferencia de los mercados de futuros y acciones, el comercio de divisas no está centralizado en un intercambio. Forex literalmente sigue el sol alrededor del mundo. El comercio se mueve de los principales centros bancarios de los EE. UU. a Australia y Nueva Zelanda, al Lejano Oriente, a Europa y, finalmente, de nuevo a los EE. UU.

In the past, the forex inter-bank market was not available to small speculators due to the large minimum transaction sizes and often-stringent financial requirements. Banks, major currency dealers and the occasional huge speculator used to be the principal dealers. Only they were able to take advantage of the currency market's fantastic liquidity and strong trending nature of many of the world's primary currency exchange rates.

Today, foreign exchange market maker brokers such as FX Solutions are able to break down the larger sized inter-bank units, and offer small traders the opportunity to buy or sell any number of these smaller units (lots).

These brokers give virtually any size trader, including individual speculators or smaller companies, the option to trade the same rates and price movements as the large players who once dominated the market. Market makers quote buying and selling rates for currencies, and they profit on the difference between their buying and selling rates

Why Trading FOREX?

The cash/spot FOREX markets possess certain unique attributes that offer unmatched potential for profitable trading in any market condition or any stage of the business cycle:

A 24-hour market: A trader may take advantage of all profitable market conditions at any time; no waiting for the 'opening bell'.

Highest liquidity: The FOREX market with an average trading volume of over $1.5 trillion per day is the most liquid market in the world. That means that a trader can enter or exit the market at will in almost any market condition minimal execution barriers or risk and no daily trading limit.

High leverage: A leverage ratio of up to 400 is typical compared to a leverage ratio of 2 (50% margin requirement) in equity markets. Of course, this makes trading in the cash/spot forex market a double-edged sword the high leverage makes the risk of the down side loss much greater in the same way that it makes the profit potential on the upside much more attractive.

Low transaction cost: The retail transaction cost (the bid/ask spread) is typically less than 0.1% (10 pips or points) under normal market conditions. At larger dealers, the spread could be less than 5 pips, and may widen considerably in fast moving markets.

Always a bull market: A trade in the FOREX market involves selling or buying one currency against another. Thus, a bull market or a bear market for a currency is defined in terms of the outlook for its relative value against other currencies. Si la perspectiva es positiva, tenemos un mercado alcista en el que un comerciante gana mediante la compra de la moneda contra otras monedas. Conversely, if the outlook is pessimistic, we have a bull market for other currencies and a trader profits by selling the currency against other currencies. In either case, there is always a bull market trading opportunity for a trader.

Inter-bank market: The backbone of the FOREX market consists of a global network of dealers (mainly major commercial banks) that communicate and trade with one another and with their clients through electronic networks and telephones. There are no organized exchanges to serve as a central location to facilitate transactions the way the New York Stock Exchange serves the equity markets. The FOREX market operates in a manner similar to the way the NASDAQ market in the United States operates, and thus it is also referred to as an 'over the counter' or OTC market.

No one can corner the market: The FOREX market is so vast and has so many participants that no single entity, even a central bank, can control the market price for an extended period of time. Even interventions by mighty central banks are becoming increasingly ineffectual and short-lived, and thus central banks are becoming less and less inclined to intervene to manipulate market prices.

Unregulated: The FOREX market is generally regarded as an unregulated market although the operations of major dealers, such as commercial banks in money centers, are regulated under the banking laws. The conduct and operation of retail FOREX brokerages are not regulated under any laws or regulations specific to the FOREX market, and in fact many of such establishments in the United States do not even report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The currency futures and options that are traded on exchanges such as Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) are regulated in the way other exchange-traded derivatives are regulated.

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Make Money Forex Trading

Now, you can make money online with Forex trading in the global Forex trading market which is the world's largest, most profitable, most powerful and most persistent trading market. For those who do not know it yet, FOREX an abbreviation for "FOReign EXchange" or "foreign currency exchange". Foreign exchange is the purchase or sale of a currency against sale or purchase of another.

The FOREX market is the global interbank market where all currencies are traded. " MozambiqueForex. com " will help you to become one of the top "Forex Traders" with our basic information on forex trading, in addition to other forex articles, forex tools, best forex books in the market, latest up-to-date forex trading news. Also, we will provide you with the best forex trading systems and forex brokers who are responsive to your individual needs as a forex trader.

Foreign Exchange (ForEex) trading is simply the exchanging of one currency for another - Each Forex trade can theoretically be viewed as a 'spread ' trade where to buy one currency you must sell another. Convention dictates that currencies are measured in units per 1 USD. For example, 1 USD is worth approximately 125 JPY (Japanese Yen) or 1 USD is worth approximately 1.5000 CHF (Swiss Francs). As a result, when USD/JPY appreciates in value, it is the USD that has appreciated in value relative to the JPY and not vice-versa. Position-wise, to own or be 'Long' USDJPY means that you are long the USD and concurrently short the JPY. USD, therefore, is the default 'lead' currency.

About Foreign Exchange Market

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of well over US$1 trillion -- 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U. S. equity markets. "Foreign Exchange" is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Hay dos razones para comprar y vender divisas. Alrededor del 5% de la facturación diaria es de empresas y gobiernos que compran o venden productos y servicios en un país extranjero o deben convertir los beneficios obtenidos en divisas en su moneda nacional. The other 95% is trading for profit, or speculation. For speculators, the best trading opportunities are with the most commonly traded (and therefore most liquid) currencies, called "the Majors." Today, more than 85% of all daily transactions involve trading of the Majors, which include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar.

A true 24-hour market, Forex trading begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins in each financial center, first to Tokyo, London, and New York. A diferencia de cualquier otro mercado financiero, los inversores pueden responder a las fluctuaciones monetarias causadas por eventos económicos, sociales y políticos en el momento en que ocurren - día o noche. The FX market is considered an Over The Counter (OTC) or 'interbank' market, due to the fact that transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network. Forex Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. The foreign exchange market is not a "market" in the traditional sense. There is no centralized location for trading as there is in futures or stocks. Trading occurs over the telephone and on computer terminals at thousands of locations worldwide.

Foreign Exchange is also the world's largest and deepest market. Daily market turnover has skyrocketed from approximately 5 billion USD in 1977 to a staggering 1.5 trillion US dollars today; even more on an active day. Most foreign exchange activity consists of the spot business between the US dollar and the six major currencies (Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar) The FOREX market is so large and is controlled by so many participants that no one player, governments included, can directly control the direction of the market, which is why the FOREX market is the most exciting market in the world. Central banks, private banks, international corporations, money managers and speculators all deal in FOREX trading.

Benefits of Trading Spot FX

LIQUIDITY: FOREX investors never have to worry about being "stuck" in a position due to a lack of market interest. In this US$1.5 trillion dollar per day market, major international banks are always willing to provide both a bid (buying) and ask (selling) price. Liquidity is a powerful attraction to any investor as it suggests the freedom to open or close a position at will. Because the market is highly liquid, most trades can be executed at a single market price. This avoids the problem of slippage found in futures and other exchange-traded instruments where only limited quantities can be traded at one time at a given price. The six major currencies (JPY, EUR, CHF, GBP, CAD & AUD) are generally considered to be the most liquid.

LEVERAGE: FOREX investors are permitted to trade foreign currencies on a highly leveraged basis - up to 100 times their investment with some brokers. An investment of US $10,000 would permit one to trade up to US $1,000,000 worth of any particular currency.

HOURS: A substantial attraction for participants in the FOREX market is that it is open 24 hours per day. An individual can react to news when it breaks, rather than waiting for the opening bell when everyone else has the same information, as is the case in many markets. This may enable market participants to take positions before an important piece of information is fully factored into the exchange rate. High liquidity and 24 hour trading allow market participants to exit or open a new position regardless of the hour.

SIZE FLEXIBILITY: FOREX investors have greater flexibility with respect to their desired trade quantity. With most FOREX Brokers you can trade ANY DESIRED AMOUNT over $25,000 USD, specifically tailored to your needs or risk tolerance. Size or quantity flexibility can be especially useful to corporate treasurers who need to hedge a future cash flow or portfolio managers who need to hedge foreign equity exposure.

SETTLEMENT FLEXIBILITY: This concept, a corollary to point # 4, allows you to trade for various settlement dates or 'maturities' out to 1 year further allowing you to tailor your trades or hedges to your specific needs. This feature of trading FOREX differs from futures where settle dates are relegated to 4 'expirations' per year, and can also be quite useful to corporate treasurers and portfolio managers.

NEVER A 'BEAR' MARKET: Another advantage of the FOREX market is that there is no 'bear' market, per se. Currencies are traded in pairs, for example US dollar vs. yen or US dollar vs. Swiss franc. Every position involves the selling of one currency and the buying of another. If one believes the Swiss franc will appreciate against the dollar, one can sell dollars and buy Swiss francs. Or if one holds the opposite belief, one can buy dollars for Swiss francs. The potential for profit exists as long as there is movement in the exchange rate or price. One side of the pair is always gaining, and provided the investor picks the right side, a potential for profit ALWAYS exists.

FREE AND FAIR FLOW OF INFORMATION: Ever notice in the stock market that a certain stock is suddenly down 5% or more but you have absolutely no idea what caused such a quick spike? Usually, it's not until the next morning when you read it in the newspaper that you find out that earnings forecasts have been revised downward; or that an insider at a particular company has resigned; or that some other influential piece of information was released that you were not privy to. Imagine how much money you could have saved had you known this vital information at the same time as all other market 'insiders.' - Or how much you could even have earned in profit by acting in a timely manner… Imagine a market where there is little or no 'inside information' and all pertinent, market-moving news is released publicly to everybody in the world at the same time… Welcome to the foreign exchange market.

Cash FX vs. Currency Futures

As an investor it is important for you to understand the differences between cash FOREX and currency futures. In currency futures, the contract size is predetermined. With FOREX (SPOT FX), you may trade any desired amount typically above $100,000 USD The futures market closes at the end of the business day (similar to the stock market) If important data is released overseas while the U. S. futures markets is closed, the next day's opening might sustain large gaps with potential for large losses if the direction of the move is against your position. The Spot FOREX market runs continuously on a 24-hour basis from 7:00 am New Zealand time Monday morning to 5:00 pm New York Time Friday evening. Dealers in every major FX trading center (Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong/Singapore, London, Geneva and New York/Toronto) ensure a smooth transition as liquidity migrates from one time zone to the next. Furthermore, currency futures trade in non-USD denominated currency amounts only whereas in spot FOREX, an investor can trade either in currency denominations, or in the more conventionally quoted USD amounts. The currency futures pit, even during Regular IMM (International Money Market) hours suffers from sporadic lulls in liquidity and constant price gaps. The spot FOREX market offers constant liquidity and market depth much more consistently than Futures. With IMM futures one is limited in the currency pairs he can trade - Most currency futures are traded only versus the USD - With spot forex, (as with MoneyTec Trader) one may trade foreign currencies vs. USD or vs. each other on a 'cross' basis as well - ex: EURJPY, GBPJPY, CHFJPY, EURGBP and AUDNZD.

Who Are Forex Market Participants?

Banks The interbank market caters for both the majority of commercial turnover as well as enormous amounts of speculative trading every day. It is not uncommon for a large bank to trade billions of dollars on a daily basis. Some of this trading activity is undertaken on behalf of customers, but a large amount of trading is also conducted by proprietary desks, where dealers are trading to make the bank profits. The interbank market has become increasingly competitive in the last couple of years and the god-like status of top foreign exchange traders has suffered as the equity guys are back in charge again. A large part of the banks' trading with each other is taking place on electronic brooking systems that have negatively affected the traditional foreign exchange brokers.

Interbank Brokers Until recently, the foreign exchange brokers were doing large amounts of business, facilitating interbank trading and matching anonymous counterparts for comparatively small fees. Today, however, a lot of this business is moving onto more efficient electronic systems that are functioning as a closed circuit for banks only. Still, the broker box providing the opportunity to listen in on the ongoing interbank trading is seen in most trading rooms, but turnover is noticeably smaller than just a year or two ago.

Customer Brokers For many commercial and private clients, there is a need to receive specialised foreign exchange services. There is a fair amount of non-banks offering dealing services, analysis and strategic advice to such clients. Many banks do not undertake trading for private clients at all, and do not have the necessary resources or inclination to support medium sized commercial clients adequately. The services of such brokers are more similar in nature to other investment brokers and typically provide a service-orientated approach to their clients.

Investors and Speculators

As in all other efficient markets, the speculator performs an important role taking over the risks that commercial participants do not wish to be exposed to. The boundaries of speculation are unclear, however, as many of the above mentioned participants also have speculative interests, even some of the central banks. The foreign exchange markets are popular with investors due to the large amount of leverage that can be obtained and the ease with which positions can be entered and exited 24 hours a day. Trading in a currency might be the "purest" way of taking a view on an overall local market expectation, much simpler than investing in illiquid emerging stock markets. Taking advantage of interest rate differentials is another popular strategy that can be efficiently undertaken in a market with high leverage.

The commercial companies' international trade exposure is the backbone of the foreign exchange markets. Protection against unfavourable moves is an important reason why these markets are in existence, although it sometimes appears to be a chicken and egg situation - which came first and which produces the other? Commercial companies often trade in sizes that are insignificant to short term market moves, however, as the main currency markets can quite easily absorb hundreds of millions of dollars without any big impact. But it also clear that one of the decisive factors determining the long-term direction of a currency's exchange rate is the overall trade flow. Some multinational companies can have an unpredictable impact when very large positions are covered, however, due to exposures that are not commonly known to the majority of market participants.

The national central banks play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. Ultimately, the central banks seek to control the money supply and often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies. As many central banks have very substantial foreign exchange reserves, the intervention power is significant. Among the most important responsibilities of a central bank is the restoration of an orderly market in times of excessive exchange rate volatility and the control of the inflationary impact of a weakening currency. Frequently, the mere expectation of central bank intervention is sufficient to stabilise a currency, but in case of aggressive intervention the actual impact on the short term supply/demand balance can lead to the desired moves in exchange rates. It is by no means always that a central bank achieves its objectives, however. If the market participants really wants to take on a central bank, the combined resources of the market can easily overwhelm any central bank. Several scenarios of this nature were seen in the 1992-93 ERM collapse and in more recent times South East Asia.

Hedge funds have gained a reputation for aggressive currency speculation in recent years. There is no doubt that with the increasing amount of money some of these investment vehicles have under management, the size and liquidity of foreign exchange markets is very appealing. The leverage available in these market allow such fund to speculate with tens of billions at a time and the herd instinct that is very apparent in hedge fund circles means that getting Soros and friends on your back is less than pleasant for a weak currency and economy. It is unlikely, however, that such investments would be successful if the underlying investment strategy was not sound and therefore it is argued that hedge funds actually perform a beneficial service by exploiting and exposing unsustainable financial weaknesses, forcing realignment to more realistic levels.

What Influences the Market?

The primary factors that influence exchange rates are the balance of international payments for goods and services, the state of the economy, political developments as well as various other psychological factors. In addition, fundamental economic forces such as inflation and interest rates will constantly influence currency prices. In addition Central banks sometimes participate in the FOREX market by buying extremely large sums of one currency for another - this is referred to as Central Bank intervention. Central banks can also influence currency prices by changing their country's short-term interest rate to make it relatively more or less attractive to foreigners. Any of these broad-based economic conditions can cause sudden and dramatic currency price swings. The fastest moves, however, occur usually when information is released that is unexpected by the market at large. This is a key concept because what drives the currency market in many cases is the anticipation of an economic condition rather than the condition itself.

Activities by professional currency managers, generally on behalf of a pool of funds, have also become a factor moving the market. While professional managers may behave independently and view the market from a unique perspective, most, if not all, are at least aware of important technical chart points in each major currency. As the market approaches major 'support' or 'resistance' levels, price-action becomes more technically oriented and the reactions of many managers are often predictable and similar. These market periods may also result in sudden and dramatic price swings. Traders make decisions on both technical factors and economic fundamentals. Technical traders use charts to identify trading opportunities whereas fundamentalists predict movements in exchange rates by interpreting a wide variety of data, which range from breaking news to economic reports.

The History of FOREX Trading

Many centuries ago, the value of goods were expressed in terms of other goods. This sort of economics was based on the barter system between individuals. The obvious limitations of such a system encouraged establishing more generally accepted mediums of exchange. It was important that a common base of value could be established. In some economies, items such as teeth, feathers even stones served this purpose, but soon various metals, in particular gold and silver, established themselves as an accepted means of payment as well as a reliable storage of value. Coins were initially minted from the preferred metal and in stable political regimes, the introduction of a paper form of governmental I. O.U. during the Middle Ages also gained acceptance. This type of I. O.U. was introduced more successfully through force than through persuasion and is now the basis of today’s modern currencies. Before the first World war, most Central banks supported their currencies with convertibility to gold. Paper money could always be exchanged for gold. However, for this type of gold exchange, there was not necessarily a Centrals bank need for full coverage of the government's currency reserves. This did not occur very often, however when a group mindset fostered this disastrous notion of converting back to gold in mass, panic resulted in so-called "Run on banks " The combination of a greater supply of paper money without the gold to cover led to devastating inflation and resulting political instability. In order to protect local national interests, increased foreign exchange controls were introduced to prevent market forces from punishing monetary irresponsibility. Near the end of WWII, The Bretton Woods agreement was reached on the initiative of the USA in July 1944. The conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire rejected John Maynard Keynes suggestion for a new world reserve currency in favor of a system built on the US Dollar. International institutions such as the IMF, The World Bank and GATT were created in the same period as the emerging victors of WWII searched for a way to avoid the destabilizing monetary crises leading to the war. The Bretton Woods agreement resulted in a system of fixed exchange rates that reinstated The Gold Standard partly, fixing the US Dollar at 35.00 per ounce of Gold and fixing the other main currencies to the dollar, initially intended to be on a permanent basis. The Bretton Woods system came under increasing pressure as national economies moved in different directions during the 1960’s. A number of realignments held the system alive for a long time but eventually Bretton Woods collapsed in the early 1970’s following president Nixon's suspension of the gold convertibility in August 1971. The dollar was not any longer suited as the sole international currency at a time when it was under severe pressure from increasing US budget and trade deficits. The last few decades have seen foreign exchange trading develop into the worlds largest global market. Restrictions on capital flows have been removed in most countries, leaving the market forces free to adjust foreign exchange rates according to their perceived values. In Europe, the idea of fixed exchange rates had by no means died. The European Economic Community introduced a new system of fixed exchange rates in 1979, the European Monetary System. This attempt to fix exchange rates met with near extinction in 1992-93, when built-up economic pressures forced devaluations of a number of weak European currencies. The quest continued in Europe for currency stability with the 1991 signing of The Maastricht treaty. This was to not only fix exchange rates but also actually replace many of them with the Euro in 2002. Today, Europe is currently in the Euros third and final stage, where exchange rates are fixed in the 12 participating Euro countries but still use their existing currencies for commercial transactions. The physical introduction of the Euro will be between January 1, 2002 and July 1, 2002. At that point the old countries currencies will be obsolete. In Asia, the lack of sustainability of fixed foreign exchange rates has gained new relevance with the events in South East Asia in the latter part of 1997, where currency after currency was devalued against the US dollar, leaving other fixed exchange rates in particular in South America also looking very vulnerable. While commercial companies have had to face a much more volatile currency environment in recent years, investors and financial institutions have discovered a new playground. The size of the FOREX market now dwarfs any other investment market. It is estimated that more than USD 1,600 Billion are traded every day, that is the same amount as almost 40 times the daily USD volume on the American NASDAQ market.

Aprenda Forex Trading

Forex trading online, the process of trading foreign currencies via the internet, though a relatively new form of investing, has quickly become one of today's largest growing investment markets. Due to its high level of liquidity, simple execution, low transaction fees, and the fact that it is open year-round, 24 hours a day, the foreign currency trading market, otherwise known as forex trading, is extremely attractive to investors. Free of barriers to trade, forex trading offers the most equitable trading arena for all levels of customer. As you begin forex trading it is important to understand that, like all other forms of trading, there is risk involved with investments.

Forex Trading Basics.

Foreign Exchange trading, better known as Forex trading, is the concurrent buying of one currency while selling another. Forex trading is based on the movements of a set of currencies that are sold in currency pairs, where one currency is the base and one is the counter or quote currency. It also puts the currencies in terms of one currency's supply compared to the other currency’s demand. The gains or loss on a trade are based on the relative movements of the currencies within each currency pair. Pips or points are the numerical way in which the movements of currencies are quoted, positive movements being gains, negative movements reflecting losses. There are countless tools, and strategies associated with currency trading, and when first beginning, it is important to understand these tools before implementing any of them in trading strategies. Here is a list of the more popularly used Forex Trading Tools.

Technical and Fundamental Analysis.

In basic terms, there are two ways to analyze a currency trade. Reading and being well acquainted with political and financial news in terms of interest rate adjustments, international trade, and the general economic welfare of countries (GDP), are associated with what is called fundamental analysis, and are something for all traders to consider. The second type of trading is the technical analysis approach, which incorporates mathematical time charts and graphs that utilize historical currency movements to make predictions in the future. After determining whether fundamental trading, technical trading, or a combination of the two is appropriate, novice traders should test them on a forex demo account. This allow you to see the results of your strategies without risking your investments. From there it is easier to determine how risk-adverse a trader you are, and where you should place your stop/limit orders. Stops and limit orders are prearranged prices indicating positions, maximums and minimums, when traders would want to exit the markets, to hedge against massive losses. But above all, traders must realize that what they are willing to risk should also be what they are willing to lose.

The Establishment of Exchange Rates

Developing global currency values and the rates that they are traded are a result of many events, both concrete and psychological. Speculative foreign exchange in the 1970’s made up only 20% of total global foreign exchange transactions. Today it represents over 95% of current transactions. Currency trading has lead to huge amounts of money being changing hands on a daily basis as investors buy and sell currencies against each other. Many factors affect the value of a country’s currency including business cycles, political events, governmental and central bank monetary policies, stock market fluctuations, and international investment patterns.

Online Currency Trading

Since Forex trading is easily done through several means of communication, on-line trading being the most popular to date, it makes for lower transaction costs compared to other forms of trading such as equities or futures. Forex prices are also extremely transparent, due largely to the creation of the online trading platform. Both the transparency and low transaction fees make for even greater profit opportunities in currency trading. Traders have the ability to jump in and out of the forex market with great ease and large amounts of capital are not required to start forex trading. Currency prices are also not as volatile and usually move in strong trends thus reducing the risk that investors bear. Its size, liquidity, reliability, and tendency to move in strong trends make risk management easy for forex traders, enticing more and more people to trade currency. To trade forex you need an FX Trading Platform. Use an established and regulated company to make your trades with.

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These companies take out all the guess work for you, paving the way for smoother and probably less expensive transactions. Put another way, the benefits you. The most common crosses are EUR, JPY, and GBP crosses, but may be against any other currency. The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures CUSIP number is a standardized identification system used. The most traded currency pairs in the world are called the Majors. The paying off of debt in regular installments over a period of time. Currency exchange euro dollar exchange forex affect travel, exports, imports and the economy. Our team of financial binary investors group field address can help you plan and save for retirement, then live well in it. Find out which ones you need to euro dollar exchange forex. Brokerages typically increase the spread they receive from their market providers as compensation for their service to the end customer, rather than charge a transaction fee. Retrieved 22 October 2013. The single currency closes the trading week higher but forecasts highlight further negative bias for the euro.

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Whilst many traders are familiar with the market manipulation which occurs each and every day in equity markets, as market makers use each piece of news, rumour, gossip and speculation to move prices in the market, forex traders mistakenly believe that this does not happen in their world. Sadly this is not the case, and yesterday’s forex trading session was a classic example, with the interbank market makers sending the euro spiralling higher, as the ECB governor Jean Claude Trichet gave his hawkish press conference following the bank’s decision to keep interest rates on hold, but giving a clear signal that the priority for the bank was inflation, and as such they would not hesitate to raise interest rates, should there be a hint of inflationary pressure in the Eurozone region. Indeed his comments were largely as a result of the recent jump in the base inflation rate for Europe which climbed above the 2.0% target for the bank, to 2.2% last week. Following his comments the euro rose over 300 pips on the day against the US dollar, closing at 1.3351 with a wide spread up candle on the daily chart.

So, how do we know that this is market manipulation and not a true market move – well there are several pointers. First, equity markets, which measure investor sentiment and risk on or risk on appetite failed to follow the move, and indeed both the Dow Jones Index and the FTSE 100 closed lower last night, giving us a clear signal that this was a trap up move, set for euro bears to shake them out of their positions, as the market makers went stop hunting in this region. Secondly, the potential resistance level on the daily euro dollar chart is heavily layered with stop loss positions of short trades, believing this to be a ‘safe’ level at which to set stops for the longer term. This is a clear target for the market makers, with clusters of stops below the 1.35 region.

Finally, with the ongoing and deep rooted problems with sovereign debt, with an ever increasing number of casualties seeking IMF and ECB aid and bail out packages, the future for the euro remains uncertain, and such a reaction is clearly out of balance with market perception and logic. Clearly, there were other forces at work yesterday – a simple case of market manipulation, and as such we can expect to see the euro reverse and return to the bearish sentiment of the last few months. When trading, never forget to check on other markets, such as equities and commodities for confirmation of a market move. If the signal is confirmed, then the move is valid, if not, then it is likely to be a trap up move, and one we can take advantage of in due course. Indeed in early trading I have already taken two further positions to the bear side, but am probably one of the few to do so, as most traders will have been shocked by yesterday’s sharp move, and stopped out or shaken our accordingly. Don’ let this happen to you, and let associated markets act as your forex guide to trading – you will be surprised at what they can tell you as a forex trader.

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As we move towards the end of the first quarter of the new year, it is interesting to consider one of the more subtle changes to the principle US indices that appears to have passed by unnoticed, and yet perhaps is signalling a deeper seated issue as to the ‘recovery’ in the US economy much. Read more » […]

The word that comes to mind to describe the price action on the daily WTI oil chart is ‘stately’ with crude oil continuing to move higher in a series of small rallies then punctuated with a pause point and further consolidation. Whilst many traders have been surprised at the recovery in the price of oil. Read more » […]

Gold prices finished last week in bullish mood once again following the extended period of price congestion which has seen the precious metal trade within the range of the wide spread volatility up candle of the 11th February. This candle was seminal in defining and describing any further advance for gold, given its move outside. Read more » […]

After the malaise of the last few months, copper finally nailed a key technical level firmly into place on Friday as the red metal surged higher, closing the session with a wide spread up candle supported with excellent volume, thereby confirming the validity of the move higher. Indeed last week’s price action was a very. Read more » […]

The daily chart of the CAD/USD is one of those examples where the description of technical analysis being an art and not a science, neatly sums up the price action of the last three months with perfect symmetry around the low January 2016. December’s bearish trend with its pause point in the 0.7200 region, followed. Read more » […]


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While Expert Advisors's are disabled on the account you can set all the charts up. Each of the charts may accommodate its own custom individual settings. So if you want to have the Dollar with a 60 pip StopLoss and the Pound with a 10 pip StopLoss you can.

Each and every one of the settings are adjustable for every chart. As the news is about to be released with one click you can enable all of the charts and each one will open their preconfigured pending orders at the next tic.

Forex Megadroid is one of the newest forex expert advisors to hit the market. This expert advisor was developed by two top guns in the forex trading market: Albert Perrie and John Grace. Together they have over 38 years of experience in the forex market. Their Expert Advisor uses RCTPA.

RCTPA stands for for "Reverse Correlated Time & Price Analysis". It predicts what is going to happen in the market within the next couple of hours, based on current and past market conditions. This system has a successful predictability rate of 95.82% since 2001.

The user-interface of the this expert advisor is intelligent and user-friendly. Its quick market adaptability makes it a highly versatile expert advisor especially in the current Forex market.

Forex Autopilot expert advisor is developed by Markus Leary and the rest of his amazing team of Expert Advisor experts. They wrote this expert advisor based on years of experience. They use over 20 indicators provided by the software. Some of the indicators used are moving averages, strength or resistance indexes, Fractals, DeMarker, Alligator. They aren't willing to tell us about the rest for obvious reasons. This expert advisor can even be configured to include the Ultra-Trend indicators.

Forex Autopilot expert advisor shows a high level of profitability in its backtesting results, similar to FAP Turbo. This makes sense considering that Fap Turbo runs on the same engine as Forex Autopilot but is the next generation class of expert advisors with enhanced features.

Forex Autopilot is offering a discount of 75%. At its current price of $99.50, it is definitely worth it.

Forex Espionage Expert Advisor performs better when using EURUSD & GPBUSD exclusively. So you can verify that yourself with a backtest.

Anyway I am going to put down the avg. results based on my experience.

It is able to generate a high percentage profit within one month using aggressive mode and min 10% lost risk.

It can achieve a low 80% winning rate in comparison with others but the gain is much higher.

It extracts as much as 1500 pips in 4 days from multiple currencies.

In the conservative mode settings it loses under 10 trades in one year. Downside is that the gain will be less.

From my experience it worked best on 30 min. &erio; 4 hour timeframes while using swing trading strategies and not scalping - just in case your broker doesn't appreciate scalping ;).

You can expect to execute 1 trade on average per day throughout the week. There is quite a difference between the aggressive mode and the conservative mode.

Forex Derivative Expert Advisor. I would have to recommend not using this expert advisor for the time being as it seems that there were accusations of the backtests they provided not being legit. For those of you who want to test it themselves feel free by downloading it here.

The Forex Growth Bot expert advisor has become one of the most popular automated trading systems on the market today. This state-of-art expert advisor system uses patented technical strategies to ensure that every Forex trade generates huge profits in all market conditions. As indicated on the system website, the Forex Growth Bot expert advisor is designed for both professional and less experienced traders. What makes this expert advisor particularly unique is that it is designed to maximize returns with limited risk exposure.

The product website displays evidence of past performance to allow prospective buyers to better understand the expert advisor’s capabilities. In fact, the creators have included data that ranges over an 8 year period. The system can be downloaded, installed and personalized within minutes. Additionally, whenever new strategies or software improvements become available, the expert advisor can be updated remotely.

Forex Growth Bot is designed to make only a small number of trades. On average, it makes between 3 to 10 trades each week, which is considered comparatively small. We thought it was honest and direct for the website to emphasize the 60 day money-back guarantee. Finally, an excellent customer support team is available to assist you for clarifications or assistance.

Click HERE to Visit the Forex Growth Bot Website

During the worst financial crisis last year Forex GridBot used an advanced correlation formula. This helped it's users survive the volatile forex market at the time. It also had an advanced money management system that helps those struggling to provide large equity survive in hard times. I myself have had good experience with this modest Expert Advisor that will give you an easy 7.5% monthly without any hassle.

Forex Ambush seems to use a different approach.

They provide accurate signals using artificial intelligence.

These neural networks analyze the market and provide flexible trading

no matter what the market is.

I am still running a forward test on this one and haven't reached

any conclusions yet but it seems very interesting.

Strategy Exchange Portfolio Option

Select the strategies

Strategy Exchange provides you with hundreds of futures and forex strategies to choose from, developed by leading system vendors. For easy orientation strategies are arranged according to categories using several parameters such as; traded market, vendor name, age of strategy and more. You can use their rich selection of strategy performance analysis tools to help you choose the strategies that best fit your investment goals and needs.

PipZu Expert advisor - Low Risk Trading

A colleague of mine was interested in the market, but had limited Forex trading experience or technical understanding. Even after trying to help the poor guy, I couldn't successfully set-up, configure, and install his Metatrader 4 system with his new FapTurbo expert advisor. Ultimately, he contacted FapWinner LLC services, who provided him with an array of services.

The company has a professional and inviting website that provides visitors with details about its products, services and community. Depending on your level of need or Forex experience, FapWinner LLC has different available membership plans. My colleague was especially impressed with the remote installation services the company offered to him, saving him both time and money. A VPS (virtual private server) is also offered for both individuals and institutions who require trading on the go.

In summary, a membership with FAPWinner LLC will ensure you are provided with the latest Forex market news and information, articles, advanced tools, a fine-tuned expert advisor, and much more. I'm not saying that this is for everyone, but if you have the funds and are interested in jumping into the Forex market, this is probably a good place to start.

Click HERE to Visit FapWinner LLC

Forex Morning Trade is an expert advisor created by Mark Fric, a mathematician, software engineer, and experienced Forex trader. He designed his expert advisor to be simple, straight-forward, and without the need for long and intensive user-interaction. I was impressed with the video presentation that is available on the Forex Morning Trade homepage and decided to start testing the expert advisor on my Metatrader 4 demo account.

I especially liked his candid and clear approach towards currency trading. As discussed in his product video, Forex traders must have an effective trading plan, find a healthy risk to profit ratio, and make one or two trades a few minutes each day. He suggests making trades in the morning hours, which is where the expert advisor got its name from.

The system has an array of features and options that include:

Illustrated Trading Guide with detailed system instructions.

Trade Indicator with entry signals.

Trading Template for quick chart set-up.

Continuous Email Support

Continuous Software Updates

Supra Forex Expert Advisor is a unique trading software program that is not a Forex Robot. Unlike similar systems or manual trading, which requires long hours of market analysis and interaction, this expert advisor only needs 30 minutes from your busy schedule during the week to help you generate large profit returns. The creators include trading chart examples that show where Supra Forex Expert Advisor was able to make successful trades.

Supra Forex is not an automated trading system, and therefore requires input from the investor. This is important for many traders who feel uncomfortable allowing a software program to make all market decisions for them. After paying a one-time fee, you are provided with a username and password that allows you to use the system from any computer location with internet access. Additionally, all software updates are provided to you at no extra cost.

Compatibility with different trading platforms.

Ability to trade with up to 21 different currency pairs.

Excellent risk/reward ratio.

Free and continuous updates.

Free ebooks to enhance trading understanding.

BankingFX System is a unique software program that analyzes today's most popular expert advisors, including the FapTurbo Forex Robot. The BankingFx program is able to monitor pip spreads in different market environments to ensure your expert advisor and Forex broker are performing as advertised. The system has a simple installation and begins working immediately to analyze and monitor the bid-ask spread. This is the amount of pips between what the broker makes you to purchase a currency pair or sell or currency pair.

If this important spread is widened significantly, profits can be lost. Individuals who are sensitive to the bid-ask spread will enjoy this tool, as it has the option of analyzing historical bid-ask spreads from the year 1999. I believe this tool should only be purchased by individuals with a good grasp of Forex trading, and by people who are trading with a lot of capital.

LMT Forex Formula is a new Forex trading strategy, formula, and guide that was recently introduced to the Forex trading community. LMT stands for Low - Maintenance - Trading, and is the brain child of Dean Saunders. Dean writes about how he began trading at age 16 w ith the assistance of his parents, and by age 25, was able to devise unique strategies and formulas for independent Forex traders.

Ever since I heard about it from a friend, I have been testing the expert advisor on my practice account ever since. Even though the results that I have seen aren't exactly what the website said they'd be, I've been able to generate substantial profit returns.

Unlike ordinary automated Expert Advisor, L-M-T Forex Formula provides software guidance in the form of identifying price movements, trends, and interpreting data. This expert advisor is not fully automated, allowing you to have additional control with each trade. Many people, such as myself, find it comforting to have some control over where my hard earned cash goes. The homepage includes actual users that were able to make significant profits with L-M-T formula on the market. Additionally, this expert advisor comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee.

The Forex Revolution project is an open platform with multiple Expert Advisors that were created by David Heath, an experienced and successful Forex trader, former funds manager, and personal market strategist. His ideas have resulted in several new and innovative expert advisor products that use a combination of his skills, technical analysis understanding, and six year Forex market experience to ensure profitable trading in all types of market conditions.

What makes the Forex Revolution particularly useful is that the expert advisor products include different abilities, including fully automated and scalpable systems. A scalping strategy involves the purchase and sale of a particular currency pair in a very short period of time. This trading approach is basically the opposite of log-term trading, which not focused on short-term market fluctuations.

You have the option of either purchasing Forex Revolution expert advisor directly, or paying for a year membership. All transactions take place through a reputable affiliate company, which has a standard a 60 day money-back guarantee.

Forex Automoney Expert Advisor makes currency trading both simple and fun. The company introduced the expert advisor over two years ago, and thousands of people from around the world are enjoying significant profits. With increased currency price movements in the market, and continued global economic volatility the opportunity to make serious gains continues.

Forex Automoney Expert Advisor simplifies the trading process with a simple user interface for Forex traders with all types of backgrounds and experience. The program designers pride themselves in the underlying technical and mathematical formulas that provide you with signals on the appropriate times to buy or sell a specific currency pair.

Broker Nightmare Review

is a brand new product that will revolutionize the market.

It truelly is your forex brokers greatest nightmare. It makes sure that they don't cheat you on your live accounts and protects your well earned money!

Even though the creator of No Name Bot (Julia) is not willing to reveal her full identity yet I already got a sneak peak at her expert advisor. The reason she gave me a version before releasing it to the public is because I know her personally.

The No Name Bot is a very unique expert advisor that uses the One Way Leverage System (OWL). Using this method it is able to adapt itself to different market conditions allowing me to minimize losses and maximize profits.

Over the long term, the aim of this robot is to provide near flawless trading results. It also sends regular emails to me regarding the trades that it is making, and its email notification technology has definitely been superior to the standard one provided by the Metatrader trading platform.

Julia decided to use her knowledge in forex trading together with her programming capabilities (she has a second degree in computer sciences) to build her own independent robot. For now, this robot trades best using 15 minute charts of the EUR/CHF. The other brand new technology used by this expert advisor is the APAI algorithm (a real time price action investigation algorithm).

Check out a full review of the No Name Bot here at:

Dean Sanders, a nine year veteran of the Forex trading, has created powerful breakout systems that teach you how to take advantage of price movements in all types of market conditions. Unlike typical trading systems and expert advisors that emphasize the importance of indicators, Forex Wealth Builder focuses on proven strategies that elite traders continue to use to create wealth and generate huge profit returns.

The main ideas behind Dan Sander's Forex Wealth Builder System is that limited daily activity and a long-term strategy is the best way to ensure successful currency trading. Instead of market behavior based on technical indicators a lone, I learned from this system how to understand price trends and make better investment decisions. Just as it is important to know what to do while trading in an active market, Forex Wealth Builder also teaches you when to completely remove yourself from the market. This is important, especially with so many unknowns that occur on a weekly basis.

According to Sander's, this system allows individuals the following advantages:

Free time to enjoy the benefits of life.

Not having to rely on sluggish indicators.

Learning when to opt out of the market.

Forex trading without unnecessary stress.

Being able to independently make consistent returns.

Maybe you have a killer idea how to make your own Expert Advisor but just don't know how to code it. If you are such a person than speak with experts at developing Expert Advisors: Visit the MQL custom coding page for more details.

Download and install MetaTrader 4 :

Start using a demo trading account - it's completely free.

To automate MetaTrader 4, place your Expert Advisor file (.ex4 ending) in the "experts" folder while MetaTrader is not running:

C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\expertsStart MT4.

Now Drag and drop the icon of the EA to the chart you want to run it on. If you did everything right you will see a tiny smiling face at the top right hand corner of the chart with the name of the Expert Advisor program that you are running next to it.

If you have any questions or comments or you think that I missed a high quality Expert Advisor product than feel free to contact me at:

In the subject write - MT4 Expert Advisor

I have years of experience with MetaTrader and have made quite a lot of money using commercial Expert Advisors and custom scripts.

Enjoy and good luck with the trading.


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